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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member

Along with Sea Monkeys and X-ray vision glasses.

It might be a bit longer......I will plant seeds the middle of next month....check back with me around August 1st.

I haven't eaten a tomato in months....can't wait. Like marijuana I only smoke and eat my own. Unlike marijuana which I grow several strains with maters I have only grown one strain for years. Drifting 13 gifted me seeds over a decade ago.....Cherokee Purple

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They had a few of that at Armstrongs nursery but the other half chose the Indigo Cumquat.
I'd have picked one of the yellow varieties they had.

When I was a boy growing up seems like every older man I knew had at least one finger missing. Both my grandpa and my uncle were missing fingers…..farmers.

My buddy Mike is missing part of the index and F finger curtesy of a table saw about 1965. Worst I've done was mash my left thumb with a 3 lb short handled sledge driving out rivets from a truck frame. Just wrapped it in TP and electrical tape and carried on. Still a bit flatter than the right one. LOL

Uncle Glen had a hell of a limp from a PTO coming apart and whacking his leg. Farm equipment be dangerous stuff.


Well-known member
When I was a boy growing up seems like every older man I knew had at least one finger missing. Both my grandpa and my uncle were missing fingers…..farmers.
Now that you mention it I don't think I see as many fingerless hands as I did.

My friend got his middle finger damaged badly on the job. Caught between a couple pieces of moving steel and his middle finger was constantly straight out. After a time he decided to go with the compensation boards recommendation and have the finger removed. They paid him $10,000 for the loss of his finger.

He wasn't walking around any longer giving the finger.
He had quite the callus on the end of that finger from all the times he banged it.


Well-known member
I have a set of Kevlar gloves that I wear with our mandolin. It allows you to get down close with the last slice without danger of cutting yourself.

It has been so long that I don't remember where I got them, but found this on Amazon:

Yeah, it is tricky getting those last few slices. I find the utensil that goes with the mandolin for holding a vegetable cumbersome and prefer to use my hand. Kevlar gloves, that would save slicing some flesh off.

It's one of those tools that can lead to some nasty damage if you get careless and not paying attention.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ivan and I are heading down to Miami Saturday to pick up his little brother… this little guy is huge for three months… View attachment 19173678

He's beyootiful. Ivan's gonna love him... he can be the little guy's mentor. That is one lucky pup to have you.

You were halfway decided on a name... What is it gonna be?

And welcome to the Land Of The Living, bro -- we were all worried about you.

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Unca Walt

Well-known member
It's a bitter 63F out there this moanin'...

...And the garage door guy is susposed to have his traveling circus visit us TODAY. So I gotta open it at least once more -- at risk of blowing one ball out from straining.

Gotta pass this on: It is one of the reasons I love my Red Witch. She found a "good" side to this problem --

"At least now Lumpy [the alpha peacock] can't poop on the garage floor with the door blocking him out..."

She has a point.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Welp. Another Sunday at the grindstone. Just too much stuff to get done without doing so.
They keep popping extra calls onto my agenda for me to listen in on. That just takes time.
Yesterday is going to be largely on me. Just can't bring it upon myself to take too much OT.
I think it is a cultural thing. Must be. It certainly seems built in, though I see others do it.
I cannot overly complain. I get paid regularly, and they've never missed a beat whatsoever..
Today is my early call and mostly all day long call day. And there is always work waiting too.
I hope all you workerbees have a nice start to your week. Starting to feel like summer here.
You soft hearted retirees just keep your mellow pace. You help keep the world a better place.

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today's Monday: "Can't Trust That Day". And the work week begins. One day closer to a weekend!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Well-known member
Ivan and I are heading down to Miami Saturday to pick up his little brother… this little guy is huge for three months… View attachment 19173678
If you don't have a name firmed up yet perhaps call him "Luigi" for that sideways chap who took a walk on the dark side. Though it may be a little tough to pronounce. Could give him an aura. I like the name more than the chap. :whistle:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with rain, starting at 48F and predicted to reach 67F. Predicted to reach 76F tomorrow.

Starting the morning on an upbeat note by cracking a fresh jar and vaping some of the Trainwreck that I grew in 2023

Gym first thing this morning and then an open calendar. I washed up my cloning tray and dome in preparation for some Hashburger cuttings ostensibly headed my way. Let the 2025 season begin!!