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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
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Well-known member
Personally I think we are all a bit on the crazy side. Especially when we are young. Look at today's youth. They are protesting the very man that is forgiving them of their student loans......that's crazy!!

If I were that guy I would say ok.....pay the loan then. Just saying.....
People who appear too normal are usually the people neighbors say ‘he seemed nice and friendly’ as the coroners roll out all their victims…😂


Well-known member
Sounds excruciatingly - awfully painful man - what are these surgical adhesions that you have implanted? - is it to do with this aorta rebuild? - or is that just on top of some other problems?

Jan 11th 2011 I woke up at 03:00 in excruciating pain and in no time flat I was under the knife for an exploded Colon from diverticulitis. That first 4 inch cut repair lasted 30 days and ruptured again. The second awaking was a mound of bandages I couldn't see over and a cut from hip to hip and up to my navel in an upside-down T.

Wore a colostomy bag for 3 months then underwent the 2nd massive cut job (surgery #3) when they reconstructed my bowels and hooked it all back up near original equipment again. Poo out the right hole. Unfortunately, all that cutting leaves scar tissue. Your intestines and other internal organs also have a slippery coating that handling messes up and they stick where they shouldn't. Mine is likely a loop of small intestine glued to the abdominal wall.
I've had severe adhesions from having my bowels torn out 3 times...I don't know if anything is more difficult to live with...nothing they can do for us brother... anything more painful...
Boo knows exactly the hand in your guts trying to rip them out through your navel feeling. Takes your breath away every motherless time.
The worse pain for me is a toss up between two things, both connected to when i had my double bypass. The first one was when I was first coming to in the ICU after the surgery. They were spraying small amounts of fluid into my lungs to induce coughing and then they would have me trying to get to a certain point on that device they want you to inhale on to raise puck like piece in order to exercise your lungs. It hurt too much to get it to where they wanted so they kept at it for about 30 minutes or so. The other moment was about three days after the surgery when they removed the drainage tubes from my abdominal cavity. I was relatively comfortable when the docotor came in my room and started checking where the tubes came out. I thought he was just inspecting things but he was actually cutting the stitches holding things in place. Then without me knowing what was getting ready to happen he told me to turn my head and cough. When I coughed he yanked the drainage tubes out in one swift motion and I experience an intanse blinding burst of pain. Fortunately it wore off pretty quickly but man of man for those first few seconds the pain seemed unimaginable for what they actually did to me.

Been there done that 3 times and it's always like a hot poker for each drain and I had many.
I don't like the idea of incarcerating people with mental health issues unless they are a danger to themselves and others and their condition is incurrable. I'd be more comfortable with having people lock up in a mental health institution is they made any sincere effort to "fix/cure" them. Unfortunately they seem to more just warehouse them, especially the elderly. The first job I ever had at age 13 was for a nursing home. One of my responsibilities was to take these rolling cabinets filled with food trays at meal times, to the part of the home where they kept the mentally ill patients. It was terribly depressing because they ainly just kept them doped up enough to make them easily manageable. In some cases they would also secure them to a chair to keep them out of mischief. The place also smelled horrible because they would keep the patients in soiled clothing far longer then they should. If I ever got that bad I'm much rather someone just kill me rather then force me to live like that. Of course these people seemed so far gone that they probably weren't very aware of how terriblee their situation was.
Where I had to go visit Grandpa at the rest home. He never recognized me I was always Glendon. No gramps I'm (*******s) son.
Place always had that minty fresh urine smell. Walk me into the woods some cold night and leave me. Don't leave the lights on if nobody's home.
I had to ask my wife about adhesions, she has had several resections because of bowel disease.
Sorry about the pain Boo.

The fix is to go in and cut them but that makes more of them, so you cut again and.... I'm lucky the THC knocks mine out cold. Even opiates don't work as well over the long run.

Hemoglobin was too low, and they wouldn't draw a 3rd pint. We knew this was a possibility so no great disappointment.


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Premium user
We had crows before the ravens showed up. These are about twice the size of crows. I use an app called Merlin that identifies birds by their calls because I didn’t believe we had ravens here. You can also ID them when they fly over you by the shape of the tail.

Well I know more now than ever now 🤪 but they are still hard to identify I think even with two in front of me but especially with only one. Our crows are really big and bullies too. Last year I had to break up 3 of them pecking one on the ground on his back. I went out there clapping my hands saying leave him alone! They all flew away chasing him again…🙁 they didn’t want him around for some reason.
‘I wasn't questioning your avid bird watching skills fogey just didn’t know the difference till now…🙃
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Well-known member
Well, I have had several days crammed packed with out of the house stuff. So it goes.
I now have time to catch up (maybe/hopefully) that y'all have typed in my short absence.
You guys ae prolific typers, lol! Me - I am okay. Okay for an ol fart. Gotta qualify that too.
It looks like everyone here is okay and have survived my being gone for a few days time.
LMOA. Long ago realized I am not too important. In fact, not very important. At all !! :D