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this is purple haze in a few pics and white widow in another


Active member
There is a purp haze , i had it in the eighties, but your pic nots it. It is not a purp.#1 cross and it is only avail on the east coast, penn. , mich. area, I havent seeen it since 1993. I'd know it if I seen it though.
Shout out to hum. hippie. Lotsa rain this year eh?


Hey Purpsmckenzie,

How was the purple cream in veg? Was it slow? Any info on the quality and yeild?

OG bub

ICMag Donor
SaintVicious said:
While they look really really good :)

I'll have to say... I dont believe it's Purple Haze. This has been argued many many times on the various site's I've been on, where newer growers (Not saying your new) but new growers come and say they have purple haze.. and the older growers say - No you dont, Purple haze doesnt exist.. its a myth. Good purple bud always seems to get that name, and there are places that sell 'purple haze' seeds.. but.. it's really not 'Purple Haze' ;)

Actually Purple Haze is quite real..... Its around and its been around... PH is the Columbian Pheno, occuring in the (1st) original Haze line. No Myths about it.... Its just usually extremely uncommon. coupled with the fact that real original Haze itsself, is a treasure hard to find, make PH a pheno not often seen.

CBF aswell as a few other highly accounted growers here on IC, are quite well versed in Haze, its origins and variances. if you want more, accurate info, a lil searching wil yeild you some solid info.

HillTemple Haze is the 4th Filial Incross to the Columbin Pheno of Haze. Purple is frequent.
Haze is a complex Hybrid to start on stabelizing a pheno.

peace, bub.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
purpsmckenzie: Very nice pics, very nice grow!

Keep up them purps!

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