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The YukonKronicle


Active member
So. I had a pretty bad week mental health wise. However; I am (slowly) coming to see that my patience can hold through bad times if I try and it will not be long before something good happens.
This is something I’ve been struggling with for a while... the lack of emotional fortitude to deal with daily life is really a defining factor of clinical depression in my opinion.
After having countless meltdowns over the last ten years I finally have a tiny part growing within that sees patience as a way to deal with bad things/feelings.
This matters to me. I used to have the patience of a Saint and it helped me to help others.

That feeling is in part fed by my garden and the community that has embraced me around the planning and execution of that garden. And although I will always give highest props to my family for truly examining my needs and finding ways to help me fulfill them I must also thank ICMAG and those who give it heart and soul... the users.
So Thank You family who has been there for me when they had no idea how.
Thank you ACE seeds and Dubi. Your support may not seem like a big deal but having someone care to answer questions or share a supportive remark matters. And... to be honest I feel very honoured to have been given the gift of tester seeds at a time when those seeds are very highly sought. I will try my very best to do them justice.
And last but not least Thank you ICMAG users who have been there to educate support and even befriend me in the short time I’ve been here.

I was depressed and then some seeds and a light arrived in the mail.
A lot of people think it pretty weird or even sad that my weed garden can mean so much. It does. And you guys ALL get that.
Thanks.:thank you:


Active member
Now the mushy shits out the way I’ll try to get started uploading pics.
I also need to get ready for a camping trip I missed last weekend so don’t be surprised if I can’t post until next week... got lots to share :biggrin:


Active member
Hey Mr. Kronic, I think about us being creatures having to hold our bodies up on this earth, speaking of difficulty in dealing with daily life. So much stimuli, heat and cold, weariness and pain. I just wanted to co-acknowledge with you the truth of discomfort. Of course we have comfort too, but if we try to just be comfortable it is a catch 22, there is no position to sit in to stay comfortable forever. And so much is taken care of for us that we sit in the discomfort of our homes with entirely new levels on top, the poisoned food and fossil fuel reliance destroying our earth, and so much more. And then on top of that our/your personal experiences of difficulty. So I am just writing in to say in solidarity with you that it can be very uncomfortable living under these circumstances and I think this should be accepted. I think we can transition between these states of comfort and discomfort with more intention and awareness with greater acceptance of the difficulty, helping to ease it some. Working to find more peace with each other and our environment. Good you enjoy growing the plants, and I appreciate what you do with them, I'm sure they do to. Peace and offering you my solidarity in bowing my head to acknowledge and respect your struggle and appreciate you working to overcome.


Well-known member
Smarter folks than I say that suffering is not only the human condition, but also the food of enlightenment and compassion, when we can learn from it. And my garden is my canvas and my eden, I feel barren when nothing's going. You're in the right spot;) lovedeewd


Well-known member
Oye Yukonmate, I hear ya loud and clear despite never having gone through PTSD, but having suffered unbearable losses and experiencing ageing in a disagreeable fashion I've come to think that at certain bends of our life we are but contemporary Jobs therefore every ordeal is nothing but a lesson to learn...
Patience is definitely one virtue we should all practice and if I may say forgiveness should go with it... the word forgive in Greek(syn choro) means to embrace/bear/take within and accept.
Your resilience will get you through, I can surely see that!



Well-known member
We all walk beside you my brother, my friend. Whether it's morning coffee and joint in the garden or a peaceful evening stroll among plants, the experience is part of the elixir of life, not just the contents of the herb. It's one of the reasons I don't like to take vacations, because I miss my garden too much; I feel an empty spot in me when I'm away. Being in my garden is my peace of mind time.
Cannabis also helps ways that I need it to. I'm glad to see it helps you too. Your personality has always been a bright light on here:thank you:; let it continue to so shine before others. You already recognized it, patience. And as Orfeas reaffirmed, with patience comes understanding. You've used it to help others, it's time to help yourself, you deserve it.

I've never experienced PTSD, but I understand we are all spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. We only differ in our human experiences. You've relayed to me some of your past experiences, as such, you will always have my love and understanding my friend. Not everything is logical, but all is reasonable in the end.
Peace, God bless


Active member
Its muh burfday. Still feeling nearly destroyed by depression most nights lately :wallbash::bashhead:
However! Today I will soak some C5Haze x Kali China.
As a present. To me.

Thank you Dubi.
Agh! More later phone is dying...
Hey cool thread is at 13 pgs in my bday... 13 is my lucky number


Well-known member
Its muh burfday. Still feeling nearly destroyed by depression most nights lately :wallbash::bashhead:
However! Today I will soak some C5Haze x Kali China.
As a present. To me.

Thank you Dubi.
Agh! More later phone is dying...
Hey cool thread is at 13 pgs in my bday... 13 is my lucky number
Happy Birthday my friend!!!:happybirthday:
I can't be there to smoke with you, but I'll smoke some malawi x GT4 in your honor, then write a smoke report. I was born on Friday the 13th and 13 has always been my lucky number too, although in truth, I don't take luck as serious as I did many years ago. What are ya smoking today? I pray you have a stress-free, relaxing, joyful day. Popping some C5Haze x KC; now that's the spirit!
Peace, God bless


Active member
I’m a shmoke it ALL today:smoke out:
Started with BKXPCK cause I’m not interested in ANY stressful feelings this morning.
Then a little MalPan just cause it was left in the bong aaaannnd I think I might just roll a big ol fatty of GT to smoke with my good friend SolarLogos:biggrin:
Then I’ll probably look at the atoms in my living room wall and after that I’m thinking about creating a document laying out terms for peace in an interplanetary war... you know... getting ready.


