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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I can't make myself pull the trigger. Either a 4.35% bond or more diversified mutual funds today.
Look around. You can get a bit more on a CD:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
That asshole who wants to open up a one way flight from AMRITSAR INDIA because apparently, there aren't enough low skilled immigrants on welfare competing with our kids for jobs at the fast food establishments.
You touched on an issue that is dramatically different between the current era and the one of my youth.

In my youth we competed for after school and weekend jobs that are now held by people trying to support a family on it and drawing welfare because they can't.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
The cons were the party that signed the green deal in the first place and gst.PP is all into building homes for immigrants instead of shutting the border down. It always amazes me how quickly the penniless immigrants own a few Circle k's while Canadians are at food banks. While trudy hired UN soldiers to beat on protesters and freeland was freezing bank accounts PP just watched ,he also clapped hands for the nazi they invited to the house of commons and then banned Christine Anderson. It's a uniparty including ndp. My rants over ,sorry people.

hear hear




Well-known member
Premium user
mornin’ folks….
beautiful apple tree Big…. quite a diff environment from where ya were…. View attachment 19127395
boo… dealing with as well… hands cracked split sliced and can be painful with lemon juice….

wife’s kin driving west and took few pics during this storm….
The guy in the middle looks like my cousin Sal's father,
Uncle Sal.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Maybe you can take her some Tylenol and something warm to drink
Well she has her Starbucks from earlier...and there's a Dunkins right there at the mechanic. She has my cold. I'm almost okay. I feel bad. She like lost it subgirl, like she passed out but she said she wasn't paying attention. Just the curb. Sharp curb though. I went with her to the mechanic and walked home after he ordered the tire. Hope it doesn't take long. I said I would have some tuna casserole in a container ready for her


Active member
You touched on an issue that is dramatically different between the current era and the one of my youth.

In my youth we competed for after school and weekend jobs that are now held by people trying to support a family on it and drawing welfare because they can't.
They're still making out like bandits compared to wherever it is that they came from from our 'free healthcare' alone. They get access to medical procedures worth TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars while giving back very little into the pot in taxes from wherever it is they're working at. Meanwhile, our sick and elderly who lived here and paid their entire lives need to wait longer to receive services. It's so wrong.

If you emigrate here -- or anywhere else in the world for that matter -- you should be made to wait one year and have to invest in some kind of healthcare plan in order to receive benefits. You shouldn't just be able to touch down and live off of the tax payer.


Well-known member
Premium user
A guy dies and ends up on a beach overlooking a blue sea.
Not sure what is going on ,he meets the devil .
Devil welcomes him and ,the guy says this place looks great ,whats the big deal everybody makes?
The devil says its a gross misinterpretation!
Like Monday do you like tacos?
The guys says I love tacos!
Monday is taco Monday☝️
Like Pizza?
I love pizza!
Well Tuesday is Pizza Tuesday !
Wow ! Like Chinese food?
Love Chinese food ,
All types including sushi on Wednesday!
Like butt sex with dudes?
Guy says ,"No I don't think I would like that"
Devil says " Well ,you're not going to like Thursdays"


Well-known member
You touched on an issue that is dramatically different between the current era and the one of my youth.

In my youth we competed for after school and weekend jobs that are now held by people trying to support a family on it and drawing welfare because they can't.
The maximum Child Benefit amount you can receive for each child is $1,606.92 in my province . We have one in law relative that's 30ish ,has 3 kids collects a welfare check plus the child benefit and her husband works and has a different address for everything else so they do ok. She has no licence so the gov sends a taxi when they need a docs appt,go shopping, or groceries . Some people know the system.They're also lucky I'm not a rat because I hate that sort of stuff, I don't go to xmas get togethers because I know they will be there and I'll end up saying something. If we multiply 3 kids times the max benefit per month,plus her assistance check and her old mans pay,plus tax rebates monthly they have a pretty good chunk every month.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The maximum Child Benefit amount you can receive for each child is $1,606.92 in my province . We have one in law relative that's 30ish ,has 3 kids collects a welfare check plus the child benefit and her husband works and has a different address for everything else so they do ok. She has no licence so the gov sends a taxi when they need a docs appt,go shopping, or groceries . Some people know the system.They're also lucky I'm not a rat because I hate that sort of stuff, I don't go to xmas get togethers because I know they will be there and I'll end up saying something. If we multiply 3 kids times the max benefit per month,plus her assistance check and her old mans pay,plus tax rebates monthly they have a pretty good chunk every month.
Interested in the taxi part. Sorry dime