Well, I came back for a bit, but I can't stay. It makes me pretty sad, but I know it is best. This has been so lonely......so many people in the world, and we can't shake the loneliness. Sometimes you crave the comfort of what you know. I have known IC for 8 years. When I have been sad, all I needed to do was log on, and I would feel better. I went through so much here, with so many of you. I miss that, but that is my old life, and my old life is gone. I probably should have never shown myself again, but old habits, die hard. It is the holidays, and they always make me.......I dunno, they just do something to me. To say this has been a tough time, is not even close to what it has been like. Talk about a nightmare. I REALLY need an IC connection....so that is why I came on again. I am scared, and I feel so alone......even with you know who beside me. I can't really talk to him about it, cause right now, he is dealing with all he can handle. His blood sugar has been harder than usual to control. Before things went to shit, I had noticed a small lump in my left breast. I had gone to see the doc, as I was 2 years out from my last bout with the big C, and the hysterectomy. I had a mammogram scheduled for after I got back from a party in the mountains.......only I never went back. Well, this was about a year ago. The lump hasn't gone away, it doesn't hurt, and it has only gotten a lil bigger, and it isn't free floating. But, you know who, felt it the other day, for the 1st time. I am not afraid of it being cancer, in a way, I almost pray that it is, I would finally have peace. I can't help anyone, not my family, not my friends, not the patients I had.....I am a fucking curse, and I feel useless. I had leukemia as a child, and alot of my friends didn't make it back then. I vowed everytime someone passed, that I would live for them, all of us kids did that. I have tried to live a good and ethical life, and help people, just because I can. Because I am still here, and some amazing kids are not, I alwys felt it was my responsibility to help those suffering, to bring some happiness and positivity to the lives I can. I vowed that when I didn't die, but good kids did. I think I lived up to those vows. At least I pray that the kids that went before me, knew they didn't go and were just forgotten. Someone was trying to live a good life for them, and the fact that they couldn't. So now, not being able to help anybody, not being able to have a positive impact on anything, has really gotten me down. And the lump isn't helping either. Like I said, it will be ok for me, if it is the big C. I worry about you know who. Such a strong individual, dealing with his horrible disease for 22 years, as well as the loss we endured. But we have endured together, and now I see a new fear in his eyes. I mean I have never seen him so scared, and I hate myself for that. I know that what he felt in my breast the other day, is the reason he is so afraid. I hate myself, because if it is the big C, I will leave him alone. I don't have the means, or even a doctor anymore, to try to fight this. I don't have the strength anymore. I used to be strong, but all the reasons I had to fight, are no longer a part of my life. I feel like if I am gone, my kids can at least have closure, know that I am at peace. The kids have seen the RSD cripple me from pain, and that I would no longer have to endure that. I know that knowing I am not suffering anymore, would bring the some peace. The only loose string, is you know who. I worry so for him. I NEEDED to come to the one place where I have always found acceptance and support. IC is my family, and sometimes you just need that hug, that only can be found here. I just wish things were back to good. This is a dark place to be, but there have been a few beacons of light. There are a few people here that have been the KINDEST of people, and the blessing of them, has sometimes been all that we had to see us through, some of the bleakest of days. They are living angels, and just knowing they are there, means more than I can ever express. Sometimes a familiar voice means everything. I haven't given up, I am just having a rough time right now....the holidays and all. I have to somehow pick myself up, and keep moving. That is why I came back here again. The lil shot in the arm, that is all of my friends, you, is alot. I don't want anybody to feel badly....positivity is what we need. And no matter what happens to me, pray for you know who. He is the most decent person I have ever had the honor to know, and so very deserving of happiness. Pray for my amazingly strong children. The chaos that I have brought to their lives, haunts me. Sometimes I cry, and I can't stop, but my tears don't fix anything. I have always looked for lemonade when I got lemons, and I still find so many things to be positive about, they are just bittersweet now. I know, more than most, how precious life is. I value it, but I am so scared now. Scared because I may have something bad, and I know I just have to let it play out, and see what happens. Scared, because I am not afraid to die, would almost welcome the peace. Scared beause I would leave my very best friend, my other half...and he isn't ready. Scared because the beauty that are my children, would never be in my arms again. Obviously y'all can tell I am in a bad way....so please pray for my family......if they can just be alright. And always be positive for each other.....if we are a strong united front, they can't get us all. Best of luck in all your endeavors...you are all saints for the work you do, and your rewards shall be many. I think of my IC family and keep you in light and positivity and love, in my heart. Sorry if this brings anyone down, but it is how I am feeling, and no matter what I feel, when I come here, I always feel a lil better, and I know I will not be judged, just heard. Thank you....................