Active member
Sitting in the back yard with the sun on the grass... halfway thru a joint of GT that’s been curing since January.

It was an earthy spicy and carrot smell as I broke it up and Crumbled to a fine tan green and orange powder perfect for rolling.

Inhale has a nice citric sweet earthy note with spicy hash notes on exhale.. it has a sort of bergamot perfume in the back.

Each toke seems to increase pressures from within pushing out electric curious energies that brighten colours and intensify the vivid brightness of sunshine. Details are singular within a grand tapestry. Flies are visible as individuals curiously investigating and the sense that everything green is thirsty but still striving towards the light that desiccates is tangible as the air that sways them gently in its swirling currents.

My puppy roams through it all oblivious and playful as always. There’s an overarching sense of interest and connection to all my senses that tears away any desire for introspection at this point.

I’m feeling all the energy and effort of my plants journey from its places of origin to me and my yard and the sense of completion as it has its intended effect.
I’m high, not intoxicatingly so but life is not so much the minutae in this moment and the grandeur of its complexity is here in front of me in a form that I can imbibe and enjoy as a physical proof of hard work well done.


Active member
Pinky Bruce Banner and Crumbled Lime. Flipped on the 10th

Here’s Pinky last week getting trimmed to even spaced strong leads with only two or at most three strong tips at canopy level... gives an idea of what transplanting a plant on its side does..


Active member
Here’s more ZamxGuatemala F3... and the favourite from last group

Horizontal Zam style branching

here’s number four the favourite from last round


Active member

I made a video yesterday showing the sideway trunks and big stems coming up from them.. was an awesome video too really showed the jungle and the choreographed chaos that LST and lollipopping has wrought in there... and not ONE deficient leaf to be seen :dance013:
Couldn’t upload it.


I made a video yesterday showing the sideway trunks and big stems coming up from them.. was an awesome video too really showed the jungle and the choreographed chaos that LST and lollipopping has wrought in there... and not ONE deficient leaf to be seen :dance013:
Couldn’t upload it.
Well done. How do you keep them so healthy?
I’ve done this, in terms of bending and tying down and the laterals becoming the main shoots, they assume their role with vigour. Around that time mainlining was termed, somewhat more aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical version as all leads were trained to be equal, but whatever floats your boat.
Re: the vid, maybe YouTube is an option


Active member
They’re in a 150 gallon soil bed that gets constant inputs of cannabis waste and rock dust.. occasionally home made fish hydrolysate and/or local weeds like yarrow dandelion lambs quarters chamomile and fireweed. I haven’t added any yarrow FPE in quite a while. Probably should use it up soon.
I also add calcium carbonate to my rock dust (local harvest) and Boron to my water reservoir every three or so cycles. And use potsil as ph up in my reservoir... been looking at a big patch of horsetail lately for a silica boost too.
I was adding Bonemeal in small amounts last couple cycles but I’m trying to move towards using mainly rock dust for P.

I do admit to coveting the 20 pound bag of high P bat guano at the local grow shoppe... I liked guano when I used it before and will probably use it as a bloom boost at end of stretch next time I do a monocrop and shoot for yield as well as quality.

I think biggest factor contributing to their health is the healthy soil with calcium B and other nutrients in N cycle readily available to the plants as well as a thriving worm and invertebrate population.. the use of canna waste is another keystone in my opinion. It will input the exact nutritional profile of cannabis to the soil as well as create favourable conditions for cannabis specific (or at least friendly?) species of microbes in the soil.
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Active member
This is kewl.... Pinky got pollinated by zgf3z13bx.. some chance that there was Night nurse cross pollination but I’m about 70% sure these are a Zam cross... they even have structural elements I recognize so I’m looking at this as a test cross I may well make a couple hundred seeds of..


Active member
Here’s Pinky Bruce Banner and Crumbled Lime.

Did some defoliation as it was just too crowded. I needed to put a net on a week ago.. maybe mañana...
Flowering has begun but only just.... tempted to take a hit on yields and turn lights down to like 9 or 10 hours a day so I have a chance to compete in HydroGrow LED GPW competition.. doesn’t turn my crank considering I need to evaluate BB and CL for breeding and was kinda thinking to make some seeds with the front runners this run.
Wish I could just build another cabinet for it. Maybe they’ll throw my name in for the top grower giveaway.... I don’t call myself tops by any means but I’m getting better every run and I’m pretty sure next time I run a monocrop I’m going to pull a sweet yield.
Haha! I guess it’s up to them if I do it with my Mars Hydro ts-2000 or their xb-400. Maybe if they treat me nice I’ll do a side by side so we can all watch someone get their ass kicked... hopefully not mine!

Here’s my Janky ass entry into LED tech too... just a knockoff cob LED at 308 watts and 12: 14 watt screw in LED... kinda think I’m short on power for flowering but we’re going to see. Might buy another knockoff and run em together if I need to..... sure wish I could get one of those HGL lights.. frickin things are badass.