hey roostaphish, that DUI revegger is taking her time so it'll be ready in...a while...if you happen to be on the michigents discord (via reddit) I'm making a list of sorts for the clones. I'm about an hour south of Detroit. The breeder even wants one of these back! The smoke is super smooth, dominant earthy taste with a bit of kushiness and citrusy floral hints. I just don't want this exceptional purple color to die with little old me.
And thanks for the kind words regarding my setup, only had one leak from me over tightening a gasket! It's feeding beautifully so far, that top gravity res part collects sediment before it gets to the hoses, and the few floating animal hairs that get in get sent back down. A welcome bonus. They're drinking a ton and I'm starting to worry about needing an even bigger res for a week vacation...crazy.
these blumats are really something. I've had to completely rewrite my planting/cloning schedule to accommodate way faster growth, my tent looked clean with four plants when I was hand watering, now with the blumats the tent looks like a mophead, all flip flopped everywhere from the weight of itself.