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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Ahh - a pic of Mick Jones from The Clash originally - then he formed B.A.D. (Big Audio Dynamite) - I knew him kinda - back in the 70's - 80's -

- and on a more serious note - IN THE NEWS TODAY - it looks like I've discovered why there are not more women at the gym -

The biggest cause of 'gym-phobia' revealed: Almost HALF of women are scared to exercise in case they get a camel toe, study finds -​



Well-known member

You'll have to ignore the web address to get away from any initial bias. For a long time I have been practicing this very same type of minimalist showering. For me, that means a shower every two days during the winter, and every day during the warmer months. I do not always use soap daily in the summer, especially when taking a totally cold shower. Generally, I use a non-antibacterial soap like Ivory Mild liquid soap at home, and at the gym where I often go to work out and take a shower, I use Ivory Original bar soap. An exception that I personally follow is using soap always in the groin and buttocks areas, feet, hands, face, hair. Everything else typically gets a good palm resistance water scrubbing. :whistle:


Well-known member
Ahh - a pic of Mick Jones from The Clash originally - then he formed B.A.D. (Big Audio Dynamite) - I knew him kinda - back in the 70's - 80's -

- and on a more serious note - IN THE NEWS TODAY - it looks like I've discovered why there are not more women at the gym -

The biggest cause of 'gym-phobia' revealed: Almost HALF of women are scared to exercise in case they get a camel toe, study finds -​

I had to look up this meaning because I'd no wherewithal whatsoever and could not fathom what in the world it was.:rolleyes:


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You'll have to ignore the web address to get away from any initial bias. For a long time I have been practicing this very same type of minimalist showering. For me, that means a shower every two days during the winter, and every day during the warmer months. I do not always use soap daily in the summer, especially when taking a totally cold shower. Generally, I use a non-antibacterial soap like Ivory Mild liquid soap at home, and at the gym where I often go to work out and take a shower, I use Ivory Original bar soap. An exception that I personally follow is using soap always in the groin and buttocks areas, feet, hands, face, hair. Everything else typically gets a good palm resistance water scrubbing. :whistle:
-- Same-Same here - power shower and shave scaping every 2 days in the colder months - after a good sweat out - workout - I use shower gell to shift any grease/oil that I might have sweated out too - or a bar of soap 🧼 if no gell around - and lather up head to toe for 5 minutes or so - paying extra attention to da gribbly bits - and any skin on skin contact areas just with my own hands for scrubbing - 5 minute shave using same soap - under a hot as you can bear it power shower - and I'm out of there for a good clean towel rub down - and a dab of moisturiser on areas that tend to need it - then throw the clothes on - squirt of Dior Savage Elixir - and I'm presentable - and even smell good too - 15-20 mins max - done and dusted -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I got it straight about A-fib and blood clots right off the bat or I wouldn't be on Eliquis, because I don't take any medication that I don't have to.

If after I talk to the cardiac specialist I have no other alternatives, I check into buying it from Canada. The ER doctor and the last cardiac specialist that I talked to said there may be alternatives.

God bless them. The pharmacy charged me $472.
I just gotta say it: You just got your new car undercoated. I got the very same numbers handed to me. Being a cheap Dutchman, I squeeze a buffalo nickel until the injun gives him a blowjob.

I immediately got an appointment with my doctor to discuss that outrageous cost. I even did the Jack Benny routine where the robber says: "Your money or your life!" and Jack Benny just stands there until the robber says: "Well?!" Jack Benny says: "I'm thinking. I'm thinking."

So the doc has his office staff do some phone calling, and PRESTO! A 75% reduction in my cost.

One last thing: You are common-sense bound to do 15 lousy minutes of due diligence and find out the cost of your Eliquis when they put a different name on the bottle. THAT is your alternative.

I know this from MySonTheDoctor: For A-fib, there is NO OTHER compound known that is as reliable and safe as...

as... Now what was the name of the new GENERIC (therefore far cheaper) Eliquis?

Have you checked the cost of it? NO?? Do it today. Hellfar, laddie: Take ten fargin minutes and do it now by looking it up on the Net.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ahh - a pic of Mick Jones from The Clash originally - then he formed B.A.D. (Big Audio Dynamite) - I knew him kinda - back in the 70's - 80's -

- and on a more serious note - IN THE NEWS TODAY - it looks like I've discovered why there are not more women at the gym -

The biggest cause of 'gym-phobia' revealed: Almost HALF of women are scared to exercise in case they get a camel toe, study finds -​

Wimmins is crazy. Push-up, cleavage bras, revealing shirts, etc. worn everywhere in public. String bathing suits -- No problem.

If a guy (not on steroids) is laying flat on a bench doing leg work, mebbe he shoulda just stayed home because any girl walking by could see the outline of his courting tackle, and that would upset him.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
My wife's doctor prescribes double the dosage pill at the same cost and she cuts them in half
HOO HAH!! Now there's THREE fargin ways for @Gray Wolf to lop the the cost way the hell down by at least 50%:

1. Get your doctor's staff to make some phone calls (Unca's Path <-- Might require having a Dr. for a son.)

2. Get the new generic.

3. Get your doctor to prescribe a two-pound pill.

Numbers 2 & 3 are slam-dunks, so yer much older Unca says;

"Stay on 'Eliquis' no matter what the name." <-- There is no real replacement for it. This info is from the grape, not the grapevine.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yes, generic apixaban (Eliquis) is approved by the FDA, but it's not yet available in the US. The earliest it's expected to be available is April 1, 2028. View attachment 19141874
That's one of those problems that often can be solved by logistics. Dunno what the deal is in Canuckistan, but apixaban might be available there. At the very least, I would check where it is available and go from there.

Meanwhile, a pill that can be cut in half equals 50% savings.

There is no excuse inna world NOT to take Eliquis when you have what yer immortal (so far) Unca has: A-fib.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hmmmm - dunno what I am politically - I do know that I'm a man - and it's not what I identify as - it's what I am -
Well, if you are looking for the original origin type, thass yer Ancient Unca Walt. I took the Political Spectrum Analysis thingy a while back where you answer dozens of questions on a raft of subjects.

Here is me -- about as even-keeled as is possible; not L/R ("pure" L/R that is) -- and also I am not "storm trooper" nor am I "do anything you like":

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