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The undisputed kings of the NHL


gets some
cocktail frank said:
i kick em while they are down too :spank:


tell broduer thanks for all the chippies he let thru the pipes in this series.
time for him to retire.

Not until he has solidified his spot as the greatest goalie of all time by posting the most wins in history, which will happen next season. But dont be jealous, look at the bright side, maybe Henrik will someday help the Rangers win their 2nd (lol) Cup in 70 years. Good luck against the Pens lol. We'll see just how good Henrik really is...


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Just having the most wins doesn't "solidify" anything. Besides, does he have a TROPHY NAMED AFTER HIM????????? I think not. Georges Vezina (you oughtta know his name)or Vladislav Tretiak (invented "Butterfly" style)= greatest of all time. Roy is a CLOSE second.

IGT just remember, wins come as a team, not individual.....


gets some
imnotcrazy said:
The BIGGEST FARCE will be if Henrik Lundquist falls behind Brodeur in the Vezina Cup race, he contributed to his team's success, while Brodeur rides on their coattails

You do realize that Brodeur faced more shots, played more games (at 35 years old no less), had better GAA and higher save%, on a weaker overall team, than Lundquist did, right? Don't let your hate make you ignore the facts.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Yer STILL adding all those seasons a road cone could have won HALF of those games........ On top of that, if HALF of the good goaltenders were played as often as he was/is, his numbers wouldn't look near as nice.....

Besides, if he's sooooo good, why is he wearin COUCH instead of goal pads?
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gets some
imnotcrazy said:
Just having the most wins doesn't "solidify" anything. Besides, does he have a TROPHY NAMED AFTER HIM????????? I think not. Georges Vezina (you oughtta know his name)or Vladislav Tretiak (invented "Butterfly" style)= greatest of all time. Roy is a CLOSE second.

IGT just remember, wins come as a team, not individual.....

Then why does everybody go after Brodeur when talking smack about NJ? The Devils have ALWAYS played as a team as the key to their success and Marty is the only standout on the team year after year. Like I said, to the extent that the NHL flat out changed to rules to keep them from winning.

Btw, the Vezina rules changed in 1982. You can't compare pre-82 winners to modern day winners.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Bro, you need to stop diluting the FACTS, the NHL didn't adjust the rules just cause Brodeur can shoot the puck, the game was getting BORING and losing FAN BASE. NO FANS, NO NHL. When Devils fans ADMIT THAT, we'll ALL BE BETTER OFF.

Ice Hockey was certainly a better game to watch in the late '80's early '90's, BEFORE Garth Snow taught all the other goalies how to CHEAT with HUGE equipment.
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gets some
imnotcrazy said:
Yer STILL adding all those seasons a road cone could have won HALF of those games........ On top of that, if HALF of the good goaltenders were played as often as he was/is, his numbers wouldn't look near as nice.....

Besides, if he's sooooo good, why is he wearin COUCH instead of goal pads?

On the other hand, how would his stats look if he had played on the teams that Roy did?? It goes both ways.


gets some
imnotcrazy said:
Bro, you need to stop diluting the FACTS, the NHL didn't adjust the rules just cause Brodeur can shoot the puck, the game was getting BORING and losing FANBASE. NO FANS, NO NHL. When Devils fans ADMIT THAT, we'll ALL BE BETTER OFF.

The trapezoid was specifically instituted because of Marty. The interference penalty and eliminating the 2 line pass rule was to stop the Trap. Who cares if it was boring? It worked! Winning is #1. When winning comes second then something is wrong. The ones complaining were complaining because of MONEY and NHL officials that wanted to turn (successfully, I might add) the NHL into the NBA on ice. Run and gun, end to end bullshit that is killing the defensive aspect of the game.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Flames fell apart at the seams! wow! roenick sticking it to his former team, they shouldnt have pulled kippersoff


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®


Compare the SIZE difference of their ROOKIE shots, if that doesn't explain why the NHL changed rules in the defensive zone, then IDK what will

ALSO, watch some games from the '80's-90's and tell me how Jacques Lemaire didn't almost KILL the sport by introducing the Neutral Zone Trap
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
ItsGrowTime said:
The trapezoid was specifically instituted because of Marty. The interference penalty and eliminating the 2 line pass rule was to stop the Trap. Who cares if it was boring? It worked! Winning is #1. When winning comes second then something is wrong. The ones complaining were complaining because of MONEY and NHL officials that wanted to turn (successfully, I might add) the NHL into the NBA on ice. Run and gun, end to end bullshit that is killing the defensive aspect of the game.
i do agree the games changed quite a bit from back in the days..i remeber growing up in queens as a huge mark messier / rangers fan, getting gretzky was a blessing and a curse the game seemed to change from exacly that..more run and gun and less defense...but in hockey its actually quite exciting and the natural progression since its the fastest game...


