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Three pounds from five plants?


In last month’s High Time’s “Pot 40,” one of the things said “3 pounds from 5 plants in 15 gallon containers White Widow.” So I googled it and found nothing supporting the stats which is funny since I thought the Pot 40 was supposed to be the top 40 things that people submit.

My grow last year was 6 plants, two in ground, two in 2 gallon pots, and two rootbound in 2 gallon pots. I came out with a measley 5 ounces, and I want pounds this year.

Anyone able to get 3 pounds from 5 plants in 15 gallon containers? Which strains? Right now, I’ve got two 6 inch Urkel clones, 1 6 inch lavender clone, and 5 bagseed strains germed and now in soil. I’ll also have some seeds coming from BCBud any week now.
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Smoke weed and prosper
did they mention how much they kept the plants in veg, how often they watered, how well they were fed and how tall they got? did they by any chance mention the genetics?

the following one is a personal cross that a friend grew. he said he harvested around a pound



It said nothing about the amount of time in veg but it said it was White Widow or White Russian. I forget, now that i think about it.


Gantz said:
supercropping, fim-ing ???? SCROG? any of these techniques?

The thing in the pot 40 pretty much said just what I put above in quotations. That's all. That's why I googled it to get more information but couldn't find anything. That's why I started the thread.

Last year, I seemed to average about an ounce per gallon pot used using no advanced techniques. It was my first grow.


Smoke weed and prosper
well... a big harvest comes from a big plant. a big plant is grown with some nutrients and a lot of water. but that's not all. the big plant needs to feed and to feed its big body it needs a big, healthy root system...the bigger it is the better. from what i have learned roots grow very well in a light mix that let's them breathe. a longer veg season would make them even bigger.
harvest enhancing techniques like the ones i mentioned in the previous post should make the plant even bigger.


Hey jon

Ive consistently gotten 10-12 oz out of 5 gallon buckets so gosh a 15 gallon bucket in my mind would grow over a lb. And 3lbs from 5 white widows? Thats probably the upper end of potential for that strain to say the least but not really extreme. Ive never grown the white russion so I dont know what size the plant it is.

Just like any other grow situation,and with all things being equal, yield usually depends on the strain in my view. .


I know you're a mod and everything but I dont see how its a silly thread. It was in the High Times Pot 40 so obviously people were emailing the line to the magazine and I was interested.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I believe why WAMEN says this is a silly thread is because so many variables come into play. Growing pot usually isn't as easy as saying, I'll grow 3 pounds from 5 plants.

It tends to be as complicated as factoring in sunlight, temps, humidity, nutrients, pot size/in ground, when they were put outside, when they were harvested, weather, latitude... I think that covers all the aspects. With 10 variables there you have so many combinations that it isn't possible to have a straight answer. I could tell you the ideal conditions.

Direct sun light, temps in the 70-80s, RH 40-60%, Nutrients... thats subjective (I like organics), 15 gallon pots or in the ground (amended), put them out early May, make sure they get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight. You'll yield 3 pounds for sure.

I put 3 plants out early july once, they got about 3' tall when finished and I got a lb. They were in direct sunlight the entire day and the temps were good.

Sorry I don't have more info about the Pot 40 statement...


Active member
direct sunlight is the most important thing, water and nutes is the second most important thing and genetics is the third most important thing
sweet purple from "paradise seed" is supposed to yield about 1 pound and the strain afgan poison from "high grade seeds" will grow 15 feet tall and yield 1 pound of weed.
High grade seeds is actually a very good candian seed company and have strains like ak47 and white russian and black pearl black queen white widow.....im to stoned to bother to add anymore....

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
pow monster said:
sweet purple from "paradise seed" is supposed to yield about 1 pound and the strain afgan poison from "high grade seeds" will grow 15 feet tall and yield 1 pound of weed.
High grade seeds is actually a very good candian seed company and have strains like ak47 and white russian and black pearl black queen white widow.....im to stoned to bother to add anymore....

While I'll agree with you that some strains yield more then others, I don't think its as simple as saying, grow this strain and you'll get a pound. If your conditions are ideal, the strain is one the least important things to worry about. All that matters is the strain is something you like to smoke and that it will do well in your environment (I.E. finish in time, be mold resistant in the tropics, ect ect).


