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The Super Duper Beautiful or Trippy Photo Thread!


Stems Analyst


Well-known member
. Hopefully guy avoids getting bit.
very rare anyone dies from BW bite, but the bite site normally rots/necropsies with tissue loss. my maternal grandfather lost a chunk of meat off of his ass when he sat on one in the outhouse in late '40s early '50s. i've found two in my yard, seven at work in stacks of old metal roofing. :shucks:


Well-known member
very rare anyone dies from BW bite, but the bite site normally rots/necropsies with tissue loss. my maternal grandfather lost a chunk of meat off of his ass when he sat on one in the outhouse in late '40s early '50s. i've found two in my yard, seven at work in stacks of old metal roofing. :shucks:
Red backs are a very docile spider and really only bite if sat on or picked up.
They haven't killed anyone since the 50s as they have an anti venom. They will kill a child in 45mins if they can't get anti venom.
Funnel Webs are the dangerous ones. Kill an adult in less than 15mins and a child in less than 10 if not given anti venom.