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Tom Hill Seeds, reports please...



hey there :D

i got gifted a few beans - thanks cloneman :wave: of the PTK/scbb x PTK and SSH x PTK.

they are now looking like this:

first the PTK/scbb x PTK

next the ssh x PTK

nice with this thread - i can maybe post my grow report for the cloneman project. (hey dude - the project is still going strong - no "rip" here man.) and on top we are going to make some crosses later on with these and the dc crosses i got from raco (x18 x dc (bone #19 hehe - raco :wave: ), PTK x DC , DC x DC and original special mix - some future day im going to have LOTS of fun hehe.

peace all


ran dc from cedar great stuff large leaf set
deep creek has managable leafs and dc buds!
miss ya buddy hope your good. peace


New member
Great shot, Elkslayer and good to see some familiar faces. ;)

I just finished 2 female Deep ChunK and 1 MIGHTY DC male. I also have 4 PTK's vegging now. The DC is THE most GORGEOUS plant I've seen so far. Hindu Death Cabbage, for sure.:D lol Deep purple calyxes and trim leaves. Wonderfully refinded flavor AND high! I'm looking forward to the crosses I'm making with both the DC and PTK. Good luck to all on their grows.



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Hey WBB,good to see you ;)
Hindu Kush=Hindu Death
(afaik) :woohoo:


where did you hear that from raco?

i was always under the assumption that hindu death was aka deep chunk, monkey balls, and cabbage :confused:

where's your info from? just curious thats all :) :) :)
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Hi Captain,
As far as I know,Hindu Kush means Hindu Death...that is
The Indians had to choose between fighting the afghan tribes,(kalash i.e.) or falling in the vacum....they died by the thousands I believe.....:D:D:D
EDIT:Foget about Kalash ppl,they live by Chitral...perhaps the afridis or pashtun...don´t know for sure
but "Kush" means "death",I believe
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hehehe thanks for the input..never knew that but i will look for where i heard the other, it was here somewhere gimme a few :)
be well




hey raco :joint: x-18 :D

also as well-cured as the dc and the special mix i got gifted (thanks :D) only the outdoor bud had a slight tickle in the throat - but it was also a very smooth smoke.

it was a really nice smoke - subtle flavour with hints of spices like cinnamon, i think i discribed this one as having a light apple/pear flavour and citric tones and a massive high if i dont remember wrong - i think it was this one we agreed on beeing of medical qualities - its a numbing stone - makes u feel good allover and definetly should take away pain..

the buds itself are hard nugs - like little balls of hash more than normal buds - so much trichs.. one nug fluffed up enormously when breaking it up.

i wish i did have saved the smoke-report post i did on overgrow :badday: - since my memory aint all that good :( and the "impressionist" way of how i write down the flavours as im smoking makes it dificult to remember all the conections my brain made - especially after trying 3 different tom hill strains in one go hehe - i was mashed to say the least hehe

if u saved it (hope u did - or someone hehe) post it :D

atleast i saved the pics ;)

peace man :D


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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Left:TomHill´s X-18 from seed
Center front:Mother´s Finest (cutting)
Center back:ACE´s Panama (cuttings)
Left:TomHill´s Special Mix
Hi Veda Beta,
I´m building a mother from an indoor cutting of X-18.I kick myself in the butt because I killed the 3 X-18 males...but still have a few seeds left,and I´m going to try to make another generation.I´ve crossed the indoor female with a DC male (indoor),ande the outdoor girl (see pic),with one outdoor DC male...also the Special Mix girls,and the PTK´s....can´t wait to grow them all!!


looks pretty awesome.

had a lot of luck running monkeyballs outdoors from seed, imho one of the best buds out there


go for it raco :D the x-18 is sure an interesting cross - a bit of a mystery strain :D hehe

the special mix looks really nice - a huge long cogollo :D

i hope to soon se how some of the PTK crosses behave i a friends outdoor grow - u guys must remember TIMBO from overgrow. he recieved some cuts for his project.

peace :D
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
both are old cuttings from seeds started on April,18.I transplanted them yesterday :joint:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
A couple PTK cuttings re-vegged and rootbounded to the max. :joint:
This plant is really hard to kill!!