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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Got into a row with my elderly (he's 66) brother yesterday - over the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 last night - which the Japanese won - due to a massive financial investment by Josef Schiff - from Khun Loeb - Wall Street bankers - after telling him that you can usually find out who the real villains or hero's are (depending if you are for or against wars) - by FOLLOWING THE MONEY - and finding out who made whatever war possible - 'cos wars don't happen without the finance - and there's usually a reason beyond a bank wanting to make interest on a loan - in Schiff's case it was because he was a top Zionist - and wanted to see Russia fall - because the Russians had been persecuting his Zionist/Jewish brethren in many pogroms - so it was an ideological investment on his part - and 12 years later he also invested heavily in the first and second Russian Communist Revolutions in 1917 - which toppled the Tsar - and led to many decades of suffering for all the Russian people - under Karensky/Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin etc -

My brother identifies as a socialist/communist - and has hardly worked a day in his life - being a burden on the tax payer - when he could have easily found work - if he had only tried - and he started literally screaming at me - with many cus words while we were having a cup of tea over his apartment - because he didn't believe in my statement that money and media make wars - and without them - no one can afford to buy a bullet or a tank - nor get riled up enough to actually go to war - without the propaganda from the media - so look to the war investors - those that control the money and the media for blame - literally - FOLLOW THE MONEY 💰

After 10 minutes of my own brother shouting at me - very loudly - and having one of his usual temper tantrums - I left his place - having not raised my voice once - nor resorting to ad hominem attacks - as he was doing - thinking that so many people are so jacked up on their beliefs - that they could never agree with someone else with different ideas and perspectives - and go ballistic when confronted with them - rather than agreeing to disagree in a sensible debate - with both parties practising civil discourse - and show respect for each other's views - no matter what they are -

The same seems to apply in online discourse - so in my view - best not to bother with brothers - or anyone that can't debate properly -


Cabana’s bitch

Thanks for sharing again, Boo. I did not tell anyone how to behave. And never do. And very cleanly stated this.. That is a misnomer. I do not appreciate having my intentions misplaced to bend to fit a group bashing for anyone else's desires. None of us has the right to selfishly violate any one else's enjoyment here, per the TOU, no matter the justification. Not if they've been here for one day, or a hundred years. We're all equally especial, and exercise that through responsibility..
I guess you only suggested we adhere to TOU...this thread was began by pute for the refugees that came from else wheres...we got along great...hundreds have stopped by and many have called the home...it gets a big edgy but not blatently political for the most part...if you want to come here and "talk down" to posters you'll not be well received and isn't that the idea...get along with like minded people...if it hasn't grown because we are here to insult or run off folks but we sure missed the mark...lets not pursue this, it's not going to help and no ones is trying to change you cola...if you get friction from your posts understand why...

mmm, snacks...


Well-known member
I guess you only suggested we adhere to TOU...this thread was began by pute for the refugees that came from else wheres...we got along great...hundreds have stopped by and many have called the home...it gets a big edgy but not blatently political for the most part...if you want to come here and "talk down" to posters you'll not be well received and isn't that the idea...get along with like minded people...if it hasn't grown because we are here to insult or run off folks but we sure missed the mark...lets not pursue this, it's not going to help and no ones is trying to change you cola...if you get friction from your posts understand why...

mmm, snacks...
I said you don;t have the right to violate it. We all agreed to the TOU when we signed up. Unless I missed something. And, if you want to quote someone who has an obvious angst towards me, like I am "talkng down" to anyone (lol), that is your choice. I am going to continue to be the same honest person I am now, regardless of "Likes", or not. G'nite. :)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'Politics makes bastards out of us all ' - good quote from the end of that link -

So in my mind - best keep it under wraps - because no matter what your view may be - surely enough - there will be someone who thinks you are a bastard - for espousing your views - and that's not conducive to peace - love - and understanding at all - and on a site such as this will always end up with disharmonious posts - that upset members - old and young 😊


