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This guy gives us ALL a bad name!


Active member
clearly there was only alcohol in this situation, no way they both were stoned and wanted to fight. stupid they even added that part like marijuana had something to do with it.


how the hell is this even about weed ....? they were on the computer not in a grow op. the cop should have reported that "they was drinkin' and got in a stupid match". looks like a tweeker ... but i think the problem is that the family tree looks like a stump!


Well-known member
i live in a neighboring county to these rubes. (head bowed in shame) please go easy on them, & by extension those of us with higher than room temperature IQs. there HAS been a (literal) explosion in meth around here in the last few years. don't know if these fellows were into it, but it is possible. we finally beat out missouri for the highest # of meth lab busts in the nation (we're no.1! WOOO!) there are an incredible number of normal "farmers" around here, we..uh, "they" just don't make the news anymore...

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I was stuck in Paducah, Kentucky for about 2 years in the mid-70's. Quite a culture shock coming from the beach cities in Orange County, California.

It was like a whole other world............



Active member
I think alcohol is to blame here. That's what they were doing when this happened. It didn't say that he was growing, but that they were looking up info on it. If they lit one up this would not have happened.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I think kendrunky is to blame.

That guy lookes likes a total piece of shyte and im sure his buddy wasn't too far off.

I'm sure method was a factor here.


Active member
This reminds me of the guy in KY last year. He smoked a joint at work and then went home and drank almost a 1/5 of liquor. Instead of putting the baby in the crib at night he put the baby in the oven(thank god it wasn't on.) The GF wakes up the next day and calls an ambulance and the baby is fine. The guy gets arrested and blames it on "laced weed". Had nothing to do with the 1/5 he drank at home must have been the laced joint from earlier in the night.........

Long blamed his actions on the marijuana, which he believes was laced with a hallucinatory agent, officials said.


Its a lot easier to blame the problems on illegal weed rather then the true culprit in BOTH cases-Alcohol. They don't want to blame the alcohol cause then they might have to quit. Its easier to blame the cannabis. Oh and the other culprit, poor education and low IQ's.


Active member
That looks like Kentucky resident, and board member, hoosierdaddy, to me.
The guy must have insulted fox news or something just prior to being shot.
"The Hawkins County Sheriff's Office is investigating an early morning shooting that left one man dead."

Yep...I bet they spent the night doing lines & drinking.
Doing lines?

Clearly your enviable San Diego life has given you a false perception of Middle American Trash.

Those guys have a higher likelihood of PHD's in nuclear physics than they do snorting cocaine. 2 lines costs more than their collective net worth.

Huffing gas/paint and drinking Natural Ice is my guess. Maybe meth, if they stole some sheet metal or donated blood plasma that day and were feeling "spendy."


The headline is totally misleading should of said two drunk rednecks got into an argument over which one was dumber!!!!!!!:laughing::plant grow:
And yet they make it about weed!!!!!!


The culprit here was alcohol. But the story would not be reprinted by other media outlets without the Marijuana headline. The media needs controversial headlines to sell papers or advertising space. Even if they are half truths or out right fictitious.