TheMadHasher said:
That is truly a nug salad. Wish I could give it a thumbs up, anyone want to do it for me?
respect to you for those types of amounts!
what is your favorite strain to bubble so far?
Hmmm........good question
Kushes come out nice usually, like OG, Purple, and Master, but Blue Dream may be my favorite so far. I've done a few different batches a few indoor and a few outdoor and this strain never fails to impress if grown and cared for even halfway decent.
Here's a link to my bubble test videos if anyone's interested
Heh seen those a while ago man(not the new vids) and man I must say, how do you hit that stuff out of a pipe like that? Or is it a sneaky bubler? I have smoked FMCD and fullmelt out of metal pipes and OH EM EFF GAWWWWW its so harsh! Anyway thanks for the vids madhasher and the pics, looking super bubbly where your at!
Here's that run of Blue Dream I've finally got around to posting
120-45 FMCD!
Damn, How much hash is there??