Well-known member
Got into a row with my elderly (he's 66) brother yesterday - over the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 last night - which the Japanese won - due to a massive financial investment by Josef Schiff - from Khun Loeb - Wall Street bankers - after telling him that you can usually find out who the real villains or hero's are (depending if you are for or against wars) - by FOLLOWING THE MONEY - and finding out who made whatever war possible - 'cos wars don't happen without the finance - and there's usually a reason beyond a bank wanting to make interest on a loan - in Schiff's case it was because he was a top Zionist - and wanted to see Russia fall - because the Russians had been persecuting his Zionist/Jewish brethren in many pogroms - so it was an ideological investment on his part - and 12 years later he also invested heavily in the first and second Russian Communist Revolutions in 1917 - which toppled the Tsar - and led to many decades of suffering for all the Russian people - under Karensky/Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin etc -

My brother identifies as a socialist/communist - and has hardly worked a day in his life - being a burden on the tax payer - when he could have easily found work - if he had only tried - and he started literally screaming at me - with many cus words while we were having a cup of tea over his apartment - because he didn't believe in my statement that money and media make wars - and without them - no one can afford to buy a bullet or a tank - nor get riled up enough to actually go to war - without the propaganda from the media - so look to the war investors - those that control the money and the media for blame - literally - FOLLOW THE MONEY 💰

After 10 minutes of my own brother shouting at me - very loudly - and having one of his usual temper tantrums - I left his place - having not raised my voice once - nor resorting to ad hominem attacks - as he was doing - thinking that so many people are so jacked up on their beliefs - that they could never agree with someone else with different ideas and perspectives - and go ballistic when confronted with them - rather than agreeing to disagree in a sensible debate - with both parties practising civil discourse - and show respect for each other's views - no matter what they are -

The same seems to apply in online discourse - so in my view - best not to bother with brothers - or anyone that can't debate properly -
I could not help but notice your rather detailed post and it made me think of some of my own biologically related relationships. Growing up, like many, I thought our family was pretty normal, but it was all that I knew. I have a best friend who does not talk to his brother, for over a decade or more, and have a similar situations in mine. My idea was that due to our independent nature as a country, that the closeness that I heard about, and somewhat observed, in some of the European cultures was more the norm, and the separation amongst many Caucasian US families was the oddball. Being older now I have pretty much resigned myself that the distance between certain sibling will likely never grow closer, and that in all likelihood they will pass onto the next phase, without ever seeing each other again. You seem to have a discourse with your older brother, though it is strained. How have you maintained your friendship as such? Curious given my own perplexing situation that seemed to just occur. My friend discussed with me likewise that he didn't believe he would ever talk to his brother in this lifetime. Sad. Not something I ever envisioned when growing up.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - I've always maintained the view that 'blood is thicker than water' - and have tried to be a friend to my brother over the years - even to the point of trying to employ him on 3 occasions - which inevitably all ended with him shouting at me over some odd conversation or other - then he storms out - safe in the knowledge that he can welch off the state for money to support himself - and doesn't need the job to survive - so I've always been the instigator of sociality between us - he never calls me - and rarely visits us - although he only lives half a mile away from me - instilling within me the thought that he doesn't feel the want or need to keep up some sort of relationship with myself or his SIL or his nephew or niece - kinda sad really -


Well-known member
I always thought the same about blood relationships, until we all got into our 30s, 40s, 50s, when they started to just slip away. It sounds like you have reached out to your brother and maintained the relationship that you have. With each year that passes there's less time to mend the fences, which are varied, & wide. As I said, perplexing, & a challenge indeed.


Well-known member
'Politics makes bastards out of us all ' - good quote from the end of that link -

So in my mind - best keep it under wraps - because no matter what your view may be - surely enough - there will be someone who thinks you are a bastard - for espousing your views - and that's not conducive to peace - love - and understanding at all - and on a site such as this will always end up with disharmonious posts - that upset members - old and young 😊

Yup. You are right. Best not to discuss Politics, pro or con, in any way. Even for someone apolitical, like myself. :eek:

From the Link:

"The way some politicians and media speak about the other party fuels that fire in a way. The more we engage in pitting one party or the other as the bad guys, and the more you feel that way, the more you are willing to set your morals aside."

The research builds on Smith's work exploring how political engagement and ideology drive moral values and choices, not the other way around.

