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So Medium - if we been running the S1 - would have been REALLY nice for it to have been passed as that - I can't STAND when folks mislead / mislabel / don't tell the full story...

But then again, I'm still not sure what we've got after those pics by Sub-zro. I was TOLD it was the legit real deal - sigh. But again, I asked source and haven't gotten a response - so, hopefully it gets cleared up and I don't make and ass of myself posting up incorrect information...

Sorry to anyone if it turns out I've misspoken on these posts - I was going by what I was told - from what was supposed to be a trust / no bull shit / straight forward f.u.c.k.e.r. - so that is what I was basing my stead fastness on...

Either way - if I've been puffing the S1 - that plant is still top notch fire - and if others say she isn't - you folks need to post up what you have that is so much better - and get us all on to the next tail chaser. I mean, part of the fun at this point in the game for me - is the hunt! hahahaha....

I really appreciate someone posting up a clear cut pic of the two different plants - it's okay to hoard something in my opinion - just be clear and straight up about what gets shared. That is just decency and respect...

It's unlikely that the pics with chunky buds; wider than any other OG, are S1 unless they also came out lower potency and/or slower veging. The loss of heterozygousity in the s1 should cause the plant to loose ether some vigor, or quality like an aspect of the smell/taste or it should become more of something that was in one of the parents. If it's a chunkyer s1 then the original then you would expect it to be more of something indica and less of something else sativa then the original, thus loosing some complexity to the flavor from the sativa side. The problem is that it's just as easy to change a plant by changing the environment as it is by making S1s in many cases you could see the same range of variance just by using a different set up. For example growing a sativa under blue CFL you get wider leaves then normal but not that much. However growing thai x afghan under lower light conditions gives you broader afganica leaves but take the same mother outside for a few weeks and all the new growth looks about 2x thinner leaves and they became lighter green like thai. It's the science of genomorpholy, one of the most fascinating aspects of genetics by far. One of my main interests is in breeding plants to be grown within within specific environmental parameters that way your always selecting the best for the environment you intend to grow it in. For example plants that are intended for hydro under a specific light source should be selected in that specific environment because the keeper in my set up won't always be the keeper in yours, even tho we're both first class.
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Active member
The original cuts r easy to spot they have small golf ball nugs. Leeroy at day 25. TK x rd#2 if it's stacking you probably got an offspring
I don't like to give away secrets these days with all the bullshit going on post "legaisation" (who wants to help all the posers take shit over just because they can get investors or whatever) but fuck it this time:
If you grow with more pointsoreces of light, as in say, a room full of 400w lamps instead of a room full of a corresponding number of 1000w lamps, you will get wider buds using the same cut because there is more horizontal light exposure from more angles causing the bud to grow outward in more directions. This is why LEDs will allways be garbage because only the top of each bud gets light. Environment has more to do with the morphology of a plant then people realize especially if the plant is highly heterozygous. A plant that is more homozygous can still change but not nearly as much.
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