Yeah, they're serious out here where I live. Rangers check I.D. at the gate. If you're a housing contractor or land speculator they won't even let you into the park.
(cough cough) bullshit
Yeah, they're serious out here where I live. Rangers check I.D. at the gate. If you're a housing contractor or land speculator they won't even let you into the park.
All fucking pigs should fucking hang
in this instance the fed will contact local leo who will arrest.You are sure about that? So...if I got a DUI on federal land...and was arrested by a federal officer....I'd be in federal court? Don't think so...or at least..I've never heard of a federal DUI. I don't think they'd be transporting me to federal jail or federal court...but maybe I'm wrong.
Tomorrow is free national parks day. Everyone can go for free.... They will likely make up for the park fees by arresting smokers.
Well said. Did you see that show when the Maine Ranger seen a guy walking down a dirt road? The Ranger passed him in his truck and watched the guy in his rearview. The guy dropped his dufflebag and ran into the woods. The ranger caught him, opened up the bag, and found old leaf trim and like 5 trimmers and harvesting gear.Game wardens are out to catch poachers and others violating wildlife regulations. They're trained and practiced as sneaky detectives. If you're a guerrilla grower one of these guys could be your worst nightmare.