Howdy gang. Back from my out of the house duties. New bale of ProMix and Perlite....$100......
Our local grocery store is on strike so along with the grow store trip I took Mrs Pute to Target for some groceries.....Blind leading the blind.....she didn't know where anything was....wandering the isles without a clue on how to find what she needed. I was patiently at her side.
Cold is moving in all around the area.....arctic blast coming. I will be close to the fire for the next few days.
Our local grocery store is on strike so along with the grow store trip I took Mrs Pute to Target for some groceries.....Blind leading the blind.....she didn't know where anything was....wandering the isles without a clue on how to find what she needed. I was patiently at her side.
Cold is moving in all around the area.....arctic blast coming. I will be close to the fire for the next few days.