Looking GREAT!! Should be able to hit 3-4oz with ease. I've hit 3+ per 150w in most of my grows so far using many different methods. 12 plant SOG's, 1 plant Scrogs, multi plant LST'ing and/or super cropping. Looking like you're in for a fun ride.
I agree with the PLL from HTG. I'm using it now in my cab as a SOG light and the Strawberry Diesel Kush and Pineapple Express X Cheese N Chaze clones I have under it at the moment are doing PHENOMONAL!
As for the watering issue you had while out of town, I'd suggest looking into Tropf Blumats. They are the single best investment I think I've made. Now that I do no till, organic runs, I barely have to do anything water wise anymore haha. Can leave for weeks at a time without worrying about watering.
For the tents, I don't think any tent out there is light proof. I could be wrong, but from what I've read and experienced, they all seem to have that issue. I have 3 Homebox L and a Clonebox L and all had to be light proofed. I just closed myself up in the tents with the lights on outside and duct taped the piss out of everywhere lol. The tent you're using looks like one a buddy of mine is using, I'll have to ask him how light proof his is.
I'd agree with changing the reflector orientation, I feel you'll get better coverage in your tent with it being rectangle. I was going to run mine similar to you when I was building, mainly for simplicity. The long part of the reflector running parallel with the long part of my cab, but I then read more into it and was advised to run long side of reflector parallel to the short side of my grow area since the reflector reflects perpendicular to the bulb.
I think the Casey's would do quite well in a scrog. Implement that stretch into the screen would help with height issues and create you some more flower sites. I'd love to run some Casey Jones. Have always heard good things about it. I'll be watching. Keep it up.
I agree with the PLL from HTG. I'm using it now in my cab as a SOG light and the Strawberry Diesel Kush and Pineapple Express X Cheese N Chaze clones I have under it at the moment are doing PHENOMONAL!
As for the watering issue you had while out of town, I'd suggest looking into Tropf Blumats. They are the single best investment I think I've made. Now that I do no till, organic runs, I barely have to do anything water wise anymore haha. Can leave for weeks at a time without worrying about watering.
For the tents, I don't think any tent out there is light proof. I could be wrong, but from what I've read and experienced, they all seem to have that issue. I have 3 Homebox L and a Clonebox L and all had to be light proofed. I just closed myself up in the tents with the lights on outside and duct taped the piss out of everywhere lol. The tent you're using looks like one a buddy of mine is using, I'll have to ask him how light proof his is.
I'd agree with changing the reflector orientation, I feel you'll get better coverage in your tent with it being rectangle. I was going to run mine similar to you when I was building, mainly for simplicity. The long part of the reflector running parallel with the long part of my cab, but I then read more into it and was advised to run long side of reflector parallel to the short side of my grow area since the reflector reflects perpendicular to the bulb.
I think the Casey's would do quite well in a scrog. Implement that stretch into the screen would help with height issues and create you some more flower sites. I'd love to run some Casey Jones. Have always heard good things about it. I'll be watching. Keep it up.