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The shocking truth about squirrels


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Remember when I said the squirrels amuse my dog....well here they are in action. Squirrel is in the feeder and the dog is going crazy cause the Mr squirrel isn't afraid of her....



A bas l`etat policier polygame!
Before a year I was reading in a book about animals, that squirrels often eat little birds out of the nest. That was new to me. Squirrels have a cute and nice Image, but at last, they are wild animals.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

when we go small game hunting squirrel is always on the menu, roast a couple of 'em w/cream of mushroom soup. so tasty you'll forget that you're eating rat.......


Brother Nature

Well-known member
Also, here's a squirrel drunk on fermented crabapples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAfKZUn9sZ0

I recall once in highschool, I was in Algebra class, freshman year and I was staring out the 2nd story window watching this squirrel jump from branch to branch collecting nuts. He was eyeing up a branch that looked a bit far for him, he jumped at it, totally missed and just dropped out of the sky. I coudln't help but laugh and everyone thought I was crazy (or high, I was). Went and checked the ground after and there was no squirrel carcass so I'm assuming he was ok. Anyways, they're funny creatures till they dig up your garden. Here's one eating a donut.



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ICMag Donor
Our Labrador puppy chases Gray Squirrels every day in the forest,
They are so quick he never has a chance.
I can never get a pic with my I phone cos they camouflage so bloody well,
They look cute though but I prefer Red squirrels,
I believe the gray killed most of the reds., s2


Indicas make dreams happen
What a beautiful scene to look at. We have a good mix of grey, black, and fox squirrels in our neighborhood and crosses between them. Never have had turkey, but have had pheasant and a bald eagle before. Turkey are definitely one of my favorite birds though.


Active member
What a beautiful scene to look at. We have a good mix of grey, black, and fox squirrels in our neighborhood and crosses between them. Never have had turkey, but have had pheasant and a bald eagle before. Turkey are definitely one of my favorite birds though.

It is one Marty Stauffer moment after another looking out the window. We were life long city folk until we retired. Having such

scenic surroundings is inspiring. I cannot tell you how many times, while recording some guitar music, I have to stop, put down the guitar, stop the recording, and then turn on the camera.

In spring of '17 we watched a big doe give birth to twins in our backyard one morning while her twin bucks from the prior year (just starting to grow their antlers) were watching from about 50 feet away. We were watching from the window of our home with our mouths hanging open. Got some great shots of that whole thing. Amazing. This last spring, the same doe had triplets for the first time. We got to watch her all summer hanging out in a couple areas where I've planted a bunch of sweet clovers and perennials they like. I get to see them all year. For a city boy born and raised, I'm still in the honeymoon phase of this country living, and we've been here just over 3 years. On a good month, from my man cave window, I take over 2000 photos of the wildlife.


Well-known member
We have fox squirrels, gray squirrels, black squirrels, red squirrels, and flying squirrels. The flying squirrels are back in the woods and very rarely visit by feeders.


flying squirrels are nearly totally nocturnal. if you see one during the day, it is a rare experience...the black squirrels are normally a color phase of fox squirrels, we get them and quite a few with blotches of white around here due to inbreeding in the isolated fox squirrel colonies. very cool pictures...


ICMag Donor
We have black squirrels here in the north east. I think here they are a mutation of the eastern gray squirrels. No fox squirrels up here.


New member
I had some old edibles a couple years ago. I came up with the genius idea of feeding them to the squirrels. I had a couple squirrels fall out of the trees because they couldn't climb anymore! Who knew? Stoned tree rats.

I know more than one who had feed squirrels cannabis adibles. Different places..one mind XD