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The Super "Super Auto" Test Grow Thread

Flying Goat

I remember my gran telling me, as we were cleaning about 30 rabbits from a hunt that morning... During the Depression of the '30s, they called rabbits "Hoover hogs," because food was so scarce & high priced & people were outta work... Dust bowl days in Texas & Oklahoma...

I likes them, fuzzy thangs. I don't get enough of them, as our pack of slavering hounds keeps them at bay. We do have a couple in the freezer atm, tho.

You might try what we use for deer repellent... Just piss around the border of the garden. Of course, you must "refresh" it after a rain!

From your narrative, sounds like a good throwing javelin or knot stick (Native American rabbit killing stick) would be easy for you to use...

Slip them outta their jammies (skins) & throw them in a freezer bag... Good tucker! (Not the myxi ones - despite what I've heard, I would not eat an ill creature.)



Got to be quick so il do some rabbit replys a bit later.......

Got some New Horizon today, went for the Giant grow bag as they are 60L (instead of 33) but they have exactly the same spec as the standard grow bag, from the PDF.......


Chemical characterisation of active components: Composted bark, Coir, Green
Compost, DIY, limestone and nutrients,
including hoof and horn, rock potash,
Vinasse and Bonemeal


Appearance: Coarse bark/coir blend
Odour: Slight woody odour
PH: 6.0-6.5
Solubility in water: Insoluble


So side by side, 2 Nirvana Sky's, 30L of J A Bowers tomato grow bag and 10L of perlite in pot A (right hand side) and 30L of New Horizon organic and peat free grow bag and 10L of perlite in pot B (left hand side)


Il be potting up the annapurna and the other nirvana sky (which will be the fence LST girl) plus the purple mazar & speedy G's a bit later, with the latter 2 il be doing more side by side with the new horizon and j a bowers. I got some nettle tea ready so will use that on the organic soil for veg I went to get worm casts today but they didnt have any :( once I get some il switch the nettle tea for worm casts

il carry on using canna tera vega/flores on the j a bowers as I allways have


Active member
Looking good Darg, I am not sure 100% if its exactly the one i have, the specs the same but the picture is different? probably the same, although they do a tom specific one too which has a pic of toms on the front which again has the same spec-i think. My one has pictures of Veg/ Courgettes & peppers on the front, but im thinking its the exact same? accoding to the spec it is! only difference i see is yours looks fine compared to the texture of this stuff which is course? They like it anyway! im looking forward to this comparison grow bro, set us up nicely for next season!
Gotta get me some Canna, always loved their nute range, clean stuff!


The only difference I could see was one is a grow bag, the other is a giant grow bag & they have different pictures of fruits on them. I remember u saying yours was very course with half trees in it, so I was pleasntly suprised by the qulaity of the soil, its very fine, alot finer then the j a bowers, its lighter in colour. it looks like it will dry out fairly quickly (it does warn you that you will need to water it more often than a normall grow bag) they did have the ones that you got but they are £5 each (33L) but the giant ones are on offer for 3 for £10 (3 x 60L) so I went with 180L for £10 over 66L for the same money, I asked them in the garden centre what the differentce was and they said nothing apart from the size, but there all a bit slow in there so not sure if they actually knew or was just telling me what they thought.

BTW I got 3 x 60L back on the bike in 1 go :D it was very light stuff and fairly east to balance


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hi there Dargo!
Any signs of sex in your babz?
Mine showed me some good love today!
All females until now ;)
Take care bro


Nothing yet, but im sure the Nirvana Sky's will show first as they are furthest ahead.

Annapurna in drainpipes in tree pots, tap roots had reached the bootom of the pipe.


rocket high

Active member
see that horizon compost ...where did you get it? ..ive had a look about but cant find it
is it a certain garden centre ..its got me stumped!!

cyber echo

Hey dargo,
Just a suggestion,
But you might have better results with something more "breathable" than pipes. I would imagine your plants would thrive with the extra oxygen. Check MDanzig's posts about his extreme raised transplanting and you'll know what I mean.

Other than that lookin good bro :]


In my greenhouse [thread] I got 4 extreme raised transplanted girls on the go, its definetly the way to go. currently there is only a single tap root poking out the bottom of the annapurna drainpipes, had I of taken it out of the drainpipe to transplant the soil would have crumbled and most likely snapped the tap root. depending on how fast and big they grow I can allways slip the drainpipe off withough causing to much damage, I should have cut it down both sides so I can just take it apart once there is a big/strong enough root system


Active member
I think youve got that tec down to a fine art buddy! lol ;~)
No im pretty sure this stuff is different, its course as fuck and dont even look like soil at all its soo course, yours actually looks like a compost, Mine doesent, at all bro? Mad as ah!
Ive gotta get some shots up man, i will when i can find the bloody camera, i could do with a second opinion on the stuff Darg! Anyway, im gonna get some of the other stuff too, This comparison is gonna be cool! My ladies are flying & really taking off in it, it reminds me of Coir with wood chips n perlite in it(i put 25% Perlite), fk all compost to look at it! but they love it & that what counts at the end of the day, so bud im thinking its the same but yours is a finer mix with less crap in it, thats what im starting to think Darg. Im off to borrow a camera, my lad has mine & do you think i can find it! Kids ah!


I went to get some of the one that you got but they done have any left! I wanted to do a side by side by side... im thinking with such big bits in yours the roots are going to have plenty of freedom to grow BIG, mine looks like its been shreded and sieved, no chunky bits atall. really light and fluffy.

rocket high

Active member
thats good of ya to put the link up ...dargo

There's a garden centre very local which helps a lot ..but i'll have a feel of the bag to see if its smooth or course .. crappy weather up here so dont know if i'll get it today,
my buddy's ment to be coming up to help but its that wet i dont think i'll bother.


I assume all the GIANT grow bags are the fine stuff and the smallers ones are course but worth having a feel first definetly, with the J A Bower's most have been a good blend of course and fine, but some have been mainly corse and the wood seems a bit fresh, which isnt a good idea (imo) as the wood robs all the N from the soil as it decomposes

Scrogerman have you looked at the New Horizon plant food that it recomend you use with the grow bags? I notcied them yesterday but havnt had a look at the contents, il go on there now and see if they got the PDF's for the food aswell. might be no good for our purpose, but it might also be perfect & cheap

rocket high

Active member
well the rain has stopped at the moment so am going to get some and drop it off near the site as it's too wet to go trampling through the long grass leaving a path...we deffo dont want that happening ..... will have a look at the food for this compost .. see if it's any good or not ..ive got organic liquid feed but it'll be no good with the rain and that, it might be better if i get solids for this outdoor grow ;)


N-P-K for my canna terra vega is 3-1-4 & terra flores is 2-2-4

N-P-K for the New Horizon organic tomato food (liquid) is 5-2-5 on the data sheet, but 2.5-1-2.5 on the site??

the new horizon organic multi-purpose plant food 4-4-4

New Horizon Poultry Manure 4-2.5-2.5

rocket high

Active member
i could only get the 60l vegetable compost !!! the rest looked like they were 15 years old ......all ripped and shit ..ends of the pallet's
i can see why the place is empty not much choice to be had
There must be new stock comming in some time soon by the looks of it
i wasnt happy but its better than nothing ...


Have you put anything in that dirt yet? is it fine or course? any good?




Nirvana Sky (1st pic in new horizon organic mix, 2nd in the J A Bowers)



Purple Mazar & Speedy G



Jet 47, Purple Mazar, Speedy G, Nirvana Sky & Annapurna
