One of the boats I sailed, to get to Jamaica in '72.
One pitch dark, moonless night, a 500 foot freighter almost ran us over..
He didn't have a single light on..
No masthead light, no navigation lights, nothing!
Bastards wouldn't answer the radio after we made a drastic tack and avoided being hit by less than 100 feet....
sorta sadly, this is one of my fav pics here, I'm a dog person & I recognize every bit of that puppy's body language, I always pray that I'm able to be there to help each of my dog's into their final comfort.
And although it's likely impossible, I hope that none of my canine companions ever have to tend my body until I'm (we're) found, I plan to share life with dogs as long as I'm able.
Oh yeah, I live alone, no job, answering to nobody on a regular basis, so I might not be missed for days However I do have 2 friends that I speak to almost daily.
I took this pic on Thanksgiving.
We were sailing through the Bahamas together and we stopped and rafted the boats together over the Grand Bahama Bank,
to cook Thanksgiving turkey with all the fixin's, and relax, smoke doob, drink beer and just have a good time...