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Things that just piss me off!


Active member
I think when some kids say "ole skool" these days they use it as a fashion statement, or to make them sound older than they are. Many people in hip hop used "old school" to refer to old school rap, which is notably better (in many's POV) than new school rap, and it just stuck. Now they use the word to describe anything that's better, sort of like a synonym for "cool" (e.g. That's old school = that's cool, in a way). I doubt they are saying it to say what old people should be like, or to be confrontational with old people. Its just in my experience when kids say "that's old school (yo)" lol, it usually means that it imitates the past, it's more mature, more experienced, etc. They are Not trying to tell old people how to be.

my 2 cents


I hate when Old Schoolers say things like "Can you dig it" , or "Far out" or "Trippy"
It's just too old school.


stupid people with degrees .....degrees do not make u smart after all rectal thermometers have them too........


Cowabudza said:
I hate when Old Schoolers say things like "Can you dig it" , or "Far out" or "Trippy"
It's just too old school.
Wow dude, it's "trippy" that you don't "dig" the old schoolers and their "Far out" ideas. But hey, I "can dig it", "can you dig it?" :D
With the oldschoolers i deal pretty well..
What i really hate is octopus... or squid... that's what i hate...

ok ok .. and a certain family..



Ok things that piss me off:

1. Wiggas (white people who think it is cooler to act like a black thugster rapper)

2. My wifes kids (my step kids). Both girls are fucking mental cases.

3. Taking a dump and having the "water plop" hit you so perfectly in the center of the brown bullseye that your sphincter contracts violently in fear.

4. Whiners

5. People who do not take a fucking bath

6. Not being able to find a damn lighter when you need it.

7. Cell phone batteries suck ass and so does having to look at the mother fahking signal bars and making chimpanzee like moves to get a signal.

8. Hot bitches who think their shit does not stink and who need someone to nail them right in the ass to relieve their constipation.

9. Religious idiots

10. Non-swallowers.

Those are the TOP 10 for the moment.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Red rover, red rover, calling Harry to comb over.


High n Dry

This whole god damned thread is pissing me off. :bat:

I'm glad a lot of my pet peeves are shared with others. Sometimes you feel alone in your pissyness. It's good to share. :yoinks:



Cable TV....ERRRRR!
When it first came along NO COMMERCIALS! Right?
We paid to have it & at first there were no commercials except for that stations shows. Now ALL stations have tons of them.....I have learned to channel surf quickly to avoid the damn things.Always have a backup show to switch to when ads run:D
I just want to know why we still have to pay if they have advertizers paying them
as well? Somebody is getting rich & it ain't me!
There! I finally found a place to gripe,thanks!


river said:
stupid people with degrees .....degrees do not make u smart after all rectal thermometers have them too........
Damn good one there,river!:D I agree!
I once read this....
"One may have the advantage of an education & still be lacking in intelligence!":biglaugh:
Too true!


Hmmm I don't get as pissed off as I used to, and some of you have hit some of mine already....people that are too good looking (usually think they are a gift to the rest of us, but are not), arrogant people (grrrrr), assholes driving SUV's through red lights over curbs and pedestrians while slurping coffee, smoking a ciggie and talking on their cell phone. Those last should be pulled over and shot so as to preserve the gene pool.

Or, a motherboard manufacturer (ASUS) who puts a a great big chapter in their manual stressing the importance of retreiving the most current BIOS for their A8V board from their website, but the file is corrupt so it trashes the BIOS on your brand spanking new board such that it won't even POST and you have to take said board to the shop to get the BIOS reflashed for a fee. And then you find the gripe forum on their web site with all of the other folks who fell for the same crap and had to do the same thing with the same board for the same reason - and the corrupt driver file is STILL there to destroy my BIOS. Oy!



Every morning the birds come to eat my dogs food... they sit on the wire above my truck... DAMN IT!

Having to tell my sons and thier friends to PULL YOUR PANTS UP!!!

When the wife decides she wants to drive.....
Having to sit thru her "Pre-Flight" of getting her cigs out of her purse and placing them in their special place in the tray under the dashboard..... then lighting a cig... cleaning sunglasses.... then adjust rearview mirror while adjusting sunglasses. open soda pop... take a sip.
And you know how on GMC trucks the excelerator pedal sticks when you first fire them up.... well she does it everytime.... places the vehical in gear... then tries to ease the excelerator.... peels out in the gravel drive while giving you whiplash!

All of this for a 5 minute trip....

Then she sticks the half smoked cig butt in the ashtray as if she's going to relight it later... only filling the ashtray to overflow.
Which leds us to a couple others... failure to empty the ashtray and remove trash from a vehical while fueling up.
I mean geez... the trash cans are right there!
Failure to wash the windows of vehicals at gas stations.... the scrubber and wash fluid are right there too!!



junit said:
Women in General Really get under my skin... I don't know what it is about them...Estrogen? And Dank Dude.. I swear if its not make-up... its the radio or Phone...

geeze does this mean u r gay ? ......not that there is anything wrong with that u understand .....

have never seen a man talking on a phone while driving ...right :wink:
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Ok....OK..... no more "ole Skool" just gonna be "ole Timer" from now on....


Dankdude said:
One thing that has pissed me off for years is when I am driving down the road, and then I look over to a car that is in the next lane over to see a woman putting on her makeup.
If she is using her mirror put on her makeup, she isn't watching the road.
I look at it this way, if she has to do that, them she needs to get up a 1/2 hour earlier or just go to work au natural.

BTW, I'm not offended by the term "Old School", I ware it like a badge of honor.

<--Ripe ole age of 42 and gettin better..
Back on topic... ^^^^^^^^^ I once saw the same thing.... Putting on Make~up driving..
I laid into the Horn,,, :sasmokin:
Should of seen the look on that chicks face turning her face towards my car as the BRIGHT RED streak of lip stick went across her cheek... :yoinks:
Priceless :woohoo:
Best morning drive too work ever....