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this is giving me the willies



Well i/WE Know FOR SURE we dont want em Sneezing on us or touching are stuff.NOR Anywhere around us SO..

"only want to use ya toilet mate" NOT WITH A DEMEANOUR LIKE THAT.lol


Active member
put your money where your mouth is....I'll bet you and win.Cop not sick so you made that up,Family not sick but what do you care right ? you got fear mongering to do......paranoia will destroy ya...and it goes like this


Nurse Sick:

Cop was sick, tested negative, but protocols broken:

I hope this isn't going to spread, but after talking to a family member who is a Dr, she is very concerned simply from a capacity point of view...We don't have the beds, or staff to take care of people if it spreads like it has in africa...

Right now every person who gets ebola in Africa is spreading it to 1.75 people on avg.... as of late last week.

So almost doubling every 14 days......


Active member
I think it's time for hazmat fashion shows. The clothing of the future.

sex would rock



Active member

The Jaw-Dropping Number of Ebola Infections U.N. Official Says We Could See PER WEEK by December

GENEVA (AP) — A World Health Organization official says there could be up to 10,000 new cases of Ebola per week within two months.

WHO assistant director-general Dr. Bruce Aylward says if the response to the Ebola crisis isn’t stepped up within 60 days, “a lot more people will die” and there will be a huge need on the ground to deal with the spiraling numbers of cases. He said WHO estimated there could up to 10,000 cases per week in two months.

Ecki Uche (35, on the photo) who suffers from Ebola virus, waits on JFK Hospital which closed after it's doctors and health officers died due to Ebola virus, in Monrovia, Liberia. (Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Ecki Uche (35, on the photo) who suffers from Ebola virus, waits on JFK Hospital which closed after it’s doctors and health officers died due to Ebola virus, in Monrovia, Liberia. (Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Aylward said for the last four weeks, there have been about 1,000 new cases per week, though that figure includes suspected, confirmed and probable cases. He said WHO is aiming to have 70 percent of cases isolated within two months to reverse the outbreak.

Watch this report about the alarming stat:

we'll be fine

more innocent people killed by pigs then ebola

What has more potential, cop killings (most of the time justified) or a pandemic.....hmmmmm. Let me think.........Sheeple. From what I can tell cops have only killed less than 2000 people in the united states in the last 10 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_2009

Ebola 4,447 deaths and has only been around for 40 years.

The facts just don't line up to what your emotions are telling you. But hey, just keep saying it and the other sheeple with follow.


Kiss My Ring
Strange New “2014” Addition to the Georgia Guidestones (Updated)

Sep 23rd, 2014 | Category: Latest News, Sinister Sites |411 Comments

A new block on which is inscribed “2014” was recently added to the Georgia Guidestones. This eerie and mysterious monument just became even more eerie and mysterious.

In my article Sinister Sites : The Georgia Guidestones, I took a thorough look at the Georgia Guidestones and at its ominous message for humanity. In short, it is all about massive depopulation, world government, a single language and a single religion. While this monument was built in 1980, its “commandments” keep increasing in relevancy as the world elite steers the masses towards a New World Order.

A recent addition to the monument- a block on which is inscribed 2014 – was placed inside an indent between the English and the Spanish slab. While apparently trivial, this block nevertheless proves that the Guidestones is still updated by its sponsors and that its message is, more than ever, relevant in 2014.

Why is 2014 inscribed on that block? Will an event lead to the fruition of one of the Guidestones’ commandments in 2014? Considering the fact that the first commandment is about maintaining the world population under 500 million, this is somewhat disturbing.

Another recent addition to the monuments is camera surveillance.



Grass Lands

Hey there Brother...its been removed...


In a new video released today by You Tuber copperheadrr1, we learn that on September 25th at the Georgia Guidestones location in Elbert County, Georgia, — the creepy monument that outlines what appears to be the agenda for a New World Order, including the directive to “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature” — a man tasked with the upkeep of the Guidestones removed the mysterious new granite cube corner stone addition which reads 20 14.


Upon removing the six-sided cube which was added by an unknown entity sometime in 2014, it was discovered that the cube also contains individual engravings on each of the other four sides which were hidden from view.