Active member
i dont post here much. but decided to look around again here. in california or the pacific north west, in mostly full sun i got over a lb per plant with purple kush in 20gal bags. they were shaded by larger plants and a building (in the late afternoon).
i feed on a drip irrigation every day. giving each plant bout 5gallons of water and organic nutrient (age old organics).
2lbs a plant isnt undoable in 20gal bags, so a lb a plant is average for 15gal pots.
i dont top, dont supercrop, fim, lst or ne thing. i use clones, veg inside for a week or 2, plant may 10-15th. i use a Mixer/proportioner inline and they get a 30:1 dilution ratio everyday till the last 2 weeks.
hope that helps ya.


Hey Jon,

Jon I don't think your thread is silly. Ideas and questions and the ability to discuss them are how we learn and grow as farmers. Its also the reason I joined so that I could discuss different opinions.

Gorrila container growing is a science that doesnt get much airing and the people skilled at it arent posting on line. Ive been studying it for years and wished there had been someone to ask and bounce ideas off of over the years.. Around my county, I have 8, 5 gallon containers buried, all in differnet locations . No matter what happens in the year, Im going to have 3-4 lbs of smoke. Containers are my insurance plan, but they are also vital to growers in areas where nothing would otherwise grow. Mountain sides and rocky slopes, heavy clay, swampy, all can be grown with containers. You just have to know how.

Wamen is wrong, because Gantz is wrong. (Please don't take offense fellows, you're usually right and I'm certainly not questioning your skills. You're just wrong on this point). It sounds logical that big plants produce big and they do, but in a bucket that huge root system can cause you real problems come august, the very time you don't need problems. Smaller statured heavy producers are much better strains than the big strains. Northern lights is a good bucket strain. KC36 is a small structured plant that will produce a pound in a bucket. Skunk X NL varieties yield big. Critical mass, Hashberry. I could and will if asked, put together a list of smaller statured plants that produce heavily.
Big strains such as KC33, Jack Herrer, Hollands hope will grow up big initially with lots of vegatative growth that the bucket size cant support during flowering. Yield gets reduced to below the level you would have achieved had you grown smaller, denser strains.

If Mr. Celcius is right, and he often is, that Wamen thinks this is silly because there are so many variables to be considered then let me say this. I hear that all the time and it puzzles me. Surely as growers, we all agree that cannabis, each and every strain without there ever being an exception, requires significant sunshine, moisture, certains soil conditions and other aspect of feeding. Why are these considered variables? They are not. They apply to all strains and should be considered baselines, NOT variables.

The only real variables are the strain and its characteristics and your behavior in how you respond to the needs of the plant. All other variables are fixed within a range.

Further Jon, there are a great number of other conditions that can be explored with your containers. Root binding done properly can cut more than a week off of a strain. In fact, with bucket farming techniques, such a rootbinding and shading, a grower can cut as much as 2 weeks off of the final mature date. Gorilla container growing has its place and is a science to be studied.

One other attribute of gorrilla container growing and then Ill get off of my soapbox. ( Im sorry Jon). Several years ago, I wanted to figure out a way in my enviroment to grow 12-16 week finishers outdoors, when I need to harvest by at least the last of October. I hypothesized that I could force the plants to start flowering in early july and then set them out in my buckets, they could finish buy mid oct. I talked with Dman about one of his stains and the experts at sensi seeds about one of their strains. Both breeders recommended against this and said the plant would reveg or hermie. Neither happened and I can harvest any strain available using this method getting all the benefit from the stretch. I can usually get 6-8 ozs using this method

Keep asking and keep pushing Jon
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Smoke weed and prosper
silverback... i'm not saying that i know it all, and i admit that i'm also interested in container gardening, especially if i can make them water themselves and visit once in a while...that's why i'm hoping the self-watering buckets will do the trick this season.

Since i am here to learn and you seam to be a better source of knowledge please tell me exactly which of my affirmations are wrong because i'm starting to think that i didn't do my homework well enough.


Hey Gantz,

Sometimes my knowledge is good, sometimes not. Don't hesitate to question my conclusions as well because I have been wrong before!! We're all learners here i think. I have learned a great deal since i have joined and its not always experienced growers that give you ideas. Sometimes when you consider something for so long you get stuck and just hearing new ideas can move you forward. Thats why Im here. I don't discount other views..

Gorilla container growing certainly has its place and if you can master it, good results will follow. It also gets easier over time. Once your container is buried, you can use it year after year.

Hey Jackal,

I agree with everything you said buddy. I don't here those aspects very often here. Agreed.


Happy growing, SB
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