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Tom Hill Haze

Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Man as a european I have read so many times about how strong skunks smell that I might have to travel to the US just to stick my nose in a skunk's asshole to see for myself what the fuss is all about ☢️:sick:☢️
I live in the country here in Texas and we have our share. I'll trap one and let you do yo thang.....as long as I can film it TikTok style.

Even throw in an armadillo that met Smith and Wesson one night.


Old Uncle Ben

Well-known member
Nevil never sold Pure Haze publicly

But he did sell BC HzB x HzC
HzC2. Privately

I asked Sams this question privately long ago . He said Nevils Haze , I don't believe.he Assumed Nevils Haze was pure Haze

But I believe the agreement was not to cross 2 varieties from Sams . HzA x Nl5 X HzC

If i recall Nevil had a few hybrids with both parents from Sams

I tried publicly and privately to have those 2 Legends Air it out on the forums . It's still upsetting it never happened. We should all take it a lesson. Sams is not in the best health Nevil is not here

I stress the importance of listening to and making the opportunity to learn from the experiences of our Elders . I still feel the same as I did when I joined . That's why it bothered some my intense Questioning . But I'm still here still asking Questions

But truth is it brought fourth my Article , Fact is probably 50% Nevil Haze post and revelations were in Response to me direct or Not

You're really hooked on the legend I see. Trust me, it isn't worth it.

Time to move on........

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
The funny thing is that all of Nevil's Haze comes from 5 germinated seeds? 😶 And in the end only Haze A and Haze C remained.🤔
That is not my understanding. This is from directly from Nevil, on the Mr Nice forum:

"The Haze seeds I got from Sam were grown in America in 69/70. I got them in the mid 80's. All of my Haze came from these seeds of which I was saying I got 7 plants. I was hoping that Sam would come out with something good from his remaining seeds, he never did and to my knowledge, nor did anyone else. The only good haze that hit the market was from two males A and C.

Hz C male produced 5Hz1 which won a Cup or 2, this was a daughter of NL5 which won a cup. 5Hz1 when crossed with Sk1x HzC produced Silver Haze which won a Cup. Ben renamed it Jack Herrer. Somebody else renamed it Diesel. 5HzC X Sk1Hz C was not as good as 5Hz1. Mango Haze (5Hz122)is a full sister to 5Hz1 and these two were the best out of tens of thousands.

Haze A produced 5HzA2 (5A2) and was featured on the cover of the 1990 catalogue and is the mother of Nevil's Haze, the father being HzC.
If you are smoking any good Haze, I'll bet you London to a brick that it comes from Haze A or Hz C or both...."

In addition to this:

" I don't know what other seed breeders are doing, but let me ask you this, if the '69 haze seeds grown in the U.S. is the only source of real haze, and I could only get 6 to germinate in 85/86. and Sam, for all his bluster, hasn't come up with the goods from the last of those seeds, how could anyone come up with viable seed in 2000?"

I'm starting to agree with @Old Uncle Ben... Hz is just a generic term for a broad category of cannabis, that share similar characteristics, but with such old and disperate stories of its origin, as to not really mean anything specific until you grow it and or smoke it. :)


Active member
No lo entiendo así. Esto viene directamente de Nevil, del foro de Mr Nice:

"Las semillas Haze que me dio Sam se cultivaron en Estados Unidos en los años 69 y 70. Las conseguí a mediados de los 80. Todas mis Haze procedían de estas semillas, de las que decía que había obtenido 7 plantas. Tenía la esperanza de que Sam sacara algo bueno de las semillas que le quedaban, pero nunca lo hizo y, por lo que yo sé, nadie más lo hizo. La única Haze buena que llegó al mercado fue de dos machos A y C.

