And how differently those same cuttings look/grow when they are fully seeded. (Different plants then the ones in the previous post, but same cuttings HP6DD # 3 & 4) So the seeds would be (HP6 x Double Dutch) X (Double Dutch x Double Dutch)
The seeded HP6xDD 3&4 look so different when all seeded out. They now look more like the Hash Plant's side of the family, like the females that I grew out from the Hash Plant seeds I grew out. Then the #4 does NOT have the same smell that she normally has while grown out with out seeds.
The 4 cuttings of the DD f2, #5 female at 7 weeks. Expecting two more weeks out of her. She is looking like her mother did when flowering and she has a really fruity smell to her.
The purple Erkle #2 Hermied out and I collected an amount of seeds while trimming. there seamed to be more seeds in the plants sitting right next to her/ in physical contact.
[In addition - one of the two P.E. males was prone to dropping pollen when not getting enough light and was about 8 feet away from the grow box. That male dropped a bunch of pollen while the P.E. female was flowering. With that said if there are any males in those seeds, then I'll know they where pollinated by that male.]
This is the Grapestomper OG x Bubba Jam that I put into one of my flower rooms last week. I did something different when I transplanted the roots out of the aeroponic unit and into the net pot this time and she rooted out nicely all in the last 10 days.
I have a little bit of a new technique for when I'm taking cutting.
I get a bucket, fill it with as cold of water as I can get from the faucet. (you don't want a freezing temp)
Take cutting and toss them in the bucket w/cold tap water. Once you have all the cutting you are taking, use your hand to submerge all the cutting in the water several time so all the leave get submerged and covered in water. You should feel the cold water starting to have that cold hand sensation from the cold water on your hand. Any bugs on the cuttings will be having this same reaction too with the cold water.
Let the cuttings stay in the water for 4-18 hours. Then drain the water and rinse with cold water a couple times. Then after draining the last bit of water, start cutting them to place them into which ever cloning medium.
Soaking them helps hydrate the stems and they seam to recover better.
As the Purple Erkle #2 cures it is developing more flavor/taste when smoked. The smell/odor from the bud is not like any other type of bud/flower I've come across. I'm looking forward to getting the other female flowered out to see what her flowers are like.
Here are Pictures of the GSB "Grape Jam" I got from Miles. These pictures are are from week 7. This plant is a total Hermie! Harvested her couple days ago, I picked out at least 50 seeds out of just a couple of the lower branches during/after harvesting her and I'm sure that is just a drop in the bucket.
I first noticed male flowers at around week 5. Hopefully most of the seeds will be on the exterior of the buds.
The Grape jam, I'd call her a total hermi. I pulled out a SHIT LOAD of seeds from her when I was trimming up the buds. There are still a few beans in the bottom of the trim trays. I weighed the bag of S1 seeds, 4.2 grams of seeds.
I broken up many buds so I could smoke some and to get an idea of the seed content of the inside of the buds. I only have come up with a seed or two or three in small/medium size buds I broke up.
Got a little over 5oz off of her, not counting some little popcorn buds I didn't include in the finished/trimmed buds.