Give us some of the reasons we don't want to keep squirrels as pets?
well for one i think its cruel to keep any animal caged especially a wild animal. it really wears on my soul when they get older cuz i know they wanna be out climbin the trees and chasin the other lil squirrels. im buildin a nice outdoor pen right now for this one cuz its startin to warm up a lil. you gottta teach em the lil squirrel life lessons that momma wasnt there to teach too, like forageing for food and building a nest. one thing i cant teach her are the communication skills she will need to survive amongst the other squirrels. and unless you live in a big ass acorn tree you cant just let a squirrel run loose in the house they are the most mischevious animal there is and love to snoop and gnaw on things. oh ya squirrels have to constantly gnaw and chew on stuff because their teeth are always growing. and just so yall know squirrel nests smell very unpleasant. be back with some more pics later yall thanks for stoppin by