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the phish head thread!!


just don't molest my colas..
damn the ptbm tickets look sick this summer. can't wait to get my UIC tickets in the mail. those are the only lottery i scored.


Super excited for mansfield and camden!!

Last nights dwd>fluffhead>bowie was $$$$


3rd-Eye Jedi
Speaking of, just got these in the mail :dance013:


if you saw a dude wearing a AD/HC shirt to look like AC/DC your shoudla said hi

fuck i wish i had paid more attention would have love to burn one down

bethel was magic its a magic place


just don't molest my colas..
agreed. blossom was so fuckin' sweet. new song steam is awesome. possum with the tempo falling off over and over, hood>have mercy>hood, esquandolesalope. fucking key. what a fun show. that place was riding hiiiiiiigh that night.


just don't molest my colas..
honestly... cincy was okay, but probably the worst show of the tour other than that PNC debacle. There were at least 3 huge trey flubs and page even made a rare lyrical flub during lawn boy. I felt like the boys were worn out from bringing 3 straight sets of fire from second set of Pine knob all the way through blossom.
Having listened to the show now, I hear ya on the flubs.
Managed to grab some really good spots in the pavilion for that night, easily closest I've ever been to the boys. It was also my birthday so I was feeling great!
They were definitely on fire at Pine Knob and Blossom, wished those dates were 2-nighters!


just don't molest my colas..
definitely. I really dug the vibe at the venue, but the venue was pretty bad. I'm glad I had good seats too. otherwise, I might not have had as good of a time. What a cool birthday show though. I haven't had any birthday show in years.
Security in Cinci appeared to be ruining people's fun left and right... mad undercovers.
...Still the smell of Lemon G filled the air!


just don't molest my colas..
Security in Cinci appeared to be ruining people's fun left and right... mad undercovers.
...Still the smell of Lemon G filled the air!

for sure on that. we had decent pavilion seats, but when we got down there someone was in them. seemed like a whole team filling the row. we were only rolling 3 deep, so we found some seats a few rows closer and were there most of the night.

well right as the second set started a security guard came over and tried to kick us out. what happened was, the guy who's seats we were in was just dancing in the aisle and fine with it. the guy asked where his seats were and he showed him. so said security guard then tried to get us out against the wishes of the guy who's seats we were in. it ended up with me and that guy explaining that this is what happens and we wouldn't have been in his seats if our seats weren't filled when we got there. finally we got through to him and we didn't have any problems for the rest of the show.

man I'm so bummed I'm not on tour, tonight looks like fire. daniel saw the stone opener!?! fucking vultures... how have I seen Fuck your face twice and vultures zero times?? this band is killing me.

3 weeks til superball! who's in on the wiffle ball tourny?

Collie Man

Ok so I don't know where I have been the past 4 years or so. I went to my first phish show at merrierweather this past sunday in Maryland. Holy shit!!! I had a hell of a good time! I met a lot of good people and made some awesome friends. I went ticket-less and ended up getting a ticket for free!!!! Also met some nice guy who I rolled a cigarette for and then he rolled me a J of some super silver hazee...dank!!! I wish I went to more phish shows since I lived right down the road from merrierweather...Shieet! Next time tho I'll be there raging again! much love phish heads I understand now.


just don't molest my colas..
fuck! forbins and icculus tonight. nooooooo. I'm so bummed. no way they're playing those the rest of the summer.


just don't molest my colas..
and esther. they're killing it. a buddy of my just left an hour ago to drive out to portsmouth last second to catch the tour closer. just couldn't wait for superball. lol. been caught stealing gap- 298 shows!!

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