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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ya - pain and so painkillers have decreased accordingly - haven't had any morphine sulphate since leaving the hospital on Sunday - just a diacodiene pill 4 x per day - and only had 30 of them - so when they are all gone - I presume any pain would have dissipated and gone too - already pain levels have decreased quite dramatically - in comparison to what they were a week or more ago - now I can finally cough without doubling up - so able to move gluts of mucus out of my throat - freeing up my airways - enabling me to access more oxygen - so my stamina has been improving - enabling me to walk further and a bit faster every day -
When you get down to four pills... take two. Take the other two after several hours.

Sort of a gentle sky-diver landing opposed to a parachute drop.


Exciting times here. A train derailed on the Steel bridge and the Palestinian protesters have defaced and taken over our city library.

I support peaceful protest, but if I conspire to rob someone with you and I end up killing them, we are both liable for murder.

Why should we not hold everyone at a non-peaceful protest liable for the actions of the group members and the damages done?
I am hearing it is proudboys and rightwing maga doing that to make the left and antifa look bad.......I shit you not that's what the left believes.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Anyone following the pony’s this week? It’s Derby week in Kentucky tracks a little muddy this morning but the downs dries out fast.
Unca Walt's Totally Useless Trivia That Will Forever Stick In Your Brain:


Those four oblong "holes" are Cruiserline Ventiports.

Now you know.


Well-known member
Premium user
Two hunters went moose hunting every winter without success. Finally, they came up with a foolproof plan. They got a very authentic female moose costume and learned the mating call of a female moose. The plan was to hide in the costume, lure the bull, then come out of the costume and shoot it. They set themselves up on the edge of a clearing, donned their costume, and began to give the moose love call. Before long, their call was answered as a bull came crashing out of the forest and into the clearing. When the bull was close enough, the guy in front said, "Okay, let's get out and get him." After a moment that seemed like an eternity, the guy in the back shouted, "The zipper is stuck! What are we going to do?" The guy in the front said, "Well, I'm going to start nibbling grass, but you'd better brace yourself."


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Friend coming by today to pick up some rooted clones. Glad to.....need the room and glad to have them gone!

Gonna cut down to one light after this batch is done. Easier to control the heat and there is to much going in in the summer months to have everything going downstairs. Will fire everything back up again in the late summer or early fall.


Well-known member
Premium user
Try ‘the way of the deadly palm’. It is pretty satisfying though as my wife says, a bit twisted. When they land, slowly bring your open palm up behind them. Maybe 3” above and 3” behind them. When you move to grab the fly, wax on and whack off, grass-smoker. When you can snatch the fly from behind, it is time for you to leave fly guts on the wall.
View attachment 18995370


Cabana’s bitch
You gonna go get checked boo?
I have an appointment with my nephrologist at 2:15 today. I just got a call from my GP who is assigned a nurse specifically for me to take care of my needs and make sure I’m taking my pills properly. I would’ve never let someone like that in my house until about now. I ain’t right that’s for sure. I’m just now eating breakfast because I just didn’t have enough umph to get out of bed.


Well-known member
Premium user
I have an appointment with my nephrologist at 2:15 today. I just got a call from my GP who is assigned a nurse specifically for me to take care of my needs and make sure I’m taking my pills properly. I would’ve never let someone like that in my house until about now. I ain’t right that’s for sure. I’m just now eating breakfast because I just didn’t have enough umph to get out of bed.
I’m glad to hear someone will be checking on you.


Cabana’s bitch
I took Linda to be my own because she was 11 years younger than me and had a great income. Little did I know that the roles would be reversed and she was the one that needed to care and not me. I guess it’s my turn now to have somebody keep an eye on me. This pond I’ve been wading in his getting a little deep and I don’t know that I want to try to cross it by myself. I want you guys to know that I appreciate your support and friendship.


I took Linda to be my own because she was 11 years younger than me and had a great income. Little did I know that the roles would be reversed and she was the one that needed to care and not me. I guess it’s my turn now to have somebody keep an eye on me. This pond I’ve been wading in his getting a little deep and I don’t know that I want to try to cross it by myself. I want you guys to know that I appreciate your support and friendship.
I am really glad you made this decision even if it was difficult to do.
Do you have someone who can help with the animals?


Well-known member
We humans are some fascinating creatures.
Here, I'm going to comment upon just one facet:
our ability to create machines to work smarter, not harder.

Last Spring a project to separate the sewage lines and
storm drains lines began. This is a huge project and it
began here, in our neighborhood.

We are nearly done... yay!

Today they are on our street laying curbing.
How freaking cool this machine is.
Such precision and accuracy.
No room for operator error as all is computerized.

I watched the process for about 20 minutes this
morning and was just in awe.


Well-known member
Baton therapy
Hickory Shampoo.
Unca Walt's Totally Useless Trivia That Will Forever Stick In Your Brain:

View attachment 18995496

Those four oblong "holes" are Cruiserline Ventiports.

Now you know.
Senior models had 4 and the junior models had 3
So that’s a V8
All that generation of Buicks were V8. Specials (3 ports) had a reg gas 265 rated at about 200 hp. Century, Super, Roadmaster (4 ports) all had a premium gas burning 322 CID rated at 236 hp
Looks like a 57 Buick???.!!!
Sad eye 1954. The 55 was the sharpest of the mid 50s buicks.

Here is a 4-door hardtop like mine only in reversed colors. Mine is white skirt, red body and a cream top tri color.