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The Seed Scrimmage


buzzed day

man vt,these are just beautiful.it's a pleasure to watch the show.peace


Voluptuous Trichomes
The Human Genome

The Human Genome

Been reading one of the best books I've purchased in some time. Matt Ridley is a great writer, and Genome is a really good book--I see why it's a best-seller here in the USA. I just found out enzymes are proteins, lol.
This writer has the ability to break this shit down for those of us not well-versed in science.
The book breaks down the 23 pairs of the human genome--not a botany book, but all life evolved from LUCA. This guy (Matt Ridley) reminds me of Fred Alan Wolf, the SF State physicist who wrote Spiritual Universe--a book on quantum mechanics/quantum physics proving the existence of the soul. This book rivals that one thus far...

After this, I'll be reading:

Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing, Potency
by Michael Starks, Candice Jacobson (editor), Sebastion Orfall (editor)

ebooks are not as pragmatic as I'd like. Nothing compares to tucking in with a book...

Thanks, buzzed day--I wanted to post a pic but everything looks funny, and I can't even look at my own gallery. I'll be back after I figure it out--let me know if you have any info on that.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn man that c99 is awesome. I may have to read those books myself, been trying to find my books from college, I would love to find an ebook on breeding, take care bro.


Voluptuous Trichomes
Ok, I've transferred all my pics from the old gallery now--took some time. I'll be back to this thread when I update it. I kinda like the new site features :smile:



Voluptuous Trichomes
book on mj breeding

book on mj breeding

I would love to find an ebook on breeding, take care bro.
Funny you mentioned that. Chimera and I recently had an electronic conversation about that. I'm unsure if there will be an e-book version--I'm just excited that he's working on a full body text.


Ganja Smile

Active member
Hiho brothers:)

I see u writing something about breeding :)) tHERE IS alot of Breeders now and I think chronic is strong company. I didnt give up after destroyed outdoor ;) I start new indoor but its just begin ! ;d Good luck

Old Soul

Active member
I am a nobody, a peon. The things I have been lucky enough to have been given was pure luck. I am blessed for the friends I have made. I know nothing or care nothing of their feelings towards anyone else. I remember you from OG. I respected you then, and I still respect you now. No hard feelings. Hope all goes well in your life and in your ventures. Thanks for the explanation.

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Voluptuous Trichomes
I said I thought you were someone else--and said I didn't know who you are--now we're on 'peons'...and 'i am gratefulfor friends'///fuck you and your friends Damn, man--the respect talk is a bit much. If you hang with -VT- haters, um supposed to think you're the ONE mothafucka thsat 'respects me"--I aint buyin a word of that shit--you and half the posters in the thread are bitch ass trolls.
I remember you from OG. I respected you then, and I still respect you now. No hard feelings. Hope all goes well in your life and in your ventures. Thanks for the explanation.

So you waited 3 years to say hello? :rolleyes:

I'm done with this thread--you can follow my show in Chimeras Forum if you must--I can't keep people out of mt threads like I could at OG

My peace of mind is more important to me than your feigned feelings.

Old Soul

Active member
Dude, first of all I don't even know what you are talking about. I have no knowledge of anyone in my thread hating you. The reason I said I was a peon was that I just meant I was just another guy trying to grow his own weed. I didn't post much on OG and never talked to anyone there. When the site went down and then I found this one, I became more involved and started to talk with people more. Sorry for the way you feel but I am not here to fight or hate anyone. I am here to learn, contribute, and hopefully help people in the process. I will stay out of your threads and away from you. And I don't have any feigned feelings, no worries.


Ganja Smile

Active member
heheh OG was great ;)) Im mad cause it was the best and the biggest forum about our hobby:D look on that mutant
