I try Not to think of him much during the day.Hi Sub, maybe DB is smoking some of that 70-80% THC, that would blow me away.
‘good day to you old man

I try Not to think of him much during the day.Hi Sub, maybe DB is smoking some of that 70-80% THC, that would blow me away.
That’s what my grandparents use in Oklahoma. It was ugly soap and didn’t smell great.
anyone live on the east coast seeing those drones in the sky??
and if its raining ,fuk thatYour news feed
I have been combing the Long Island skies and putting my own drone in the air for surveillance purposes every 1/2 hour.( Except when its dark ,interferes with breakfast ,2nd breakfast lunch ,post lunch depending ,snack ,bathroom and rest times)
So far nothing
That sounds fun…Yes that's what I'm up to...80% THC bubble hash. Kind of tough to smoke and you can only smoke a bit at a time in each bowl. I sometimes stare at the floor.
I don’t look up much I guess…anyone live on the east coast seeing those drones in the sky??
If it wasn't for a different doctor every day my days would blend together in the winter. I fill my time by growing. I like sitting in the basement doing something worth while. That really helps break up the day. Going out to dinner helps as well. 3 times a week.Hi DB, question for you, do you ever get tired of repetitive days
choken the chicken eh?first time I got caught getting frisky with ivory soap in my teens in the shower was when I coined up the term
"Its mine Ma ,and I can wash it as hard as I want"
I don't drink anymore.....don't drink any less either. Some say I have a drinking problem......Thing is I don't have a problem drinking at all.I regret my years of drinking, it never done me any good, nor did it do anything good for my family members. In some cases it caused great turmoil. I'm not suggesting people shouldn't drink, it just never did anything good for me. Drinking and my over active brain were not a good mix. I'm much happier not drinking than drinking. Besides I suffered from hangovers.
I’m in need of a loaf of that sourdough
So she goes out shopping or to work and you make beautiful bread while she’s gone? Whattaman wow
I save bacon grease and put birdseeds in it and mix it all together,freeze it, and put it on the fence and screw it down,they go crazy over it,they love peanuts too.Mr sub found a a place, ordered the part. Should be here in 7-9 days then we can set up an appointment to have it installed. I was learning g all about them on the net but he played the old man card and got it done so I’m just glad it’s done…
‘doggie cookies are baked and in the dehydrator drying out. I rub them down with a little bacon drippings before I put them in there
made about 5 dozen.
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I hear you but that's not necessarily a good comparisson. In a museum or similar place you have things on display that often require some explanation and the people encountering are somewhat motivated to read it because obviously the display has caught their interest. The posts Boo was referencing were responses to a previous post, it was never intended to be read by everyone. Mainly just the person I responded to and maybe a few others trying to know what was going on. Now it is disappointing if the person being responded to doesn't read it and frankly somewhat disrespectful. I took the time to read what they had to say (and some were lengthy by forum norms). Still I can't force people to read and so if they don't so be it.When I returned to college, we went on a lengthy field trip. One of our stops was the Science Center among at least 6 major stops. I was studying to work in a museum, historic site and parks. We were asked to take note of the text used in describing something on display. The science center had three different versions of text that were used over the years. The oldest text was very lengthy, the second oldest had less text but still wordy and the last text used for description was very focused and the text was no longer wordy paragraphs but mostly focused on sentences and small paragraphs. This was like over 20 year time span.
Every tourist destination we visited I watched visitors and their reaction to reading descriptive text. Most visitors give a cursory look and move on. Some take time to read a bit more and move on. Finally you get some who want to read it all but they are far and few.
I agree with Boo, most people don't care for wordy text. I'm not trying to disuade you from doing what you do but only to offer an observation.
Hello and good day HempKat. I'd probably enjoy sittig down and having a coffee with you at the coffee shop.
Beatin on it like it owes him moneychoken the chicken eh?
The Amish have done something I thought impossible.I save bacon grease and put birdseeds in it and mix it all together,freeze it, and put it on the fence and screw it down,they go crazy over it,they love peanuts too.