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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
If ya lived any closer I have an 870 Magnum nice walnut checked fore and butt.
Slug barrel
28" adj choke barrel

On another note I have a torn bicep where it attaches to the shoulder affecting bicep and triceps down to my elbow.
Had it tamed down until that sweet PA started dicking with it.
Now it's feeling bruised and that sick feeling in it.
MRIS are needed supposed to happen in a 2-3 week time.
Then another consultation with the doc this time will have to go thru proper steps with ins. Appt already set 2/14 valentines day.
Starting with the Cortizone shot, therapy and lastly surgery.
So I'm guessing surgery won't be till spring.
Not the least happy about this shit Atttt All.
Dont know if i should still plan on ice fishing fall and I'm fucked getting up off the ice.
I've already fallen 3 times in a years span.
October is when I did this fine work.
Hey there, hope you get your medical needs worked out sooner than later.
What's with the falling, is it from slipping or is it a balance issue?

Hello OleReynard:)


Well-known member
Premium user
Stopped in for a smoke break and see that my Louie is getting his box time too. He waited forever for Cleo to get out.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
My BP was very good on Hyzar but my urologist said that the HTZ promoted kidney stones so I switched to Cozar. That worked for about two months and my BP started elevating, so my doctor added Amlodapine and Hydrazaline, which still doesn't work as well as Hyzar did.

I just reseached HTZ and kidney stones, only to find that it was used to prevent kidney stones until it was found by multiple blind studies that it has no statistically significant effect on kidney stones what so ever.

Too many doctors are spoiling the soup so my personal doctor is weaning me off Hydrazaline and DULoxetine and putting me back on Hyzar.

She also took me off the Metaprocol, since my pulse rate is no longer elevated, nor do I have tachycardia and A-fib and it is driving my pulse rate down to around 45 bpm. If I wait until it is convenient for the cardiac specialist to call with an appointment and discover that, I could be dead, I could also have been killed by the Meloxicam and DULoxetine.

Needless to say, I'm not happy with doctors right now....................
Get used to it.

The medical profession is taking a nose dive equal to that of our Border Patrol: A shadow of its former self.

DEI and pronouns now TAUGHT IN MED SCHOOL. <-- TINS :mad:


Well-known member

I have often wondered, since I have a relatively complex understanding of how some of the Middle East countries were supporting their economies under prior sanctions, using a system called "hawala", what would happen if there was another major "terrorist event". Given the fact that it appears that bitcoin (and its kinfolk) are doing substantial heavy lifting now.. My surprise is that governments have allowed this to get this far. To me this is very counterintuitive, and whenever I see something like this, I can only surmise that something much more dark, and more sinister, is actually occurring, under the table. And that this is not something, so nearly so, "heaven sent", after all. Caneat Emptor. o_O


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user

I have often wondered, since I have a relatively complex understanding of how some of the Middle East countries were supporting their economies under prior sanctions, using a system called "hawala", what would happen if there was another major "terrorist event". Given the fact that it appears that bitcoin (and its kinfolk) are doing substantial heavy lifting now.. My surprise is that governments have allowed this to get this far. To me this is very counterintuitive, and whenever I see something like this, I can only surmise that something much more dark, and more sinister, is actually occurring, under the table. And that this is not something, so nearly so, "heaven sent", after all. Caneat Emptor. o_O
Thanks for that.. Interesting reading on the thread at the bottom....

Unca Walt

Well-known member
well chit Mang , I guess I will have to upgrade to a .44 magnum

ya all think that’s big enough?🤓
.44 Mag loaded with Hydra-shok is adequate. And bloody expensive. And heavy. etc.

Lightness aside, my very good friend, if you are out in the woods (and find bear shit!!!!) and you do not have any form of defense -- you are being stonk stoopid.

There IS a valid alternative. Lookit Amazon.

Buy a half-dozen of these, stash them all over (eg: Potty) and have one of each on your person at all times.

[2 Pack] Bear Blaster Bear Horn for Hiking - 1/2 Mile Sound Air Horn for Bears - Made in USA Bear Horn Self Defense - 1.4oz Each Air Horns for Safety for Wild Animals - Airhorns Horn Loud for Bears​


Also get a minimum of two of these (this one rated "Best of the Best":

SABRE Frontiersman MAX 7.9 fl oz. Bear & Mountain Lion Attack Deterrent, Up to 40 ft Range, Contains 2% Major Capsaicinoids, Safer for You, Animals & The Environment, Glow-in-The-Dark Safety​

Link: https://bestreviews.com/camping-and...5X0a208Rw_39BxvFfcoAFfsxovthpzOAaAgT8EALw_wcB


There -- Now I have done the pre-op you really needed. One each on your person. Always one in reach. You are literally "in the grass", my friend. While the enemy is few, the one near you is exactly the same for danger as in combat.

