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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
POP <-- Pissed Off Pilot

Late Edit: POOP <-- Pissed Off Old Pilot

Remember I blistered chopper pilots as a group that were irresponsible? That stands strong.

Suppose you found out the leadership of this pair of assholes in the copter bumped it up dramatically:


"Military commanders are telling helicopter pilots to switch off a safety system in a move that makes them “practically invisible” to passenger jets, a whistleblower has claimed.

A serving navy pilot, who asked not to be named, spoke to The Telegraph after it emerged the same system had been disabled in the army Black Hawk helicopter that crashed into a passenger jet over Washington DC in January, killing all 67 people on board.

“I was waiting for something like that to happen,” the whistleblower said.

Lessee... flying a training/checkout mission at night, wearing limited-view night goggles while flying at the wrong-by-far altitude in the glide-path of a landing passenger jet in a very restricted airspace in a black helicopter in stealth mode.

What could go wrong?
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
@Boo -- At the very least, go to a walk-in clinic. You need the antibiotics, bro. I talked with Scooter after we got offa the phone, and he says antibiotics will help your weakened-by-chickenshit-dust bod to aid resistance to other infection. He says your immune system is weakened right now, and you are therefore vulnerable to other dangerous problems without taking antibiotics.
A note to all:

When you are young, be sure to have a baby boy that is smart enough you put him in the gifted kid school in High School. Put your ole lady to work, and send him off to Kollege. Have him become a doctor.

Then have him become a Board Certified Doctor. <-- AKA: Sooper Dr. by Dr. standards. OK, your job is done.

Now he can keep you and your friends alive a whole fuggin lot longer. (Mine saved my AA* twice so far...)

*Ancient Arse

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning venerable brothers and sisters of the sacred herb!

Partly cloudy with rain starting at 36F and predicted to reach 45F.

Wowza, glad I didn't have any tomatoes planted yesterday, given the serious hail storm. About marble size, but a lot of it............

Gym first thing this morning and then an empty calendar open for debauchery!


Hopefully the first small step towards a healthy food supply!


Well-known member
A note to all:

When you are young, be sure to have a baby boy that is smart enough you put him in the gifted kid school in High School. Put your ole lady to work, and send him off to Kollege. Have him become a doctor.

Then have him become a Board Certified Doctor. <-- AKA: Sooper Dr. by Dr. standards. OK, your job is done.

Now he can keep you and your friends alive a whole fuggin lot longer. (Mine saved my AA* twice so far...)

*Ancient Arse
We are all too old to have doctor kids now. Right .. :D

I have two siblings that are MD's and Board Certified Physicians. Does that qualify?

One of the two has been an AMA Voting Delegate for 50 years, of which there are a total of about 500 nationwide. And who likewise has been the President of his particular nationwide specialty group (surgeon) twice. Not sure if either ever got the Snooper Dr standard award though. Likely not .. :unsure:

I never ask them for medical advice, given I have learned their very clever and learned response now, which is to ask me regarding any health issue I have, when calling to check in with me, or me calling them: "What did your doctor say?"

As an aside, going into a walk in clinic is the very last thing I would consider doing. They know zero about how to diagnose any complicated health issues, and are often not even doctors, but physician's assistants, and likewise have zero access to any of my tests or chart data history. They want you in and out in 40 minutes tops, including billing information.Yikes. o_O


Well-known member
POP <-- Pissed Off Pilot

Remember I blistered chopper pilots as a group that were irresponsible? That stands strong.

Suppose you found out the leadership of this pair of assholes in the copter bumped it up dramatically:


"Military commanders are telling helicopter pilots to switch off a safety system in a move that makes them “practically invisible” to passenger jets, a whistleblower has claimed.

A serving navy pilot, who asked not to be named, spoke to The Telegraph after it emerged the same system had been disabled in the army Black Hawk helicopter that crashed into a passenger jet over Washington DC in January, killing all 67 people on board.

“I was waiting for something like that to happen,” the whistleblower said.

Lessee... flying a training/checkout mission at night, wearing limited-view night goggles while flying at the wrong-by-far altitude in the glide-path of a landing passenger jet in a very restricted airspace in a black helicopter in stealth mode.

What could go wrong?

Military aircraft use a completely different frequency than commercial airliners. So they are invisible to each other, regardless, other than visuals, and rely on the tower for flight path instructions. They should never cross paths. :eek:


We are all too old to have doctor kids now. Right .. :D

I have two siblings that are MD's and Board Certified Physicians. Does that qualify?

One of the two has been an AMA Voting Delegate for 50 years, of which there are a total of about 500 nationwide. And who likewise has been the President of his particular nationwide specialty group (surgeon) twice. Not sure if either ever got the Snooper Dr standard award though. Likely not .. :unsure:

I never ask them for medical advice, given I have learned their very clever and learned response now, which is to ask me regarding any health issue I have, when calling to check in with me, or me calling them: "What did your doctor say?"

As an aside, going into a walk in clinic is the very last thing I would consider doing. They know zero about how to diagnose any complicated health issues, and are often not even doctors, but physician's assistants, and likewise have zero access to any of my tests or chart data history. They want you in and out in 40 minutes tops, including billing information.Yikes. o_O
People often seem to forget that they work for you not the other way around.
I like how you fire doctors that is something I have done a few times myself often with the you work for me lecture.
I have had much better success with doctors in a small town than I ever did in the city.
My current PC is my friend and actually cares about me as I do him.
We socialize a few times a year and our kids are friends as well.
He may be the smartest person I have met.........either a genius or completely insane,hard to tell.
He emphasizes diet and lifestyle over drugs and it works.