Let me add to that list, if you don't mind.
OxiDate (27$H2O2 + 2%PAA paracetic acid)--double peroxide, caustic when fresh (use PPG! including respirator, I'm not kidding about this), breaks down into H2O.
JMS Stylet oil--physical barrier and adjuvant, should be incorporated into ANY IPM strategy due to its effectiveness in treating a wide array of pathogens and pests.
Milk, 10% dilution--has been shown to be AS effective in controlling PM fungi fruiting bodies as chemical treatments in the field.
Finally, get the plant's Brix levels up.
None of these methods are eradication, but neither are any of them going to cause long term harm to the grower, final users, or, just as salient IMO, resistance in the PM fungi as Eagle 20 is KNOWN TO.
thank you , ill work on it and let everyone know how my babbys react , again thanks good shit , peace