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On a mailtrain.
Premium user
It's 75F and sunny outside right now. Just got back from a walk a hour ago. When I got to the canal at the end of my road, I saw a monster iguana in a setting exactly like in the picture below: Lawn down to water.

It was every bit as big as this one.

View attachment 19140663

I thought that was Scooter for a second

then I realized the guy in the photo is way to small


Well-known member

Speaking of echo ...
I've noticed this as a phenomenon in the workplace today. Progressively so with Gen X, Y, Z. Reminds me of Orwell's "Ninetteen-Eighty-Four". I learned how to study and retain knowledge, and to write more than singles sentences (lol), practicing this skill. Sadly appears lacking now. Paragraphs are now a reach, and multiple concurring paragraphs a distant thought. Like "Dumbing US Down" by Gatto. Degradation of a society as a whole. My "smartphone(s)" is in my coat pocket most times, or on the table face down. I don't use the pesky thing except as a phone, or possibly directions. I text only if & when absolutely necessary. Sibling family despises that I refuse to text. Tell em, I'm old school. Let's talk!
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Doesn’t seem safe to hold one like that
Shee-it, NO. They have razor teeth. He ded. The guy in the picture is a local who hunts them for a living. The picture even looks like my neighbor's side yard because the canal ends right there, too.

My neighbor wished me to clean out all his iguanas with my crossbow. Especially the big ones, because they turn pretty carnivorous when the get over five feet long head to tail. They eat all the baby duckies. :mad:

But Witchie-Poo put her dainty foot down (cracking the concrete of my driveway) and pointed out that the only LEGAL way I could shoot them is if the arrow had a cord attached it. <-- TINS

Ain't no way the laser "put it in his brain" crossbow can be adapted for that crap.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

Speaking of echo ...
I've noticed this as a phenomenon in the workplace today. Progressively so with Gen X, Y, Z. Reminds me of Orwell's "Ninetteen-Eighty-Four". I learned how to study and retain knowledge, and to write more than singles sentences (lol), practicing this skill. Sadly appears lacking now. Paragraphs are now a reach, and multiple concurring paragraphs a distant thought. Like "Dumbing US Down" by Gatto. Degradation of a society as a whole. My "smartphone(s)" is in my coat pocket most times, or on the table face down. I don't use the pesky thing except as a phone, or possibly directions. I text only if & when absolutely necessary. Sibling family despises that I refuse to text. Tell em, I'm old school. Let's talk!
Meh. I have a landline. That's it.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Youre pretty solemn today, what's up with you?
Hey friend! 👍 Did 6 miles walking today. Mom came over and made sliced potatoes with sauerkraut and chicken sausage. I enjoyed the food and her company. She will be 70 this September. She's doing excellent. Getting high, sipping coffee, watching news, listening to classic rock. Have a good evening Raynard 👍💨