But expensive steak houses fry in pans and use tons of butter to bast it in.I'll have to try it smoked with the right wood to make a decision
This thread is juts horrible for the munchies. A riot is happening in my belly right now.
Give me a cow, a pork and a dozen of chickens to test everything i've readed.
I had some bacon hot dogs the other day. The place that makes them grinds up some smoked bacon and puts it in the mix. They were pretty damn good.
Where's Stoner4life?he buys Nathan hotdogs in bulk.but he's a new yorker and I'm a chitown guy.are they really worth the price?don't care much for hot dogs except Chicago style.poppyseed bun with pickle,ketchup and mustard.maybe add some pickled peppers for me if I can't get relish
sorry.I'm a bit of a snob.i agree.i don't really care as long as it's bbq.I got a llama thats probably gonna die soon.maybe I'll post the process.can't say I heard anyone say that's the best damn llama I ever had though.lol
White trees and fruit trees are best for barbecue,also Vitis vinifera are great
for fish barbecue,better temps for fish barbecuing..
Oaks we use for heating a houses and we dont use him for barbecuing of food
cause Oaks have tanines and they can made meat or other bitter tasted..
Most usually we use European Beech tree and that same tree is most used for smoking
meats and fishes..
There's this dude in my town that restores them old Webber Grills to their former glory. An impressive collection he has. Those things are made to last!