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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
I would take the old men nuns don't fight fair they use your soul against you........true evil dwells within them.


Cabana’s bitch
dont forget snacks ,consider type and amount in a judicious manner.
I'm dialing in my evening snackage...I usually get up to eat ranier cherries and almonds duster with cocoa around 12:30 am...I then get up and have another snack around 3am...Ivan is great company...all my snacks are healthy and natural...no sugar, no red meat, nothing processed...I'll be the healthiest stiff in the morgue... ;)


Well-known member
Good morning and Happy Independence day.

I had been working up a comment pertaining to this holiday in my head
as I read and responded to the many comments since last night.
How I will celebrate and exactly why I personally celebrate the 4th.
Time has run out now on replying to all the wonderful/ interesting
posts I'd like to reply to just as well as time to share my well thought out
post on this celebratory day for many of us here in TOOFC has expired.

I will simply say that I had lunch with my lovely neighbors by
their invite. We ate home made tamales w/ red and green
salsa's. He asked me questions about my thoughts on 911,
Elon Musk, the Bush's etc., etc. He is very curious and wants
to learn about his new Country.
For me personally... this among the reasons I celebrate.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."



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Sister Marie. We used to call her "The rat". She had whiskers like a rat but she was mean as a snake. She always carried a yardstick and she wasn't afraid to use it. LMAO

I still have the scars from Catholic school. I would show you but..... they are all emotional scars. LOL

If I were to choose my fight, I would face a thousand gallant Viking warriors before a single nun.

Yeah, Sister Marie. Hard to believe she is in Heaven by now.
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Well-known member
Premium user
Living life Jan. All is good here no extra complaints this morning 😁
‘I hope you are well too 🥰✌️Happy Independence Day
‘Do you have big plans today?
No plans my daughter and Grandkids are in Houston on Vacation. Just grilling burgers and hotdogs for the rest of us. Already hit the Panama Red this morning twice. I like to smoke while I am gardening outside. We are all fine. Thanks. Glad you are well.


Well-known member
Sister Marie. We used to call her "The rat". She had whiskers like a rat but she was mean as a snake. She always carried a yardstick and she wasn't afraid to use it. LMAO

I still have the scars from Catholic school. I would show you but..... they are all emotional scars. LOL

If I were to choose my fight, I would face a thousand gallant viking warriors before a single nun.

Yeah, Sister Marie. Hard to believe she is in Heaven by now.
I still call them The Black-robed Bitches...


Cabana’s bitch
Jimmy Kimmel is nothing but an asshole with an audience. I was fortunate where I was not Catholic so I didn’t have to go to the local Catholic Nunnery from my education. The nuns were always quick to pull out their ruler and crack your knuckles but when the steel edged wooden rulers came out, they ended up getting a lot of trouble because they cut flesh with the steel edge on purpose… I was one of those boys that went to church on Sunday then I had Sunday school on Wednesday and of course Sunday night was potluck dinner. How did I ever turn out like I did after being brought up in the church I’ll never know…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Jimmy Kimmel is nothing but an asshole with an audience. I was fortunate where I was not Catholic so I didn’t have to go to the local Catholic Nunnery from my education. The nuns were always quick to pull out their ruler and crack your knuckles but when the steel edged wooden rulers came out, they ended up getting a lot of trouble because they cut flesh with the steel edge on purpose… I was one of those boys that went to church on Sunday then I had Sunday school on Wednesday and of course Sunday night was potluck dinner. How did I ever turn out like I did after being brought up in the church I’ll never know…
Practice? :biggrin: