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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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So I went outside to check the sky out like @giggy suggested this morning since tonight is a good chance to see shooting star action. There are a ton of unusual things up there tonight. Some with red and blue lights that don’t seem to move but are definitely not stars. Also I saw on of those light trains I’m thinking a satellite passing by and a bunch of of the red and blue light things filling the sky. Do yall see anything weird from where you are? It’s a clear dark night here on the east coast of Virginia… just wondering what all is up there. I need to look up more


Well-known member
So I went outside to check the sky out like @giggy suggested this morning since tonight is a good chance to see shooting star action. There are a ton of unusual things up there tonight. Some with red and blue lights that don’t seem to move but are definitely not stars. Also I saw on of those light trains I’m thinking a satellite passing by and a bunch of of the red and blue light things filling the sky. Do yall see anything weird from where you are? It’s a clear dark night here on the east coast of Virginia… just wondering what all is up there. I need to look up more
This is in India


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Well-known member
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So I went outside to check the sky out like @giggy suggested this morning since tonight is a good chance to see shooting star action. There are a ton of unusual things up there tonight. Some with red and blue lights that don’t seem to move but are definitely not stars. Also I saw on of those light trains I’m thinking a satellite passing by and a bunch of of the red and blue light things filling the sky. Do yall see anything weird from where you are? It’s a clear dark night here on the east coast of Virginia… just wondering what all is up there. I need to look up more

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yellow rat snakes are my favorite species of snake.
He will be up in a tree hanging out a lot of the time.
Now that I din' know. How the hell he can sneak up on a rat while painted brilliant yellow escapes me.

But clearly, this guy knew his bidness -- he hadda be four feet long and sooper healthy-lookin'. I did not disturb him, but he was gone when I looked back.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Back from picking up Mrs Pute's pistol......Probably gonna blow her big toe off.....

View attachment 19125226
Sheesa beeyoootiful!! I couldn't recommend better. That is what is in my pocket as I sit here at 4AM. If I have my pants on, I am carrying heavy.

Now ya gotta get her to fire a minimum of a dozen rounds outa it. Paper plate at ten feet. Her first five shots will be amazingly different from her second five shots. Stress proper squeeze and you will see she suddenly gets deadly with it.

The reason Magic Witch carries a Derringer is that she just doesn't like single-action pistols. But where she gets two shots, you get five with the PUG. Personally, mine has only four bullets in it; I like the hammer to be resting on a totally empty chamber rather than in that little notch in the cylinder.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Was watching a guy shoot one of them by accident on u tube.
They looked to of a had a bit of kick, make sure you get her out shooting so she knows what to expect if the occasion arises
I can't see it myself but have never shot a small pistol like that before.

Is that a 22 mag or just a 22
Pick up some hollow point yellow jackets if it's a 22
@OleReynard It most ricky-ticky is .22mag. Mine has a hard rubber non-slip handle.

Like Boo says, the wooden one will be slippier (more slippy?).

But, frankly, it don't/won't make. The joy of this little chunk of dynamite is that when it goes off, the fargin world stops for a bit.

And that is from behind. I have placed myself (safely) forward of the blast when Superwitch put a hole in a paper plate.

This is gonna be harder to swallow than a Vaseline sandwich, but this little flamethrower is considerably louder than a 9mm. On toppa that, it shoots a goddamn' flame about two feet.

I have option to carry any of a dozen pistols in my possession. T-shirt and shorts... and I am always carrying. The best part is, I am not even aware of it in my pocket. It is tiny, and it is light.
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