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Any of you guys see this about Bouncing Bear Botanicals, start buying as many ethno seeds as you can if this is the direction things are heading. So sad that we cannot grow the plants that earth has given us :(

It’s not yet illegal, but federal officials and local law enforcement have pulled the popular, marijuana-like substance known as K2 off the shelves at the Lawrence store Sacred Journey, 1103 Mass.

The Food and Drug Administration, along with area police, raided the store and a major distributor of the herbal mixture Thursday, leading to drug charges against a Lawrence man in Jefferson County.

Jonathan Sloan, 29, owner of Bouncing Bears Botanicals, was charged in Jefferson County District Court on Friday with eight felony drug offenses, including the unlawful manufacturing and distribution of controlled substances.

Jefferson County Attorney Caleb Stegall said Sloan was arrested after an investigation of a warehouse facility he owns in Oskaloosa, north of Lawrence. Bouncing Bears Botanicals, 14501 S. U.S. Highway 59, had supplied Sacred Journey with K2, along with other herbal products. Federal, state and local authorities seized more than $700,000 in cash from Sloan’s business and bank accounts. Numerous items, including thousands of cactus plants and 20 toads, were removed from the warehouse, according to warehouse employees and Sloan’s attorney.

The charges come one day after law enforcement seized Sacred Journey’s entire K2 supply, other “ethnobotanicals” and certain cactus plants. Authorities on scene said the FDA was in charge of the investigation, but an FDA spokesman said the agency does not publicly comment on active investigations.

The raid and seizure at the store came as a “shock” to Melissa Hart, who resigned as Sacred Journey store manager on Friday. She said the store was very careful in ensuring that the products it sold complied with state and federal laws. “We had no knowledge of anything that was illegal,” she said. The store reopened Friday.

The FDA has yet to release further details about the investigation. Sloan’s attorney, Scott Gyllenborg, said his client was operating a legitimate botanical plant business, which he said was “one of the country’s, if not the world’s, biggest distributors of these botanicals.”
“These are remedies. These are items used in religious ceremonies that are legal, that can be put to illegal purposes,” Gyllenborg said.

Sloan is scheduled to return April 13 to Jefferson County District Court for a preliminary hearing. Prosecutors said more charges could be filed against him. Bond was set at $150,000.

Johnson County officials raised public awareness about K2 in November, warning that the substance is a synthetic version of marijuana, though it’s marketed as an incense.
Kansas House legislators this week passed a bill that would make illegal the sale or possession of the substances found in K2, but that legislation has yet to become law. Gov. Mark Parkinson has spoken in favor of the bill, which is expected to hit his desk this session.

Sacred Journey has been at the center of the debate about K2, as store employees and customers have begun speaking out against a ban on the substance.

The charges against Sloan

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine (DMT)
• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Mescaline
• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide
• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Mescaline
• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine; Chacruna; Illinois Bundleflower; Epena; Cebil Seeds.
• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Bufotenine, Epena, Chaliponga, Cebil Seeds, Colorado River Toads.
• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide, Morning Glory Seeds, Rivea Corymbosa.
• Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters used or intended for unlawful use to manufacture, cultivate, plant propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance

If these charges stick it's going to be a very sad day for many plant lovers :(


just don't molest my colas..
do they have proof that he was making these precursors into the drugs that were named? cause it doesn't say that they confiscated any amount of DMT, mescaline, LSA or anything like that. and this K2 stuff sounds like those legal buds international oddities used to sell. this is a weird ass case.


WOW this sounds amazing... just wish i lived in cali

do they have proof that he was making these precursors into the drugs that were named? cause it doesn't say that they confiscated any amount of DMT, mescaline, LSA or anything like that. and this K2 stuff sounds like those legal buds international oddities used to sell. this is a weird ass case.

the dmt is contained in the mimosa hostilis root bark, and other plants, mescaline from cacti, lsa from morning glory seeds, etc... not isolated or anything. if he is convicted, this will be the first time (afaik) that anyone has been convicted for having these plants (they arent listed under the controlled substances act, so its a stretch - to say the least)

some more info in a thread in legal issues forum


just don't molest my colas..
there are hundreds of plants that DMT can be extracted from, not just the hostilis root bark. shit, are they gonna raid wheat farms because ergot can form on it and then people can use that to synthesize LSD?

The charges in the post up there says that he is being charged with extracting or synthesizing these drugs and distributing these drugs. but it doesn't say that there is proof he was doing anything but possessing and selling legal plants and seeds and such.


Before you know it it will be like a Alford Hitcock movie and they'll be trying to arrest us for manufacturing it in our brains, mandatory pineal removals for everyone they'll say...

Sounds like they are trying to stir the pot a little bit at the botanicle store, maybe intimidate into getting some sort of mailing list, or purchasing records. Slap all these totally heavy life sentence carrying charges on a 29 year old small buisness owner then play good cop bad cop til he tells him to whom and where he's shipping what to. Be safe out there all you warriors, the man dreads psychedelics, he's rather have us all on crack so we could all be asleep...peace out