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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is Friday and right next door to the weekend on Saturday. Will be glad for the break. TGIF!!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)


Well-known member
Hang in there, brother. They can kill ya but they cain't eat ya. That's against the law.

Treatment for the aneurysm is COLLOSSALLY IMPORTANT!!

Do not hesitate for a second about it. You need a new pipe in there before the old one blows. Gotta give yerself the same level of survival effort you give your plants. Now that you have groomed the North Forty on your property, leave it be and get yerself patched.

After all, I need you. (*snork*)
Well, we successfully placed stents in your aneurisms Mr. Brass. So sorry about the minor side effects of crippling you.
It is stupefying to me that Sweden was once home to Vikings and somehow they wound up so pussified that they now will pay someone to leave their country. My guess is their ancestors would have killed the men and raped the women.
I did the same thing many years ago when one of my boys would come up to the bed and start swatting the mattress with their big paws. I told Dutch to leave me alone about 11 years ago and the poor boy expelled every fluid in his body in the house. Now, if I hear a whimper, I am getting up to let them out. That usually prompts me having a snack…😁
It's 03:00 and the dog is noising me and whimpering to "GO" It's a long football field walk from the far end of the boat dock to the parking lot and the grassy strip. Faster and faster and faster yet until my flipflops have flown off and she wouldn't stop her head long rush so I could just unleash her. She was not going to go on the dock
Funny you mention that hash was the thing. Back in the day, the shipyard would send the workers over to Scotland. Some would sneak herb over. The locals went crazy for the stuff and traded hash for it and were sooooo excited about real weed. That was in the 70s
Spent 74 / 75 in west Germany and all we had was Hash, Hash and more Hash.
Home and stuffed don't even want to tell you how much it was. Had a good day. Thank all of you for the B-Day wishes. One big happy family.

Doober.....bet half of us out last you ..... ha ha. Good night.
Happy Birthday.


Well-known member
Last nights ‘walks with Zig’ pics. Fall gonna fall…


Well-known member
My boy Zig has had a cough and a bit of discharge from his eyes over the last few days. I have as well but I was concerned as was my wife. I had called my vet to get him looked at. They couldn’t get him in until OCTOBER 10TH! WTF! They recommended I take him to an emergency vet. Mind you his cough was basically for about 10-15 seconds when he first wakes up then pretty much nothing until he takes a nap then another brief coughing session. Same symptom as I have. I think it is allergies(I even tested myself for the ‘Vid as a sanity check-negative for the China flu). As a bit of a backstory, Xig had kennel cough when we adopted him 4 months ago even though he had been vaccinated as a young pup. Sounds like it is ‘effective’ like another infamous’vaccine’. He recovered after a course of antibiotics(though I wonder if it was the antibiotics or just time). So anyway, I took him to the emergency vet. $225 to walk thru the door. There were probably 10 other pets there with their owners in an open air triage room, some cats looking half dead and dogs looking terrified. They quarantine Zig and I and they send me a link to fill out a form. I should have walked out when I saw in the form they wanted my preferred pronouns and almost no info requested for Zig but a full page looking for my COVID info including vaccination status. Oh and the 20-something vegan looking receptionist was wearing a mask. So they took his temp(normal) and the vet listened to his heart and lungs(all good). Then the sales pitch began. Though she couldn’t find anything wrong with the exam, she wanted to sedate him for a lung x-ray and to do eye staining to see if he had any ulcers in his eyes(with some diatribe on antibiotic ointments and how they can’t be used on ulcerated eyes). She said she would work up a quote. 5 minutes later she returns and says it will cost $1500! This for a pup that is energetic and happy aside from his cough. I asked about the possibility of it being allergies since many people I know are having their worst allergy season in memory. She acknowledged that it could be allergies and said I could give him Zyrtec but that the tests would be best. Or for $600-750, they could just do the eye staining. I thanked her and said I would try the Zyrtec and forked over my $225. Got home, have him some Zyrtec and did a super clean of my house including changing out my AC filter which was very dirty and ‘fuzzy’. Today, Zig is feeling much better. Disclaimer:I will spend whatever it costs to get my pets healthy. The emergency vet just seemed to be fear-mongering and excessive. And, well, like a scam. Fkers…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!
puffpuffpass_smilie.gif Passing left!

Let's start this morning on an upbeat note by hugging the person or pup you woke up next to!

A partly cloudy day here, starting at 51F and predicted to reach 70F.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I did the same thing many years ago when one of my boys would come up to the bed and start swatting the mattress with their big paws. I told Dutch to leave me alone about 11 years ago and the poor boy expelled every fluid in his body in the house. Now, if I hear a whimper, I am getting up to let them out. That usually prompts me having a snack…😁
I came across this video of German Shepherds being adorable and funny. I love those doggies, but would never have one; I know am too irresponsible.


Well-known member
Morning :toohot: :toohot: :toohot:

100f again, heat index to miserable. Hell will be cooler to work in, than here among the oaktrees...

First while it's still somewhat cool out is setting 2 posts for greenhouse. Once that's done. It's trimming jail time. Lots more picture coming to record the breeding, to keep track of what's what.

enjoy the day, no matter what it takes.

last 4 SB's man do I ever got my work cut out...

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Morning :toohot: :toohot: :toohot:

100f again, heat index to miserable. Hell will be cooler to work in, than here among the oaktrees...

First while it's still somewhat cool out is setting 2 posts for greenhouse. Once that's done. It's trimming jail time. Lots more picture coming to record the breeding, to keep track of what's what.

enjoy the day, no matter what it takes.

last 4 SB's man do I ever got my work cut out...
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Just once, I would love to see a real pot plant in person. And take a sniff at it, too.