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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Did my 3 mile morning walk. Met mom for Starbucks. She's coming over before work and starting a clam chowder for me in my new crockpot.
Mets and Phillies on Fox at 4. Go Red Sox!
Hope you are all well. We are missing @CosmicGiggle from the hurricane in the southeast mid Atlantic she has not been heard from. Send prayers her way.
Hi Doober.


I decided to follow the Padres for my team, I like their neon uniforms.
These wildcard games seem like they have the energy cranked up to 11 on a 10 dial man, I've loved watching the highlights. I think some of the games are on out BBC sport channels tonight, but not the Padres so I'll try and watch it on MLB website.
I used to own RedSox hat, I'll dig a piccy out of me in it for you. (about 20 years younger ago!)

Have a good evening dude.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good day to you my friend a pleasure as always.
It sounds like there is a conundrum going on, yeah it sure did not help the average person when the rich decided they liked to have foreign workers build their products in a foreign country. Of course that wasn't bad enough, they then had to import foreign workers to our own countries. Next is computers and machines taking jobs. I'm thinking back and maybe putting the very rich & politicians on a rocket ark and sending them to some far off planet, very far off. With all the things important to them. Good-bye parasites!
Ever see that animated movie called Wall-e about a bot left behind to clean the mountains of trash and pollution on earth while Earth's citizens are sent off on a long luxury cruise in a cruise ship like space ship. Where the people have everything done for them so they can live in luxury never wanting for anything. That due to the length of time they're out in space waiting for the Earth to be cleaned so they can return when safe, they end up becoming weak blobs of human flesh unable to even stand or walk such that they have to get around in these futuristic floating beds? That would be a fitting fate for the elite except their ship would never be programmed to return.

Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Wow, 16 and on her own? Is that totally by herself or is she sharing a place with one or more friends? Either way that's impressive to see a young woman still in her teens on her own. Also that you trust her to be on her own says a lot about how well she must have been raised. Well done.
She has a roomie but to me it feels like shes on her own ❤️ they are both so much wiser than me or their mother was at the same age and we trust and know that they will get along really well living their own lives. Getting emotional here. 🥲


Well-known member
Hello OF... awe the joy of waking up and still remembering who I am.

Besides my routine bath and shave on Sat., it will be a day of one plan and that's to make plans and put them down on paper. I need organized order to get things done.

It's time today to dig out my seed collection and choose this next grows seeds. I never did get around to ordering seeds yet, so I will start with existing seeds, make a work project list and check off the first task, selecting seeds. I can make myself feel productive that way. I will be getting my first seed order ready for mailing, that's on my list too.

Hope your all as well as can be expected.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How about all the people that have been waiting in line for 10 years to come into the country legally, most of which have something to contribute to our society. They are still waiting while millions of illegals have entered and are being subsidized by you and me thru are tax dollars.
Well that's another reason why I say illegals should be caught immediately upon crossing the border (which most are), but instead of catch and release letting them go wherever they want until they can finally go to court years later, just send them back immediately. I don't even want to see them taking taxpayer dollars while they live better then back home, in a jail/prison, unless they commit some other crime after crossing the border. The people I was talking about in the post you quoted are the people standing in line trying to get in the right way. Them I have no problem with except they're given loads of free stuff without having yet contributed to society. I was born here in a family that has been American for four generations and when I was old enough to be on my own I wasn't able to get all sorts of free stuff because I had yet to work and contribute to the system. I see no reason why legal immigrants don't have to deal with the same restrictions rather then being given more then people who have contributed, would ever get if they fell on hard times and needed to apply for help. I onced worked at an electronics manufacturing company and became friends with a guy there who came in the legal way and eventually earned his citizenship. He was from Guatemala and he used to talk about the perception of people there was that if you come to America and hold out your hand people will fill it with free stuff. That perception needs to be stopped.

I would also like to see the laws already on the books against hiring illegals, finally be enforced. If they were, employers wouldn't want to risk going to jail and losing their company just to save a few bucks hiring illegals that will happily work for slave wages. If the jobs weren't their waiting for illegals to fill them the number of illegals crossing the border would drop considerably.


Well-known member
Premium user
My friend the millwright say's he has to go around fixing all your mistakes.

My son the plumber might possibly agree with you.
I say that with love ,My Father was a Plumber and a Electrician who started in the 60s and was grandfathered in license wise.
I learned from him ,school ,and smashing my head into things till I finally get it.


Well-known member
Premium user
and all the trades kick the crap out of the painters work...I heard "they can touch it up"...my reply is can you afford to pay me twice...I was trouble looking for a place to happen on job sites...seems like forever ago...
I agree and to be honest when I trimmed a house out I was a surgeon because I was the last one there.
From painters tape on a torpedo level to clean hands.
The rugs guys are tough but its not easy to do .
The shame is no one wants to pay for touch up.
They thinks it happens by its self