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The Original O'l Farts Club.



I didn't wanna brag when the subject of marrow bones came up but..........we have a few.
Multiple species they really like the elk and bison as well.
Antler sheds are really popular as but don't last very long.


Well-known member
BT bacillus Thuricide
Is a biological non-chemical non-persistent that I've used for years to control caterpillars outside. It's only effective on caterpillars has no effect on anything else. Will not kill your praying mantis or your ladybugs. A couple of days in the Sun and it's neutralized.
Start spraying first of August. Spray weekly all the way up to harvest.


Well-known member
Running a bug zapper close by will help limit the caterpillars by killing off their parents. The moths. I use a flat panel style bug zapper with the grills chopped out so I can sweep the bugs out every morning. It also acts as a monitor on how bad the moth infestation is and whether I need to step up my BT applications to twice a week or once a week it's sufficient.


Well-known member
Ok, morning chores to do, laundry, dishes and bed making
I think that Jason Statham is one of the best actors currently making movies. He’s so understated, but his ability to neutralize the threat is off the charts when I grow up I wanna be just like him…🤣
yeah, I've been a fan of his action movies from the start. He can be versatile going from rough and tough to sweet and gentle, I just watched him in one of his older movies yesterday, Safe, was the name of the movie.
I don't remember if I wished you a happy 4th of July or not Boo...but I do
My memory is terrible.
I lived at the crossroads of catholic and protestant neighborhood, school and church across the road from each other.


Well-known member
They obliterated my first outdoor grow here as I simply didn't know any better . Trimmed up five beautiful plants. Hung them up and within a day the caterpillar started to crawl out and hang by silk to where I could just sweep them away and then it got worse and worse and worse until it was hundreds an hour. By then I knew what I was in a disaster and started to pick the buds apart only to find it. None of it was useful


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Worked in the basement a bit today but today is an outside day. Just finished fertilizing the veggie garden, sprayed for weeds and refilled the bait trap for rats.

Garden is starting to produce. Peppers mostly. Maters are coming along. To slow for me as usual. Bush beans only this year.....the pole beans attract Japanese Beetles.

Late start this year.....cool spring but hot summer. Only been in the ground for 30 days.



Out back there is peas, up against the fence, squash and 4 more maters.


Worked in the basement a bit today but today is an outside day. Just finished fertilizing the veggie garden, sprayed for weeds and refilled the bait trap for rats.

Garden is starting to produce. Peppers mostly. Maters are coming along. To slow for me as usual. Bush beans only this year.....the pole beans attract Japanese Beetles.

Late start this year.....cool spring but hot summer. Only been in the ground for 30 days.

View attachment 19027553

View attachment 19027554

Out back there is peas, up against the fence, squash and 4 more maters.
Stunning as always!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
On the personal front with help and a walker I can get it about 50 ft before. I'm exhausted in shove the chair behind me and let me drop into it. My left leg still feels like it belongs to someone else. I can't lock the knees so when I stand up I don't know what where I am.
Sorry to hear. Hope the future is better. Don't remember, what happened?


Well-known member
Premium user
Worked in the basement a bit today but today is an outside day. Just finished fertilizing the veggie garden, sprayed for weeds and refilled the bait trap for rats.

Garden is starting to produce. Peppers mostly. Maters are coming along. To slow for me as usual. Bush beans only this year.....the pole beans attract Japanese Beetles.

Late start this year.....cool spring but hot summer. Only been in the ground for 30 days.

View attachment 19027553

View attachment 19027554

Out back there is peas, up against the fence, squash and 4 more maters.
Beautiful garden, my friend. I had gardens most of my life back in why oh why Ohio but out here in SoCal.... "No can do Pookems". When we get a real house, I'll definitely do as big as I can. At least enough for some tomatoes, cucs and squash.

All you folks and your pics are making me miss owning land. :(


Well-known member
Worked in the basement a bit today but today is an outside day. Just finished fertilizing the veggie garden, sprayed for weeds and refilled the bait trap for rats.

Garden is starting to produce. Peppers mostly. Maters are coming along. To slow for me as usual. Bush beans only this year.....the pole beans attract Japanese Beetles.

Late start this year.....cool spring but hot summer. Only been in the ground for 30 days.

View attachment 19027553

View attachment 19027554

Out back there is peas, up against the fence, squash and 4 more maters.
Your garden is looking good Pute