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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm kind of a strong believer in fate. The idea that everyone has an expirationn date that none of us know for sure but there isn't much you can do to change it. I'm not suggesting preventative measures are a waste of time though. It's just that over the course of my life I've had about half adozen or so events that by all rights should have ended me and yet here I am still. I don't know if I'm being saved for anything specific but it sure feels like something or someone wants me around still.
I guess that fate does pop up - when the complications of trying to figure out why or how you are dying or surviving - get blurred and confused - The inevitability of passing on is always there - and fate dictates when - I 'spose? -

- and if fate doesn't end you - that's fate too -


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How often do you get the nerves burnt?
So far I've only had it done twice with the second one being almost exactly to the day one year later. For most insurance restictions you can only get them done once every six months. I could have got mine after 6 months but winter would have been coming then and in the wnter I'm less actve then in the Spring and Summer so I opted to wait. They say if you keep getting them done with any regularity it will gradually take longer each time for the nerves to heal enough for the pain to come back. The first time the pain seem to come back about a month later. So far this second time it's already twice that long and I still feel the benefit..


Well-known member
I don't know if there is any science to back this up but I've heard it said more then once by multiple sources that holding a hit in longer then 7 seconds has little to no impact on the intensity of the high from that hit. That by the time 7 seconds has passed the lungs will have absord about as much THC and other psycho active elemnt of the smoke that it can and that holding it longer will not allow your lungs to absorb any more.
I’d say wives tale…. I don’t hold them in as long as i use to but I take more of them… better on my lungs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I just checked my blood pressure and it is 123 over 68 right now. I go to see the infectious disease doctor on Thursday and he’s got all of my medical information and my CT scan so I’m hoping he will start me on some sort of regiment of antibiotics. I don’t believe I’ve got sleep apnea cause it’s never woken me up or I’ve never felt like I was choking, and as far as I know, I don’t snore… i’ve always had high blood pressure but now it’s starting to seem to stabilize. I’m told my kidneys are causing my blood pressure to be high and I know I have peripheral arterial disease, which is clogging my arteries. That’s 100% passed down from my mother side of the family… i’m hoping the infectious disease doctor will enlighten me to what the hell is going on in my lungs. I looked up the symptoms of my lung disease and I have every one of them, but they say there is a cure, but it takes two years… I’m not really enthused about having a sleep study done on me because I have to sleep in a strange place without my boys and I smoke a fair amount of dope from between I go to bed and wake up… just like yesterday afternoon when I tried to take a nap, once my pillow hit the bed my mind turned on again… Lord knows I miss the Quaaludes of yesterday year… Once I see the infectious disease doctor, I will bring all of that information over to my GP and see if we can put some sort of sense to all of this… if I can find the reason for my severe fatigue and do something about it, that would make my life completely different… I appreciate your interest in my situation, I am pretty much an open book so ask away on the questions…

On a different note, when I opened up the door to let the boys out this morning, a little bird came flying into the house. He’s been in every room and I’m not sure how I’m going to get him out of here without hurting him…
Well based on what you said, maybe it isn't sleep apnea. I would add though that most people with sleep apnea don't feel like they're choking nor do they necessarily wake up when it happens. IT is usually an intermitten problem that typical happens a couple of dozen times throughout the night. Uusually it's for a relatively brief period usually no longer then the time a person can easily hold their breath and after they have stopped breathing long enough they just start breathing again. Eventually over time, untreated, it gets to the point that the person just dies in their sleep. All of which is to say that just because you have no sense that it is happening doesn't mean it isn't. Likwise most people who snore are unaware they snore. At best they mght let out a snort that is loud enough to arouse them from sleep but they're usually to grooggy to be aware there was a sound they heard.. A better more common sign is do you have a tendency to sleep with your mouth open? I've been told by my wife when she was still around that I have a fairly loud snore yet I have a hard time believing it because I've never heard it. She used to wake me sommetimes when my snoring would get too bad but I would be like "why dd you wake me?" and she would say "because you were snoing" but since I never heard it I always had a hard time believing her.

Yeah sleep studies aren't much fun and they definitelt wouldn't allow your dogs or allow you to smoke. In fact they don't want you to drink, smoke or take anything that might affect how you sleep. I'm notsaying you definitely have sleep apnea, I'm no doctor. I just know enough about it that it could easily explain some of what you're experiencing. I'm merely offering things to consider but ultimately it's up to you to follow up on or ignore. I won't be offended if you chose to ignore. Whatever it is I hope they sort it out because it sound like you've already had enough things that have changed your quality of life that you don't need anything else.


Well-known member
Ostensibly, the longer the lung vapor contact, the more cannabinoids, et al are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, but it isn't linear, because the density of the vapor decreases as it is absorbed.

The more cannabinoids in your bloodstream isn't linear with regard to how stoned you feel either, because you have a finite number of CB-1 receptors to receive the cannabinoids and as the receptors draw cannabinoids from the bloodstream, there are less cannabinoids left to fill a receptor.

If you really want to feel the full rush, try the time-tested tech we kids used before we learned about pot, but add the pot step.

Hold the drag as long as possible while spinning around in a circle until you fall down, then exhale..................................
I have always smoked pot like that. Its also how I drink alcohol and have sex. 🤔


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’d say wives tale…. I don’t hold them in as long as i use to but I take more of them… better on my lungs.
Yeah, it's not something I follow either. I take a hit, hold it for as long as I am comfortable holding it and then exhale. So far that's worked pretty solid for me. I only mentioned the 7 second thing because the sources where I heard that, said it like they've done some sort of test to prove it. Although if they did they didn't describe the methodology of the test or any detailed results beyond saying more then 7 seconds was unnecessary.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thank you. I just heard a guy on CNN say "OUR SIDE is gonna loose to Trump" referring to the Alan Bragg court case.

Our side? I thought Journalists were supposed to be impartial? Case closed. Shouldn't this be in the Speakers Corner.
That's kind of funny because there are a lot of democratically minded people that would say that CNN once known for having a strong liberal bias has tended to report more conservatively since about the time they fired Former NY Gov. Cuomo's brother.

The problem with media beyond any pre established bias (which virtually all operate under) is that too many people just listen to one source and run with whatever they hear. Nobody should take any reporting as gospel. Everyone should take any report as just an informational starting point and if it is something important or meanigful to them they should seek out more information usually from multiple sources and pay close attention to the words used in report. If you listen closely and pay attention to things like tone and syntax, etc. You can usually tell when someone is saying something based on their bias.
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