"If that's true, then people will probably be using different standards for moral behavior or moral choices in their personal lives than they are in the political world," Smith said. "And that's what we found. It's not like politics makes bastards of the left or the right, or the young or the old, or the rich or the poor. Politics seems to make bastards of us all."

Unca Walt

Well-known member
That blue track shows the pilot went so far past the shore as to get in the way of the takeoff path on the main runway. She had to swerve to the left suddenly to get back to the track she should have been following. Then she was all over weaving like a drunk, until she decides to hang a right and go into the other runway landing path.
Like I said the first time I heard the news: "100% helicopter pilot error" <-- And gave the (it turns out) specific reason for that "error" to have occurred.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
It wasn’t my intention to run you off, but to let you know you have other options if you don’t like was posted on the old fart thread. We have been friends for decades and we banter back-and-forth. That’s why this is the second most posted thread on Ici. Because we enjoy what we say and do in front of gypsy and everybody else it hasn’t been a problem. You are welcome to be a part of this thread as everybody else, but when you come here and tell people how they should act I think that’s a little bit more than we care to see. If you want to be a sign up and do so but close to 4000 pages we haven’t had a problem with sex politics, drugs, or anything else in our conversations. I know there’s plenty of threads here that I don’t like and I don’t pay any mind to them…I don’t sit there and try to tell people how they should post… you and I have gotten along very well here and I intend to keep it that way, but if you’re going to be throwing stones at one here, throw stones at all of us. Old man left because he didn’t like the comments that were made about Canada. I think that’s being a little bit on the snowflake side, but that’s just my opinion. I’ve lived a hard life and don’t have a lot of sympathy for that kind of stuff so pardon me… I’m going to roll a joint and climb into bed folks so y’all have a good night and play nice
There goes Boo, channeling his Unca.

That's the sekrit, @cola -- this group comprises folks who've known each other for years who have managed to survive as a thinned-down, essentially like-thinking, semi-family.

Look at the denizens of this weird board that doesn't count your posts -- clearly, that Management idea was friggin' brilliant. And generous to us in the scattered refugee group.

We try to keep politics from minimum to absent. But what is happening now in our everyday lives isn't politics. It is History with a capital "H".

If we all are careful, we can follow the rules while we discuss non-controversial History going on around us this very day.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Some good discussion here that dances around the point that loss of civility is why some subjects end up verboten. Some brothers and sisters feel so threatened by the message that they attack the messenger.

If you find yourself regularly in heated debate, perhaps you could improve your own situation by learning the rules of fair fighting instead of relying on others to make it work?


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Mostly clear here starting at 31F and predicted to rise to 41F.

I ordered all the parts to relocate my EV electrical service to the opposite wall of our garage, and they've started arriving.

I finally get to see a cardiologist this morning and an opportunity to see what the cardiac monitor that I bought is seeing when it says "possible arrhythmia".

I am no longer taking the drug that caused my A-fib or the one causing my Creatin to elevate and have dropped one blood pressure med under the direction of my personal physician. Too many doctors not only spoiled the soup, but could have killed me.

deaths by cause.jpg


stay weird
The quality of city water is clearly location sensitive. Our Bullrun water is snow melt and excellent. but my joke had to do with the price.

Have you ever tried distilled or Reverse Osmosis water? You can get about ten gallons for the same $3.00 at Winco.

You can also get a home RO unit to clean up your city water at way less per gallon.
just happen to be at a friends when that happened drank the stuff few times it was horrible i have well water. the city gets their water from lake 20 miles away that lake clean but they treat the water heavy. the lake next to the city is the most polluted in the states industrial run off and sewage did it in for 100yrs they started cleaning it in the early 90s and capped most of the bottom. monster fish in there no one eats it catch and release


Well-known member
Morning peeps. Made a quick supper last night. Took a can of venison, warmed it in a pan and added bbq sauce. Supper done, and good. Cheap too.

I drink a caffeine free Coca Cola with supper. Well, the wife opens it, drinks maybe a 1/5, then I drink about half. 12 ounces is too much for one sitting. Wish I could find the caffeine free cokes in those little 8 ounce cans they sell.
I try not to drink any sugar drinks. Actually like I sweet tea😂. That’s blasphemy in the South.

I gave up caffeine, tobacco and alky-haul. But sugar is the hardest to quit for me.

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