El macho Hz C produjo 5Hz1, que ganó una o dos copas; esta era una hija de NL5, que ganó una copa. Cuando se cruzó 5Hz1 con Sk1x HzC, se produjo Silver Haze, que ganó una copa. Ben lo rebautizó como Jack Herrer. Alguien más lo rebautizó como Diesel. 5HzC X Sk1Hz C no fue tan bueno como 5Hz1. Mango Haze (5Hz122) es una hermana completa de 5Hz1 y estos dos fueron los mejores entre decenas de miles.

Haze A produjo 5HzA2 (5A2) y apareció en la portada del catálogo de 1990 y es la madre de Nevil's Haze, siendo el padre HzC.
Si fumas alguna buena Haze, te apuesto lo que vale Londres a que proviene de Haze A o Hz C o ambas...

Además de esto:

"No sé qué están haciendo otros cultivadores de semillas, pero déjame preguntarte esto: si las semillas Haze de 1969 cultivadas en los EE. UU. son la única fuente de Haze real, y solo pude lograr que germinaran 6 en 1985/86, y Sam, a pesar de toda su fanfarronería, no ha logrado lo que se espera de las últimas semillas, ¿cómo podría alguien crear semillas viables en el año 2000?"

Estoy empezando a estar de acuerdo con @Old Uncle Ben... Hz es solo un término genérico para una amplia categoría de cannabis, que comparte características similares, pero con historias tan antiguas y dispersas sobre su origen, que en realidad no significa nada específico hasta que lo cultivas y/o lo fumas.:)

Donald Mallard

el duck
With all the Thai experienced in in this thread, not a single one of you had mentioned the Choclate Thai aka Buddha Thai circulating in 1981, in 1982 ?
as far as i know , there was nothing in thailand called that ,
it seems america is the only place that knows of this stuff ,
im not sure thais even have a word for chocolate , i e a thai word ,
if anyone is sure of this id like to hear of it and be corrected ??

this was probably stuff that was named in america ....

i know in oz we just got what was called buddha sticks , and golden buddha ,
in the early 90s we got some compressed stuff that i later figure came from the later grows in Laos after they stopped the larger commercial stuff in Thailand ,
i never came across anything called chocolate thai , only ever heard that from you guys ...

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Nevil never sold Pure Haze publicly

But he did sell BC HzB x HzC
HzC2. Privately

I asked Sams this question privately long ago. He said Nevils Haze, I don't believe.he Assumed Nevils Haze was pure Haze

But I believe the agreement was not to cross 2 varieties from Sams. HzA x Nl5

If I recall Nevil had a few hybrids with both parents from Sams

Post below from SamS
I gave and showed Nevile his first Haze, it was in 1984 and it was seeds. I gave him a clone the next year, my worst Haze, I gave him my worst because I didn't trust him, he promised to only make new hybrids with the haze, and not with my varieties like the other parent. He broke his promise from him and I was glad I only gave him my worst haze, as he was soon making pure haze as well as all my other varieties, so much for a promise from Neville...
The Haze Bros never came to Holland, never gave Neville seeds or clones, the Haze Bros never even grew with clones! Neville got the Haze from me.

I tried publicly and privately to have those 2 Legends Air it out on the forums. It's still upsetting it never happened. We should all take it a lesson. Sams is not in the best health Nevil is not here

I stress the importance of listening to and making the opportunity to learn from the experiences of our Elders. I still feel the same as I did when I joined. That's why it bothered some my intense Questioning. But I'm still here still asking Questions

But truth is it brought fourth my Article, Fact is probably 50% Nevil Haze post and revelations were in Response to me direct or Not

Thank you, that was _exactly_ the information I was looking for.:thank you:

I haven't been able to find _any_ source commercially where Nevil was selling pure Hz.

I've bumped into your nym, at least I think it's you, on the Mr Nice forum from my research on NL. If my memory serves correctly, which is a big question these days ;), you're a knowledgable, reasonable and logical person... respect.



