Damn Baron it's been a while since I've been online and I see your thread is still going strong...lots of kickass pics gracing these pages from everyone.. :jawdrop:
well perhaps i should join in with some pictures ,
i have some old ones i would like to share with u guys ,
if u visit the owergrov site u have maby seen some of these pictures before ,
but i wanna show them for the ppl who dont come on OG
hope u guys enjoy.
Damnnnn where to start lol. good to see yaa guys, and y'alls photos and hash making skills have improved to an awesome level, if I do say so. since OG is down I thought I would check in here and I'm so blown away by all of the juicy goodness on this one thread, I've been taken some pics this winter but have yet to get any posted, but now that I look here, I'm going to have to work allot harder lol.
Great stuff my hashy buds, (to many to mention in my hashy daze haha!!!)
hash bean those resinous shots of dankness are just awesome!!! max wazzup d00d!?!? i'm doin my best to be there, i know it will be sweet...gaius wazzup how did the bubble run with dry trim go?
my dry run went well, although i got less than i do with fresh trim. but that might be because i did the first run with the ultrasonic toothbrush. tha bubble is very light in color. i'll post some pics up soo, didn't taste it yet either, probably today.
whaddup Maxim0? hope things are good in your level of the stratosphere
just been kicc'ing up dust out here...
post som'a dem pics to embarass us lowly non-photog expo's, err, experts you are seriously the best 'shish / herbage 'grapher i know, for sure in da states.
Here is some of a recent batch of trainwreck beutane honey oil i made. SUre happy to still have some of this in my jars. I tried smoking this bowl to the head i was more than high halfway through it... Sure is some nice medicine... PeAcE
farley, you really should dry it out before using butane : as it's a non-polar and goes far under water's freezing point during the extraction, you take a chance of freezing the water and stopping the goodies from escaping, or adding water to your butane solvent liquid, by using anything with h2o content.