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Things they didn't tell will happen when you pass 60...


ICMag Donor
I started asking for the senior discount at dunkin donuts and then tell them to put it in the tip jar.


Active member
I now must be mindful to give it a good shake after a pee...and then another shake, then another and then I'm drip free...but every now and then I'll forget to do the double shake = wet patch.

No matter how much you dance and prance,
The last few drops go in your pants :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm still a young whipper-snapper at 58 - but I can relate to just about all that has been said so far about this apprentice geriatric shite -

We can't all be Action Men like Andyo (without a bought of Japanese Encephalitis) - but I do recommend that you all take a nice stroll/roll outside - at least once a day - so long as you don't all end up being a traffic hazard in your mobility scooters.


Well-known member
I now must be mindful to give it a good shake after a pee...and then another shake, then another and then I'm drip free...but every now and then I'll forget to do the double shake = wet patch.

:laughing: This is how it starts, soon enough you'll be peeing alla the time! :laughing::tiphat:
I’m a jr. senior @ 55.
Got the nose hair issue and ear hair, but not the saggy balls.
I can still bang the old lady twice a day.
I like to smoke a couple of fat ones and trail run for an hour or go mountain biking.


Well-known member
I use to ride my bike, walk all over my property, now my bike is in the living room, I walk out and get in the golf cart. My feet decided to go numb and burn like a mofo. Feels like they are balloons walking on them. Doc's have no idea what caused it and have nothing that really helps, let alone a cure for it. It's starting to go into my hands as well. Oh and the hair you lose it where you want it and it pops out where you don't want it. That the plant that I have made my living at either growing, making concentrate, or moving around would come to an abrupt end. I have reading glasses everywhere as well. A good day is one that you wake uo...

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I’m a jr. senior @ 55.
Got the nose hair issue and ear hair, but not the saggy balls.
I can still bang the old lady twice a day.
I like to smoke a couple of fat ones and trail run for an hour or go mountain biking.

Wait 7 or 8 more years...
Most of us could bang the ole lady twice a day at age 55...and enjoy the hell out of it...

What ticks me off is I wore 32 X 32 trousers from the time I was 23.
Last year at age 63 I had to start wearing 34 X 32...
Thank God, at least I can still look down and see all of it.
Lotsa my friends haven't seen theirs for a long time...

I need to start walking more each day... and get back in those 32's


Active member
No matter how much you dance and prance,
The last few drops go in your pants :biggrin:

This is how it starts, soon enough you'll be peeing alla the time!

Time to go on Flowmax boys and go easy on the shaking.

All ways of saying that the single biggest thing they don't warn you about is just how familiar you're going to be with your own urine and just how much time you're going to spend thinking about it.


Well-known member
..... All ways of saying that the single biggest thing they don't warn you about is just how familiar you're going to be with your own urine and just how much time you're going to spend thinking about it.

..... but no more need to wonder how the term 'pissy old man' originated. :tiphat: :tongue: :bigeye:


Man ... I 'm still really active. Not so much today cos I had a big day yesterday.

(I have this bad behaviour thing where I consume Cannabis cookies and rage around the place working like a twenty year old then I 'm fucked the next day ... or for a week!)

But my point dear Bud ... is that my recovery rate is really good but ya gotta walk at least 3 k's a day and up at least one hill.

You and I and a lot of us here are in "Use it or Lose it" territory.

It is fading away ... Life, I mean ... but the loss can be slowed by exercise ... and joining in the funny and strange things that happen on ICmag ...

Cheers Cobbers!

Wait 7 or 8 more years...
Most of us could bang the ole lady twice a day at age 55...and enjoy the hell out of it...

What ticks me off is I wore 32 X 32 trousers from the time I was 23.
Last year at age 63 I had to start wearing 34 X 32...
Thank God, at least I can still look down and see all of it.
Lotsa my friends haven't seen theirs for a long time...

I need to start walking more each day... and get back in those 32's


[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]One of the things I ‘m learning about as a new Old Fart is how much Irony there is to Life. There’s heaps and heaps of Irony and if you keep your eyes open it’s everywhere! It’s here now. Please read on and you will see what I mean:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Y'know ... a seventy year old Friend of mine here told me that he still got looked at by Women other than his Wife. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]He thought it was because he remained slim and was tall and straight. I ‘m slim tall and straight too so I said: “Well I ‘m not surprised because it also happens to me. Despite 70 years or so, women still look.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]And I thought back and my last and most obvious lustful scanning was by the Wife's hairdresser who is mixed race Jamaican/European raised in England. A tall shapely lady in her 60’s with large breasts and a well contained African bum to go with intelligent features. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]She wore Yellow ... and … I didn’t notice at first, but yeah, she’s standing right up close to me ... and her nostrils were dilating as she looked me over! She was SMELLING me!
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Now I ask you dear Reader … what could an ordinary man do except to celebrate the moment by becoming animal and smelling her back?! [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]And the vibes … (how many of you Readers do the vibe thing?)
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Besides Seeing she looked good, I wanted to find out what she FELT like, and so standing there on the pavement I leaned into her personal space and tuned in. And she was WARM and I could have swooned in anticipation of energetic mature pleasure … but instead I suddenly became conscious of my olefactory system and ...
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]she smelled SOUR!!![/FONT]



she smelled SOUR!!!

What you were smelling is the result of an epic session of love making that morning, it was so good that she probably didn't have time for a wash before she rushed to work. In Paris, you are respected if you smell like you've just been involved in a marathon love making session.

and here's another hint for old guys, you smell too unless you shower daily with soap on the smelly areas, scrub/exfoliate your skin every week and use warm water for washing your clothes.

and this leads me to moisturizers.....now we need to use it daily after a shower, especially during dry months


Active member
visceral fat and bladder capacity

visceral fat and bladder capacity

visceral fat limits bladder capacity
burn it off and you ,youll piss long and easy.A


Well-known member
ear hairs get them braided.. start a fad kids can't steal.
i have pulled some long nose hairs that had to be in my brain.
multi tone hair color. hairs brown a few white tips. beard
is 17 shades working it's way to white. balls firm when
dipped in the ice bucket. eyesight is going away. ladies start
convo's in stores a lot. eating in a bar most girls look like kids.
every one calls you sir. pains from your youth show up as new pain.


Active member
I now must be mindful to give it a good shake after a pee...and then another shake, then another and then I'm drip free...but every now and then I'll forget to do the double shake = wet patch.

Two shakes is okay. But three shakes and you're just playing with yourself...again, and again, and again....

My Russian friend use to say, "My peniz? He shake ME."


Active member
Thank God, at least I can still look down and see all of it.
Lotsa my friends haven't seen theirs for a long time...


Maybe not being able to see it might be one of God's little blessings so you don't have to see your favorite toys droop and get wrinkly.