Registered Cannabis User
any of you other guys have the NHL channel? not center ice, but just the nhl channel.. shows like nhl on the fly..and a bunch of 'top 10' stuff. it's a good channel. they show a lot of vintage games.

nycdfan042 said:
...but in hockey its actually quite exciting and the natural progression since its the fastest game...

not only do I agree that it's the fastest game...but the roughest too. I remember a few years back umberger had gotten checked into the boards, got six stitches and came back the next period. where you at on that one football?
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There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
In Fact, here's a few more:




I can keep going if you like.....

MANY goalies who played in the early '80's- mid 90's will tell ya the same. All these newbs are bulkin up on equipment. Would any of them be as good as...... HELL I give ya an EASY one to beat......Gump Worsley or ANY of those guys who played, basically with NO equipment.

When all the NJ Devils fans realize THAT IS WHY they changed the game, to make it more like how it was, not cause "Brodeur is OH SO AWESOME cause he can shoot the puck" maybe we can move on. Remember, Ron Hextall was shooting the puck in '86-87 when he was brought into the NHL so your boy didn't invent anything. But I do have to admit, that is the ONE thing he does better than all others, too bad he'll never get to take that shot from the slot...
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gets some
imnotcrazy said:


Compare the SIZE difference of their ROOKIE shots, if that doesn't explain why the NHL changed rules in the defensive zone, then IDK what will

ALSO, watch some games from the '80's-90's and tell me how Jacques Lemaire didn't almost KILL the sport by introducing the Neutral Zone Trap

Again, winning is top priority. Should a defensive team like the Pistons or the Ravens be penalized for playing good defense instead of concentrating on offense? Defense wins championships. Unless it's the NHL I guess. Im not sure what you mean about the rookie shots. Marty outweighs Roy by 25 pounds according to nhl.com. Marty was never one of the "big pads" goalies anyway.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Token: HELL YEAH, where else do guys play w/ broken bones, cut casts off to play and STILL excel at what they do. Again, I have to give my boys props, Saku Koiuv has 3 pts in 2 game on a broke foot. BTW, I also have NHL network....

IGT: BIG is relative to the time period you look to. Is he as big as the other guys playin now, no. Probably only cause he's Comfortable playing in that equip after so many years. Roy, Fuhr and others didn't follow that trend either, I can only speculate that they wouldn't want to bulk up, thereby slowing them down (But it's an educated guess, being I dumped the larger equipment when I tried it for the same reasons). BUT they're ALL still bigger than the guys who played through the 70's and 80's. IMHO, NHL is attempting to resolve that issue, not by slimming them down, BUT by forcing the teams as a whole to play a faster, more upbeat game. AGAIN, IMHO, it's good for the sport, Devils fans just tend to rationalize that it's because the "Trap"/Marty's doing.

BTW, the interference penalty was in effect for a long time, the refs just didn't call it as much. My impression is still the same, they were told to call it more often to speed up the game. What the NHL did iss not a conspiracy against the Devils OR Brodeur, they were about to have 4 BANKRUPT teams, a few of which are well performing, fun to watch teams....Like the Ottawa Senators because they tried to expand the league too fast in the '80's-'90s.

Let me guess the NHL instituted the salary cap and C.B.A. cause of the Neutral Zone Trap as well.....

OR is it to level the playing field a bit? Obviously teams like the NY Rangers and Montreal have $$$ for days due to Montreal Packing the stadium every game and NY just being a $$ city

ItsGrowTime said:
On the other hand, how would his stats look if he had played on the teams that Roy did?? It goes both ways.

ROY CARRIED Montreal to the cup in '85-86 and was a HUGE part in '93 AND with the Avalanche in 95-96 and 00-01. Whereas, the LOCKOUT helped carry the Devils to their first.

1994-1995 NHL Labor Dispute Lockout

The regular season was shortened because of a 103 day lockout, which ended on 11 January 1995. The season finally got underway nine days later.

It can be speculated that those 103 day made all the difference.......

My argument ALSO applies to, what seems like a 90 year old, Dominick Hasek between the pipes for Detroit. Shit, I know ya love the game Dom, but let the kids get their time in..... (BTW, did you guys see him CHOKE in Game 4? Sorry Dominick, I know yer a pothead on the boards w/ us....But after watchin you DOMINATE for quite a few years, it was pretty bad to see)
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