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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That is one of the reasons that if you see me, I am carrying. Even in my YouTube peacock bromance video. I always have a PUG in my pocket no matter where I go. (*snock*) Even as I am sitting here now.

If shit like somebody starting shooting at a mall or whatever happens and there are more -- many more -- folks with my mindset, all these shootings would be short... and eventually only history. I've been shot already. It only pisses me off.
That's like what I've said several times in the past that if more people who do have the right to own and carry a gun would be the "good guy with a gun taking out a bad guy with a gun" then maybe there would be a lot less shootings and less restrictions on guns.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe next time you imagine killing people with your bare hands you can try to imagine taking the gun from them as well :ROFLMAO:
Well see I've done that for real when the weapon was a hunting knife but to try to do that for real with someone who has a gun and you don't is pretty freaking stupid so I just imagine someone like you taking the gun from the shooter.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hung my Tibetan banner from the thrift store 👍❤️💐


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That’s a funny story Walt. I also cut huge yards (front yard pastures) for 5.00 with my brother, and babysitting for .50 an hour saving up for stuff my parents couldn’t afford or thought (Levi’s are much more expensive than the off brand clothes she would spring for). She also made many of my clothes which I loved but at that time nothing like a cool pair of Levi’s. 😁
‘My grandkids have no idea where money comes from and it worries me some…
That is another subject (money management) that is sorely lacking in our schools.
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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Walt it right Pute, it’s worth checking into if it just came outta nowhere. They can remove that real,easy before anything spreads.
Just took a picture of the real mole growing on my nose. Barely visible but growing. Just a simple mole. As I have gotten older these things started appearing all over. My doc calls them barnacle's. You have to look hard to see it. But, like I said it is growing.



Well-known member
Premium user
I'll help ya out :)
Nothing to do w/ the original post you replied to...
nope, just a song in reply to your comment.
There's always a song... whether it be appropriate or inappropriate... :)

Thank you 😊☝️❤️
Forgive me ,I had a momentary lapse of reason .
There is always a song☝️❤️
Funny you mentioned Judy,
I was listening to Eva singing this song
RIP Eva Cassidy


Well-known member
Wrinkles are the last of my worries. A couple months ago I noticed a little bump on the very end of my nose. Thought it was a pimple....even Mrs Pute told me to pop it.

It would never come to a head though.......I slowly began to realize it is a mole right in the tip of my snoz....

I am already ugly enough....now along with other issues I will look like a warlock.....

View attachment 19026875
Looks like an oil dab


Well-known member
I also got hit in the hamstring with a bb from my brother’s gun. You’re right it stings bad. I didn’t tell on him but held it over his head for a while…
We used to have bb and pellet gun fights in our small town as kids,the north against the south. One time one of enemy put his hand through and opening at the bottom of the door and someone stepped on his forearm and we all opened fire.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It seems I’m a good candidate for the multi lenses so I will hopefully be glasses free for both distance and reading. Of course, my insurance will not pick up the upgraded lenses but I’m hoping it will be worth it. 🤞
I can only speak from others experiences since so far I've been fortunate enough to not have cataracts but in mmy wife's case she was very happy about it. In her case her vision issues was moostly for readding things at a distance and so if I remember correctly she was able to go with a cheaper option that only cleared up her distance issue and for reading up close she could just use regular reading glasses if she needed to. Whatever it was though she only had to pay tthe 20% medicare didn't cover. She wasn't really much for reading anyway so having to use reading glasses wasn't an issue for her.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My wife just got hers done and it's awesome. I'm so happy for her. She used to take her glasses on and off constantly and now she sees things as they should be and we don't have to have the lights on in every room anymore..
What I liked most when my wife got hers done was all the time no longer lost as my wife tried to find where she last left her glasses. :biggrin:


Well-known member
Good evening OF
(*snork*) Pissed? I wuzzn't pissed atall, atall. I wuz tryna make you happier with hope. Thought you was serious.

THE major shortcoming of this medium.
All is fine Unca Walt...I am basically a cheerful fellow. I prefer happiness over sadness. If your ever in doubt about the nature of my posting, just ask me, I will answer cordially.