Start thinking that way.

PS: You can miss with a gun. You cannot miss with a fargin diesel train horn.

PPS: You can miss several times with a gun. You CAN sweep your spray to correct your aim.

Tell yer old Unca you will go spendy-crazy** and get all the above. Because even just the ammo for a brace of .44 Mags is pretty shocking. You will not want to practice. And it could hurt Sweedie.

** Actually, if you buy all the above, you will spend less than a tenth of what the gunslinger route would cost. <--TINS

LATE EDIT ADD: The Forestry Service has OK'd the use of BOTH these things. <-- Hint, hint.
Last edited:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Being allergic to it, and having both a physical and mental (headache) reaction, I hated it with disdain and despise. :(

I went to undergrad and then grad school in my home state where I was born (in state tuition, I believe they called it). Then in embarking to further my educational career I moved onward to the Golden State, which, much to my surprise, many more people did not smoke, or were more conscious of it, so that it was not the disturbing issue that I experience even though my college.year. Equally surprising was that on my just finished jaunt where we had gone before, in their culture men typically all smoke, and perhaps half the women do too. Now at least there I did not see any ashtrays in the restaurants, so maybe they are coming around to understand it is harmful for children, and others may be adverse too.
The first time my Witch-Wife and I went to Paris, the restaurants would be blue with smoke. Simply everyone smoked at dinner.

Twenty years later, I saw no one smoking in a restaurant there.


Well-known member
Thanks for that.. Interesting reading on the thread at the bottom....

it is interesting that the "creator" that originated Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, mined 1.1 million of Bitcoin for themself. And, it is surmised, though as of yet unverified, that this entity is no longer alive, and is deceased. Yet no one is in the know. It was rumored that this entity once stated that in the end, Bitcoin would be worth 1M each, or would be entirely worthless. I have no interest in this product, if you call it that. I have no countervailing product that I am profiting from whatsoever. I only write about the very small amount that I know, and am so inclined to discuss. Don't bet the farm.:cautious:

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I, too, have a problem with equating electric dots with lumber or tin or anything that can be seen and measured.

That said, I remember a guy giving a bitcoin to another guy in return for a favor. While I am debt-free and reasonably wealthy, I wish -- just for the fun of it -- I had bought a bitcoin for a couple of bucks.

Knowing me, I'da sold it at $20. <-- There's that Goldbug in me showing through again.


.44 Mag loaded with Hydra-shok is adequate. And bloody expensive. And heavy. etc.

Lightness aside, my very good friend, if you are out in the woods (and find bear shit!!!!) and you do not have any form of defense -- you are being stonk stoopid.

There IS a valid alternative. Lookit Amazon.

Buy a half-dozen of these, stash them all over (eg: Potty) and have one of each on your person at all times.

[2 Pack] Bear Blaster Bear Horn for Hiking - 1/2 Mile Sound Air Horn for Bears - Made in USA Bear Horn Self Defense - 1.4oz Each Air Horns for Safety for Wild Animals - Airhorns Horn Loud for Bears​


Also get a minimum of two of these (this one rated "Best of the Best":

SABRE Frontiersman MAX 7.9 fl oz. Bear & Mountain Lion Attack Deterrent, Up to 40 ft Range, Contains 2% Major Capsaicinoids, Safer for You, Animals & The Environment, Glow-in-The-Dark Safety​

Link: https://bestreviews.com/camping-and...5X0a208Rw_39BxvFfcoAFfsxovthpzOAaAgT8EALw_wcB


There -- Now I have done the pre-op you really needed. One each on your person. Always one in reach. You are literally "in the grass", my friend. While the enemy is few, the one near you is exactly the same for danger as in combat.

Start thinking that way.

PS: You can miss with a gun. You cannot miss with a fargin diesel train horn.

PPS: You can miss several times with a gun. You CAN sweep your spray to correct your aim.

Tell yer old Unca you will go spendy-crazy** and get all the above. Because even just the ammo for a brace of .44 Mags is pretty shocking. You will not want to practice. And it could hurt Sweedie.

