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the us goverment is going to pay for my new grow closet

just wanted to say thanks for my economy stimulation check we are due to receive in the mail from the us goverment in the next few weeks...

they want us to spend this money to re-energize our enconomy..so i figure what better way then to build my first indoor grow closet on the us govs dime..

i plan on buying my lights ,stanly blower and my nutes with this check..and a few other things i still need...

i am married so i may get as much as 1200 bucks or as little as 300 bucks ..eather way i have the boss's[wifey] permission to use this money for our grow..

was just wondering if there are any others out there that plan on using this buy off by our gov to pay for their grows ...

i no this in no way makes up for the 3.66 a gal i am paying at the pump in ny or makes it even for all the other stupid shit thats gone on around here the last few yrs.......

but this is what my gov wants so i will stimulate my local hydro store owners economy....i am sure he could use it..
besides i wasnt sure i was going to be able to build this little closet this soon with our income being what it is..but now i'll have it done in no time..

sorry for babbling on like that ..i have blueberry smoke in my eyes...hehe

herb weedmen


Sounds like a good plan ... Maybe a tad bit too much info on your whereabouts but a solid plan none the less. I hope it pans out for ya ... 3.50ish a gallon down South is killing me too.

Don Cotyle

Sure sounds like a good plan to me!!! I just might follow your lead and bump up from a 400 watt HPS to a 600 watt HPS lamp with a glasshood to vent the heat, repaint the closet, get a nice A/C unit so I can grow all year around. Mabey invest the rest of it in a carbon scrubber(homemade of course) and a nice exhause fan and some venting material...finish off with some nice genetics!!!!!

herb weedman, that sure sounds like a nice plan to me!!! :joint: Don!
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hey don,yeah i think that should stimulate the economy and help green up the earth a little too..or at least our grow rooms..hehehe..

i love it when a plan comes together ...

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There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
The rooms are built, so I'm buyin pot related accessories, Xbox 360 and a flatscreen......Should go good with the smoke in a few months hehe
well they say our moneys on its way..
i am putting my shopping list together ..i plan on building a mommy cab out of rubbermaid totes and cfl's..i see wallys got 30 gal totes for 9 bucks ..its spring clean up around here and i am searching threw folks garbage like a pack rat looking for old computer towers so i can get the fans out of them..i only need 2 so i could go buy a couple but i figure if i have to move indoors and all the excitment of gorilla growing is taken away ,i better at least get chased off a pill of garbage...hehehe

herb weedmen
well my kid got his yesterday and mine should be here today..
i'll be heading to wally world to pick up pumps and rubbermaid totes ..oh and my stanley blower..spring clean up around here now to so i'll be garbage picking for some old computer fans..man i havnt done that sinse i was kid..boy the folks used to get pissed when brought other folks junk home..

anyways ,i've got some beans growing now for my outdoor thing and figured i'll take a few clones for my mommy cab as well as a northernlite mom a freind is giving me..

i guess things are starting to look up around here a little bit..

herb weedmen
still waiting for that money..funny how if i had to pay them ,theyd already be here kicking my door in just to collected the taxes..killing my dog and even fucking my wife..but if i bitch about them then i am put on some fucking no fly list and called a terrorest ..so here i sit waitng on these shitheads to send me some stimulation money so i can start my fucking stimulating..really tho my stimulating wont happen for another 10 weeks after i spend this money.. but i'll be able to stimulate every 10 weeks after that for ever..that is if i dont have anymore interruptions like this delay in my stimulation check..and everything grows right ..hehe

herb weedmen..
alright whats the deal here ..i was suppost toget my stimulie on by now and well those fuckers messed it up again i see..i still have no stimulase moneys in my hands..dont they no our whole countrys acconomy depends on us getrting those checks..well i guess america will just have to suffer for these assholes not getting it right again..i am messing with my outdoor grow for now but shit man i wanted to have this room built by now and a couple nice clones going 12/12..

fuck them assholes anyways..

herb weedmen


Active member
Direct Deposit worked the best for us....We've had ours for several weeks now!!! :headbange :jump: :wave: :laughing: :muahaha: :jump:

Bought new camera, Sony Cyber Shot DSC H7..

Sour Jack...12 weeks approx in flower...

What a country!!!

Treetops :woohoo: :woohoo: :smoweed:

thats what i'm talking about..nice plant..i should be at about that same point..instead i am playing with my outdoor grow ..i was so hoping to be up and running at this point..guess i'll just have to wait and see..but its nice to see everyone else is getting their stim on..hahaha

we do have dirrect diposit and my son got his a week or so ago..i should have had mine by the 12th but nothings been deposited yet..

anyone else build a room on the gov or just show your items the gov gave ya..anything from the stim checks..weed,bong,lamp,airline tickets..trip to disney..


herb weedmen

Raistlin Majere

ours is late as of today :badday:
bills need a payin'

getting 1800 here, wish i could burn it up on supplies

:edit: we have direct deposit too :confused:
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i read the other day on yahoo news that there was some kind of screw up with the dirrect deposits to 15,000 folks then it said 1,500 but it also said some wernt getting the right amounts eather..i guess they folk got to send some stim for the kids..so not everyone will git the right amount at first but i read they will be sending out the diffrents in june or july..so if you have kids and its not right call those mother fuckers up and ask when the rest is coming..i think theres a way to look it up on line to..so you may just need to go to their site..i no i can call today to find out whats up..if its a big deal i'll let you guys no..

good luck everyone..i hope we can all start stimulating soon..

herb weedmen
the wife is on the ph with the irs now and they said because we used h&r blocks site for sending our tax return that our money wont be here till july 4th..man this is really starting to mess things up..i am building my closet with that cash but more importently i have bills waiting to be paid with it..i better get it sooner then that ..my kids was done the sameway ours was and he got his money a couple weeks ago..she called them back to ask why that was ...and thats were i am now onm this project..i sure hope i dont have to wait till july..

well now they say we have to wait 6 weeks toget a trace put on it and i walked out to the mail today[monday] and found a letter from them saying it should be in my account on the 16th which was friday..man talk about confuised..i am almost postel over this ..

herb weedmen
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The Uncola

The IRS website said that I Should have had it by May 2. I got a letter just a few days ago saying it is due May 23. No Such Luck. I went ahead and bought a $300 safe in which to store the stash that is coming down the road. I know that I am due $600 so the $300 investment will be paid for sometime soon. Sucks that they can't deliver on their promises on time. I wouldn't have needed the safe before, but there have been teenies breaking into houses nearby and I am not going to loose my credit cards and loan info to these desperate little punks. The economy is going to shit in case you hadn't noticed.
hey 7up,you dont have to tell me..i went ahead a bought most of the stuff i need for my indoor closet and am not sure we arnt in somekind of group of folks they feel like fucking with..i was at that site and it said the same thing..i got a letter from the irs telling me it would be deposited in my account on the 16th and no such luck..and the wife spoke to them on the ph and got 3 diffrent answers to when by 3 diffrent people..so i no they dont no what the hell they are doing..

worst part is if we owed them theyd be here demanding it by now..

herb weedmen

The Uncola

I did my taxes online through Turbotax, just like the last 4 years, and had to pay both State and Fed- (No Refund), for the first time ever. This is b/c I had capital gains due to mutual fund increases which were Entirely wiped out by the stock market collapsing for the past 8 months in a row. (Ughh!). I also didn't work full time all of last year so the withholding was anemic. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that it is not a problem directly related to H+R- at least not in my case. I'd call it FUBAR or SOP!
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