So I was having some work done at the spot, and one of the workers tripped a breaker to the heat. Well we needed the heat for obvious reasons and so I began to try to figure out what went wrong with it. The access panel for the breakers was stored away because of the work that was going on so there was no way for me to verify that all of the breakers for the heating system were on. I messed with everything for about a half hour and then decided that I would call an hvac guy to fix it for me. So he shows up and trouble shoots and finds out there is no power to the unit, and that the breaker is probably bad. So we go to the breaker box, and I retrieve the cover that lists what everything is. I then realize that I neglected to turn on one of the breakers to the heat. So I do. It comes on, and all is well. Not really. Before we had flipped the breaker the hvac guy wanted to walk around and check the place out(this is very normal around here, and if you don't give people the tour then it looks weird) So we are walking around and he is looking at every single room. Then we get to a certain area and he stops and really starts paying attention to it. He is throwing out ideas of what could be done with it, and things like that. HE then goes over to a heating vent that is sticking up about 2.5' above the ground. He puts his hand over the vent and can feel hot air coming out. Remember we had not got the heat to work yet. So he takes off the register cover and puts his hand in there and says "man you have a major heat source down there somewhere". (One of my flower rooms is ran through that particular register. It makes no sound but if you put your hand to it like this guy you can feel the heat. HE then sticks his nose in the vent and begins to smell. Two or three times. I was in such awe that I really could not say anything. I then tried to get his attention to somethine else, and get him away from the vent. Even though I distracted him he still tried to track down where the heat was coming from. He ended up just quiting though when I did not show interest in what he was doing. I wish I could have filmed this guy with his nose in my vent sniffing and telling me there is something hot down there. It was the funniest shit ever. The moral of the story is always get an oversized carbon filter!