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The Original O'l Farts Club.


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They do eat the mice and just about anything they can get their hands on. Starvation can be a huge factor.

What's interesting, on one show a man had a number of dried fish tucked away but he starved himself to the point they took him off the show before he permanently harmed himself. He could not bring himself to eat his stash because he might need it later. They usually last 60-70days.
I’ll bet them big cats and wolves get hungry too. I think that show would give me bad dreams


Well-known member
I’ll bet them big cats and wolves get hungry too. I think that show would give me bad dreams
Contestants are familiar with the outdoor survival situation and know what they are in for.
My wife has taken a liking to the show, it took a few seasons. She mostly likes the physiological nature of the contestants. Women show they can do what a man can do and why not.


Cabana’s bitch
Right click on your browser tab and see if it is muted via your browser.

Depending on your browser...

The easiest way to mute a tab in Google Chrome is by right-clicking on the tab you want to mute and selecting 'Mute Tab' from the drop-down menu. This will instantly silence the tab, and a small icon of a speaker with a red 'x' will appear on the tab, indicating that it is muted.
bingo, that was the issue...didn't see a speaker with a red X on it but when I right clicked and then again, the sound came back...thanks to all that tossed answers in my direction...they were all tried but to no avail...


Well-known member
I love to back pack into high remote mountain lakes. Correction.....years ago . And the feeling of remote/dangerous situations is exciting. So I understand. Hobby for me.

I have watched and they are way out of my league.
I know what you mean, climbing a set of stairs these days is about as much elevation as I want to gain.

For 3 years I worked for a company that Traversed logging blocks before and after logging. Some of the areas I seen were in some ways beyond verbal description. Walking through an area that had never been logged was like some kind of ethereal experience.
I will take to my death bed the joy I have experienced fishing, hiking, working and camping up to high elevation country.

Oh look there is a marijuana plant I wonder who put that there Wink Wink.

It has brought me some of my greatest joy in life.


Well-known member
My son flies into Calgary from Mexico late tonight 2:00am, then has to be at work at 8:00 am, I will wait a day or two before I call him. His wife and 2 children will return at the end of June. Nice to have him back in Cdn.

Ever since he finished high school he has had the travel bug. I think of all the Christmas phone calls from all around the world, now he has a wife and 2 children who enjoy the same.

I have some neat trinkets that have been brought back.


Well-known member
That’s one of the first places I went and my speakers are at 97% on, but I get no sound… I don’t do well with electronics. Give me a 50-year-old car and I can work magic give me a keyboard and I can get in trouble.
If you have ever plugged in a headset, try plugging it in and removing it a couple times. I had no sound at one point on my laptop and checked for sound with the headset plugged in. It worked. Unplugged snd had no sound. I mashed the connector in and out a few times(kinda toughly as I was not happy😂). After that the sound from the laptop speaker worked. I am thinking a contact in the port got stuck and beating on it unstuck it.


Well-known member
Right click on your browser tab and see if it is muted via your browser.

Depending on your browser...

The easiest way to mute a tab in Google Chrome is by right-clicking on the tab you want to mute and selecting 'Mute Tab' from the drop-down menu. This will instantly silence the tab, and a small icon of a speaker with a red 'x' will appear on the tab, indicating that it is muted.
I learned sumthin' new!

I use fire fox but I tried it... first started a vid in this thread, then muted/ un muted.
How flecking cool.

I hope this is the issue for you boo as it works and I'd have NEVER figured it out on my own.

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