** Actually, if you buy all the above, you will spend less than a tenth of what the gunslinger route would cost. <--TINS

LATE EDIT ADD: The Forestry Service has OK'd the use of BOTH these things. <-- Hint, hint.
Dinner bell and seasoning........fuck that.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
it is interesting that the "creator" that originated Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, mined 1.1 million of Bitcoin for themself. And, it is surmised, though as of yet unverified, that this entity is no longer alive, and is deceased. Yet no one is in the know. It was rumored that this entity once stated that in the end, Bitcoin would be worth 1M each, or would be entirely worthless. I have no interest in this product, if you call it that. I have no countervailing product that I am profiting from whatsoever. I only write about the very small amount that I know, and am so inclined to discuss. Don't bet the farm.:cautious:
I, too, have a problem with equating electric dots with lumber or tin or anything that can be seen and measured.

That said, I remember a guy giving a bitcoin to another guy in return for a favor. While I am debt-free and reasonably wealthy, I wish -- just for the fun of it -- I had bought a bitcoin for a couple of bucks.

Knowing me, I'da sold it at $20. <-- There's that Goldbug in me showing through again.
I looking back I wish I had gotten into it. But now I am very apprehensive. I have always believed in the fact that WHAT GOES UP WILL COME DOWN. With that said I wish I had jumped into the stock market when Biden was elected....i though it would tank but it has done well.

I just bought a bond on the secondary market.....It matures in 31 and I am getting 4.17% tax free which is like a little over 6% taxable.

Like Walt, I don't need to build wealth I just need a safe place that gets a yield to match inflation or a little better. I was looking at an oil company when my annuity matures in April. It yields 11% but if the company goes bust I am out my whole investment.....I Need to sleep at night.

So, I am still looking.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The first time my Witch-Wife and I went to Paris, the restaurants would be blue with smoke. Simply everyone smoked at dinner.

Twenty years later, I saw no one smoking in a restaurant there.
I can remember smoking cigars in a Paris hotel bar in the late 80's, when we used to pass through Paris on the way to one of our plants in Pau.

I don't remember much smoking when Grayfox and I vacationed there in the mid 90's and as an ex-smoker, I'm sure I would have.


Cabana’s bitch
If ya lived any closer I have an 870 Magnum nice walnut checked fore and butt.
Slug barrel
28" adj choke barrel

On another note I have a torn bicep where it attaches to the shoulder affecting bicep and triceps down to my elbow.
Had it tamed down until that sweet PA started dicking with it.
Now it's feeling bruised and that sick feeling in it.
MRIS are needed supposed to happen in a 2-3 week time.
Then another consultation with the doc this time will have to go thru proper steps with ins. Appt already set 2/14 valentines day.
Starting with the Cortizone shot, therapy and lastly surgery.
So I'm guessing surgery won't be till spring.
Not the least happy about this shit Atttt All.
Dont know if i should still plan on ice fishing fall and I'm fucked getting up off the ice.
I've already fallen 3 times in a years span.
October is when I did this fine work.
I tore my bicep muscle off my shoulder four years ago. That was at the beginning of Covid and they told me I had to wait four months to have the surgery. I had to wrap my bicep up with the ace bend so it sat on top of my arm and not underneath it. When I woke up from surgery, my bicep muscle was a size of an apple and I looked up my arm and saw scar on the inside. I asked the doctor why he reattached it there and told me that my meniscus was torn and I broke a bone so I needed to put it elsewhere. it still works but it Looks quite awkward. Be careful where the doctor Rusos it because you don’t want it like I have it now…


Well-known member
I looking back I wish I had gotten into it. But now I am very apprehensive. I have always believed in the fact that WHAT GOES UP WILL COME DOWN. With that said I wish I had jumped into the stock market when Biden was elected....i though it would tank but it has done well.

I just bought a bond on the secondary market.....It matures in 31 and I am getting 4.17% tax free which is like a little over 6% taxable.

Like Walt, I don't need to build wealth I just need a safe place that gets a yield to match inflation or a little better. I was looking at an oil company when my annuity matures in April. It yields 11% but if the company goes bust I am out my whole investment.....I Need to sleep at night.

So, I am still looking.

A very wise gentleman that I know, who is unfortunately now deceased, told me a long time ago that most people lose money whenever they forget their situation: i.e. old age being a major factor. If you are relatively debt free (whew), or nearly so, your primary focus should be: "Return of investment, much more so than, Return on investment". You are not going to be counting any of your perceived profits in the coffin, so perhaps better to be safe, and to enjoy life. I always, half-joking, but utterly serious, state when asked, if you have a need to gamble, go to Vegas. Bring quarters.:p

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