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The squirrel lovers thread



Give us some of the reasons we don't want to keep squirrels as pets?

well for one i think its cruel to keep any animal caged especially a wild animal. it really wears on my soul when they get older cuz i know they wanna be out climbin the trees and chasin the other lil squirrels. im buildin a nice outdoor pen right now for this one cuz its startin to warm up a lil. you gottta teach em the lil squirrel life lessons that momma wasnt there to teach too, like forageing for food and building a nest. one thing i cant teach her are the communication skills she will need to survive amongst the other squirrels. and unless you live in a big ass acorn tree you cant just let a squirrel run loose in the house:laughing: they are the most mischevious animal there is and love to snoop and gnaw on things. oh ya squirrels have to constantly gnaw and chew on stuff because their teeth are always growing. and just so yall know squirrel nests smell very unpleasant. be back with some more pics later yall thanks for stoppin by :)


Mmmmm....fried squirrel......

Oh, wait, ya'll don't like to EAT them....haha...I'm in the wrong squirrel lover's thread....:D

Just kidding, fried squirrel not that good to eat IMO. I've seen many people fry their heads and crack open their skulls to get the brains.....talk about a horror story!

We have some white squirrels around here, and also there are lots of flying squirrels.

My neighbor got a flying squirrel in his attic...it got in his bedroom and ran up his pajama leg and attacked his crotch.....lol....guess it was looking for some nuts....hahaha
Anyway, it bit the hell out of his crotch....it was a funny story to hear! Attack of the flying squirrel, or Squirrels gone wild.....
Yea the funny little critter's always put a smile on my face, along with a joint.

And they are good to eat if you cook the in a crock pot with cream of mushroom soup. Grandma always made it.


Pull my finger
thats awesome, i love watching them play on the trees.

Ya, til it's my fucking pecan tree! Sorry, no love for the tree rats that took every single pecan from my family last year.

They can be cute elsewhere. I dont hate squirrels, but I hate having a bare pecan tree. The fuckers even ate my peyote cactus!

Hey Gdawg, in order to not get into a pissing match over the welfare of our tiny companions, how bout letting me know how to get em to leave the area without having to put .22 pellets in em. I hate doing that but I have a pecan tree for a reason. 'Round these parts, we eat em. But you gotta get alot of em to make a pot of soup.

It's funny cuz I gotta shoot at em at home, but I feed em doritos at school.

I have more of a pest problem at home. They are all over the place. My garden this spring will not survive with so many squirrels in the area.




all my squirrels have loved that lil dang stuffed elephant, aka Mr. Trunky


Oh, so cute..... looks like that one is trying to eat your hand...lol


Sneak attack critical
Squirrels are awesome. Just don't let them pee on your clones...

I saw one running around a while back with a cookie larger than it's head. It was hilarious watching him try to climb a tree with this giant snack hanging out it's mouth.

BTW, is that squirrel in your pocket? Crazy!


pano hey those tpb clips about the squirrels are some of my all time favorite scenes:laughing:


I know someone who claims to have befriended his local squirrels like this. Now I've seen photos of somebody else doing the same, I can believe it all of a sudden!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
jeeez,,come back from vegas to find this::::


gdawgs got them squirrels trained....

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i love squirrel's myself.
a couple carrots, some celery, pototoes and some turnip,
you got a great stew.
The owner's wife used to feed chipmunks at work, and she had them all trained to take peanuts outta your hand. 1 chipmunk was like a pet. We used to let him hang out in the office, and when he was over by the door, we'd let him out. He had half a tail, we called him scrappy. One day the head installer is late for the titty bar after work, comes peeling around the building, and I hear the secretary start BAWLING!
"You killed Scrappy, you killed Scrappy..."

We managed to keep it from the owner's wife for ~2wks, then she had to take a wk off to get over it...

RIP Scrappy, you'd have enjoyed this thread.

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