Well-known member
Funny thing is that most skunky smelling plant I had was one phenotype of White Rhino from Nirvana seeds. I had bud in zipper, that zipper was inside plastic box with screwable lid - I still could feel that stinky shit from inside :) This is supposed to be cross of White Widow and Maple Leaf Indica. Maybe theres something about it :D

But dont say to Medman :D :D :D

I grew also Ancient Skunk from Sam - that release sold via Chimera's shop few years ago (100 seeds bags due to low germination ratio). Ended up with nearly 8 females, 5 of them fruity smelling, stony high, average high, (one plant higher smoke quality - based on my standards - she was longest flowering from those fruity ones). 2 plants were leathery smelling but these were crap - early flowering, oily rosin, not sticky at all, awful taste of smoke. I burned them in garden in fireplace. One plant - most sativa looking and longest flowering from all of them was absolut hay. I was looking forward for thisone, she looked realy promissing. She grew perfect, tall plant with few leaves and chunky hairy big buds with nice rosin coverage. It was supposed to be super easy trimming. I also kept a clone. Postponed another run by 3 weeks because of this bitch.....
Well, she ended up in fireplace of course.
I've thrown 99% if what I have grown in the bin and I have grown a shitload of seeds over the years. I don't have any attachment and I'm ruthless,if I find a better one than my least favorite then it takes its place and it goes in the bin and so on ,I'm in it for the best plants I can find,there's no money in it anymore so that's all that matters.I don't care about looks ,smells or yield either,I want truly wicked,enlightening,uncommon cerebral potency ,stability, and staying power . Something I want to smoke and get excited about time after time.


Well-known member
as far as i know , there was nothing in thailand called that ,
it seems america is the only place that knows of this stuff ,
im not sure thais even have a word for chocolate , i e a thai word ,
if anyone is sure of this id like to hear of it and be corrected ??

this was probably stuff that was named in america ....

i know in oz we just got what was called buddha sticks , and golden buddha ,
in the early 90s we got some compressed stuff that i later figure came from the later grows in Laos after they stopped the larger commercial stuff in Thailand ,
i never came across anything called chocolate thai , only ever heard that from you guys ...
Didn't DJ Short name it or something?


Active member
Nevil never sold Pure Haze publicly

But he did sell BC HzB x HzC
HzC2. Privately

I asked Sams this question privately long ago . He said Nevils Haze , I don't believe.he Assumed Nevils Haze was pure Haze

But I believe the agreement was not to cross 2 varieties from Sams . HzA x Nl5 X HzC

If i recall Nevil had a few hybrids with both parents from Sams

Post below from SamS
I gave and showed Nevile his first Haze, it was in 1984 and it was seeds. I gave him a clone the next year, my worst Haze, I gave him my worst because I did not trust him, he promised to only make new hybrids with the haze, and not with my varieties as the other parent. He broke his promise and I was glad I only gave him my worst haze, as he was soon making pure haze as well as all my other varieties, so much for a promise from Neville...
The Haze Bros never came to Holland, never gave Neville seeds or clones, the Haze Bros never even grew with clones! Neville got the Haze from me.

I tried publicly and privately to have those 2 Legends Air it out on the forums . It's still upsetting it never happened. We should all take it a lesson. Sams is not in the best health Nevil is not here

I stress the importance of listening to and making the opportunity to learn from the experiences of our Elders . I still feel the same as I did when I joined . That's why it bothered some my intense Questioning . But I'm still here still asking Questions

But truth is it brought fourth my Article , Fact is probably 50% Nevil Haze post and revelations were in Response to me direct or Not

Si bueno, Sam dijo que la Haze de Nevil venía de él y Nevil que venía de otro sitio... Lo de la peor Haze no se entiende 🫨😵‍💫


Chasing the Present
Did you clone that?
Haha - 3 hours ago And in a few more days here I’ll clip off most his arms top 2 feet, put in a vase w water, on top 2’x2’ glass & just let it drop over a few weeks, collect & store his pollen too, that’ll last at least 5 + years in freezer vacuumed sealed
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