Along with Sea Monkeys and X-ray vision glasses.
It might be a bit longer......I will plant seeds the middle of next month....check back with me around August 1st.
I haven't eaten a tomato in months....can't wait. Like marijuana I only smoke and eat my own. Unlike marijuana which I grow several strains with maters I have only grown one strain for years. Drifting 13 gifted me seeds over a decade ago.....Cherokee Purple
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They had a few of that at Armstrongs nursery but the other half chose the Indigo Cumquat.
I'd have picked one of the yellow varieties they had.
When I was a boy growing up seems like every older man I knew had at least one finger missing. Both my grandpa and my uncle were missing fingers…
My buddy Mike is missing part of the index and F finger curtesy of a table saw about 1965. Worst I've done was mash my left thumb with a 3 lb short handled sledge driving out rivets from a truck frame. Just wrapped it in TP and electrical tape and carried on. Still a bit flatter than the right one. LOL
Uncle Glen had a hell of a limp from a PTO coming apart and whacking his leg. Farm equipment be dangerous stuff.