In addition to the 20 and 14 which were public facing, the heavy granite cube also contains the following engravings: MM, 16, 8, JAM

So the “code” on the cube in its entirety reads: MM, 16, 20, 14, 8, JAM

Amazingly, the Guidestones groundskeeper then examines the cube and asks onlookers, “Do you want a chip?” As the small crowd looks on he then proceeds to destroy the cube with hammer and chisel handing out pieces – an excellent metaphor/allegory for what humanity ought to do to the individual controllers of the Satanic New World Order system.


Active member
umm, no.

the words you are looking for are "unsupported threat".

the simple fact that people are telling you what to be afraid of is relatively indicative of conspiracy.


Active member
For all u who think that western Medicine will stop this in its tracks...here is the proof it won't

2nd health care worker has Ebola..who helped 1 person with ebola..

1 person infects 2 people.....double the number of people who has it every 14 days....70% die....if we cannot stop this shit from spreading.

In the past it was usually isolated to small villiages, and just wipe the population out...burn itself out so to speak.

The problem is this shit is in the cities in Africa now....wait till it hits cities in india, or cities in china...

Lots of Chinese consultants in Africa...mineral exploration, raping the land and all that jazz right.


This is bad shit
1000!!! people a week Contract the Virus in W.Africa so i hear.
We've Gotta Contain this Epidemic as much as possible
[Boycott W.A Mr Obama etc..if ya Reading! ,lol.]
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Grass Lands

To all the nay-sayers out there...I can only wish you the best of luck in what may or may not be headed our way...I see it this way, y'all can make fun of us all ya want...but look at it like this...this is a form of insurance...most folks out there pay out there ass for insurance's of all kinds...renters ins, home owners ins, car ins, health ins, hell the list goes on...and some use it and some don't...its just the ways of our perilous world...now with that being said I would rather have the insurance of my preps and protection (weapons and gear) and give myself the best chance at survival...now on the other side we can play devil's advocate here and say why the hell would anyone want to go thru what may be coming our way...the dead may be the lucky ones after ebola gets through with the US.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Swine Flu.....Bird Flu.....Mad Cow.....SARS.... ISIS....Putin.....Iran...

WTF is next for real..... its all LIES and PROPAGANDA

The Elite will never let their slaves get sick on a mass scale and die off.... there is an agenda here.... its time to Rob Africa blind of all its natural wealth in the game of EBOLA!!

Why build infrastructure and promote the natural growth of an upcoming economy when you can just bully your way into the process instead?

There is a reason why they took out Gaddafi first b4 invaded North Africa with the Arab Spring and then ISIS.... Africa is RICH!!!


Kiss My Ring
thanks for the pragmatic view Storm.

brutality is subjective...is it impetus for evolution, or the chains that bind?

personal to each of us (ego) and to what we have the potential to become beyond that.

pointing out that what you feel is caused by you.

Grass Lands

Now the WHO says some cases may have up to a 42 day incubation period...


Shock W.H.O. report: Ebola has 42-day incubation period, not 21 days!

A jaw-dropping report released by the World Health Organization on October 14, 2014 reveals that 1 in 20 Ebola infections has an incubation period longer than the 21 days which has been repeatedly claimed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

This may be the single most important -- and blatantly honest -- research report released by any official body since the beginning of the Ebola outbreak. The WHO's "Ebola situation assessment" report, found here, explains that only 95% of Ebola infections experience incubation within the widely-reported 21-day period. Here's the actual language from the report:

95% of confirmed cases have an incubation period in the range of 1 to 21 days; 98% have an incubation period that falls within the 1 to 42 day interval. [1]

Unless the sentence structure is somehow misleading, this passage appears to indicate the following:

• 95% of Ebola incubations occur from 1 - 21 days
• 3% of Ebola incubations occur from 21 - 42 days
• 2% of Ebola incubations are not explained (why?)

If this interpretation of the WHO's statistics are correct, it would mean that:

• 1 in 20 Ebola infections may result in incubations lasting significantly longer than 21 days

• The 21-day quarantine currently being enforced by the CDC is entirely insufficient to halt an outbreak

• People who are released from observation or self-quarantine after 21 days may still become full-blown Ebola patients in the subsequent three weeks, even if they have shown no symptoms of infection during the first 21 days. (Yes, read that again...)

Any declaration that an outbreak is over requires 42 days with no new infections
Underscoring the importance of the 42-day rule, the WHO document openly states that a 42-day observation period with no new outbreaks is required before declaring the outbreak is under control. In the WHO's own words:

WHO is therefore confident that detection of no new cases, with active surveillance in place, throughout this 42-day period means that an Ebola outbreak is indeed over.