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To all heavy chronic smokers


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ICMag Donor
i found sats like durban brilliant for development, no drag, pure mental calm clarity and focus to pull off 14 hour days where you get up to pee twice. maybe it's the thc-v.

i love trying to code with real mnemonic impediments.. super slow, but unless i get so wasted that i crap the document, it's super reliable code.. i love feeling the clunk, damn, can't remember a thing, have to look at it *again* feeling.. lets me know i'm stoned. more fun than a rollercoaster.

It can work that way for me too if I'm writing something on my own. I have more problems trying to debug and maintain code that 50 other developers have worked on over the years. Trying to keep track of dozens of components in a distributed network, each component having dozens of classes, it's a lot to have in your head all at once.

C99 has been my favorite for coding while high. I'm taking a little break from growing at the moment, but I'm planning an all sativa grow from seed for my next garden.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Depending on the pot and amounts smoked, I can have terrible short term memory problems. There was a period when I only had memory voiding smoke and was overdoing it. Whenever I walked across the property to get something I'd have forgotten what I was there for. Luckily there were so many things that needed doing that I just accepted it and started on another project where ever I was at. Eventually the projects got done, but I sure spent a lot of time looking for my tape measure. Finally I just bought a dozen of the things so there was usually one available where ever I was at.


Active member
when I'm high i'm pretty forgetful. I've left whole chickens on the grill overnight. Otherwise I'm pretty sharp. I would say I have a better memory than most, and I'm pretty accomplished. I should probably quit getting high. :joint:


Active member
Shit...it depends on how medicated I am..

Edibles....yeah...say goodbye to that memory....

I forgot to take the steaks outta the freezer yesterday compliments of a canna-rice crispy square....Went down SPECIFICALLY for the steaks.....got pre-occupied by something....2 hours later my wife was like "wheres the Steaks".....and I was "FUCK...damn squares"
I smoked daily for 20 years and took 2.5 years off from cannabis. During the break I paid attention to see if it felt like things were different. I can say for me nothing seemed any different other than my back hurt a ton more. I felt there was no difference in my memory, mood, feelings, etc. I started back a couple of years ago and feel better from less pain. I feel there has been no change in my memory.

Hank Hemp

Active member
:yeahthats stoned
I started smoking 45 years ago this March 14th. I remember Nam like it was yesterday. People's names, units whatever. I've forgotten less important things since then. Pushing 65 I guess I should be though. :ying:

Bob Green

The biggest problem I have with my memory seems to be lack of sleep and heavy stress. Also if I smoke early in the morning before the morning fog clears from my brain. If I excercise after smoking it healps a great deal. I also work from a list and do brain excercises quite a bit.

In the past four years I have had to quit for half of the time. Before that I was a daily smoker for around 20 years. Between being able to pass a hair folicule test to smoking about an OZ a month I could tell quite a bit of difference. The biggest being that I am more anti social when I smoke. I am more stuck talking to myself then talking and listening. Its hard to listen to people, retain the info, then remember it for later when I have it layered with ideas from my own thoughts. Now I learned to take quick notes onmy own ideas and concenrate on what is around me a bit more. That and taking notes on important conversations-events. Organization is key. That said I am a natural quiet introvert that happens to be a popular person with a highly social job always meeting new people, seeing old ones.

But I do think insomnia is 1000 times worse. I went through a few years with only about 1.5-3 hours of sleep per day. The alarm was always going off and I never knew if it was night or day. That screwed with my memory a lot.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
This thread doesn't distinguish between short-term and long-term memory. The memory loss reported with smoking is only for short term recall. I think it's not that the files have been deleted, but that they never got properly stored in the first place. Smoking pot doesn't cause the stored files to be thrown out.
My short term memory is mashed, totally mashed but its a family trait mother and brother the same without weed. Maybe a trait in so many that it was just another hype against weed :)
I smoke it like John Wayne on tobacco and my long term memory is far 'better' than theirs
Bad shit memories are much easier to quickly forget with weed aswell
And now if forgotten what else I was going to say, must've been a lie :)

I do think no matter what you have to fill your mind with new stuff as much as poss, even 2 give us all something to think about while in those homes/jails at the end lol ye rite


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
For me, the only thing that works is taking notes. I know what kinds of information I'm likely to forget and I always write it down. Things like names dates numbers etc.


Well-known member
EIGHT concussions? son of a BITCH, I'm proud of you for just being able to remember how to log in here with us! that said, yeah, the days of smoking dawn to dark (oz+ a week) are not notable for the memories associated with them now. other folks tell me that I seemed to be enjoying myself, though...:huggg:
Read a medical study on this turns out marijuana stimulates production of a substance in your brain it's role is to help you forget or make you forget useless information. Why would your brain need to forget useless information ? well Dr. used this example, why would you want to take the subway to work and later remember every single face you saw on the way to work ? Also Dr. talked about this memory cache clearing usually happens when you leave one room and enter another which in my case seems to be quite accurate I can set out to get say my ph pen from another room and soon as I go into another room guess what. If you have a serious issue try switching to what you don't normally smoke if your an indica type try switching it up and go sativa maybe.
I never dream while smoking but if I have a few days off then WOW its like vivid as hell brilliant and scary and lots of them :) my only fun part of not smoking it :)
I agree with the taking notes. I'm not a super heavy smoker but I work with some people who don't take anything not even aspirin and their memory is like a 90 year old woman! Everybody is wired differently. I think taking time to stimulate and keep your brain active really helps.


I have mb 2-3 concussions in my life, smoke a lot, not huge but a lot, and sometimes i have memory problems.

P.S. Completely agree with all that other say before - u need just to stimulate ur brain )


Ripped since 1965
Smoked 50 years now. Never forgot anything until I got old. Only damn things I forget is where I stashed money, dope, guns and my god damned truck keys. Every few months I have to do a complete shakedown of my house, garage, outbuilding and the entire property including all holes where I buried stuff at one time or another. Takes like 3 days to do a proper search. I even use metal detectors as I've been searching for some damn AR-15s and ammo I hid in some hole 10 years ago. It's irritating and fun at the same time, especially when I find a wad of cash I had no idea I hid years back. Anybody seen those fucking truck keys? What were we talking about again?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've been a chronic smoker for 25 years and can remember things more clearly than anybody in my family. I choose not to remember trivial things like phone numbers and names of people at parties that I will never see again. I prioritize funny life stories and important family members stories like a photograph. Anything else is not worth remembering and gets deleted. :)

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